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QCall Swift 📱

Swift library for video calls using Qüilo S.A servers.

Install QCall IOS

With cocoapods (IOS >= 10) First add vivequilo specs source at top of your podfile

source ''

then in terminal run

pod repo add QCall

Last add the pod the pod to your target application in your podfile

target '#TAGET_HERE' do
  # Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks
  pod 'QCall'

Important! You must set bitcode enabled false in build setting for both pod and target using it.

Example building a room

    lazy var room: Room = {
        return Room.Builder(deploy: "deploy", key: "key", roomId: "1")
            .setRoomDelegate(delegate: self)
            .setMetadata(json: JSON(["name": "TINTIN"]))
            .setPeerId(id: "IOS")

Example handle local stream event

	Class ControllerExample: UIViewController, RoomDelegate {
		lazy var localView: QVideoRenderer = {
        	return QVideoRenderer()
    	// Add the view
		//All of the delegate functions ...
	    func roomEvent(localPeerId: String, onLocalStream localStream: QMediaStream) {    
	        localView.track = localStream.videoTracks[0]

Required permissions

Required permissions in Inf.plist - Privacy - Camera Usage Description - Privacy - Microphone Usage Description

Tip: You should always use room.close() when finishing the call.


Functions 👾

Name Parameters Description
removeCurrentTrack Removes the current track from the Video renderer

Properties 📦

Name Type Description
renderView RTCEAGLVideoView? Raw renderer without wrapper View
track QVideoTrack? Getter of the current video track in the renderer. Setter sets the current track and plays it
mirrored Bool Value if the view is mirrored or not usefull for front view.

Client Class

Properties 📦

Name Type Description
id String String value for the peer id.
metadata JSON Metadata for the Client class.
call MediaConnection? Media connection instance of the caller.
conn DataConnection? Data connection instance of the caller.
stream QMediaStream? Stream of the caller

Room Class

Tip: If you want to reduce the quality go check the QVideoResolutionConstraint. To set it you must use the functions setIdealVideoResolution, setMaxFrameRate... in the builder.

Properties 📦

Name Type Description
delegate RoomDelegate? Room events delegate watches over the events of the room
localClient Client Local client.
id String Room id value.
peerId String Peer id value setted in the builder
metadata JSON Metadata of the caller.
cameraPosistion CameraPosition Camera Position of the call. You can changle it by hand or use the mutating function .toggle() .
isMuted Boolean Value if the muted is muted or not. To mute it you can set value in here.
isHidden Boolean Value if the current video track is hidden or not. To change it you can set value in here.
localStream QMediaStream? Getter of the current media stream.
clients [Clients] Clients in the call array

Functions 👾

Name Parameters Description Returns
setSpeaker enabled: Bool Sets if the speaker mode is enabled or not. Void
toggleCamera Wrapper function that toggles the camera in the call. Void
connect onSuccess: (([Client]) -> Void)?, onError: (() -> Void)? Connects the user to the room. Void
close Closes the room and the connections gracefully. Void
setIsMute isMuted: Bool Sets if the call is muted if you preferer to use the function instead of setter of isMuted. Void
setIsHidden isHidden: Bool Sets if the video of the call is hidden if you preferer to use the function instead of setter of isHidden. Void
startVideoCapture Starts the capture. Void
startVideoCapture renderer: QVideoRenderer Starts the capture and sets the current video track on the renderer. Void

Builder 🛠

Data class to build a Room Class instance.

Constructor 🔨

Name Type Description
roomId String The room id.
deploy String The deploy parameter where to build the room.
key String The api key provided by Qüilo S.A to connect the server.

Functions 👾

Name Parameters Description Returns
setPeerId id: String Sets the peerId to the room. Builder
setRoomDelegate delegate: RoomDelegate? Sets the room Delegate. Builder
setMetadata meta: JSON Sets the metadata to the room. Builder
setVideoResolutionConstraints constraints: QVideoResolutionConstraint Sets the video resolution constraints. Builder
setMaxVideoResolution width: Int, height: Int Sets the max video resolution. Builder
setMinVideoResolution width: Int, height: Int Sets the min video resolution. Builder
setIdealVideoResolution width: Int, height: Int Sets the ideal video resolution. Builder
setMaxFrameRate rate: Int Sets the max frame rate to the room. Builder
setIdealFrameRate rate: Int Sets the ideal frame rate to the room. Builder
setMinFrameRate rate: Int Sets the min frame rate to the room. Builder
setDataDelegate delegate: DataConnectionDelegate? Sets the data channel delegate. Builder
build Returns the Room instance Room

Delegates 🔬


Delegate for room events.

Functions 👾

Name Parameters Description Returns
roomEvent localPeerId : String, onLocalStream localStream: QMediaStream Callback when the local stream is set. Void
roomEvent client : Client, onStreamAdded remoteStream: QMediaStream Callback when a remote stream is added to the room. Void
roomEvent onStreamRemoved remotePeerId : String Callback when a remote stream is removed to the room. Void
roomEvent onClientRemoved remotePeerId: String Callback when a remote client is removed to the room. Void
roomEvent onStreamDenied error: Error Callback when a stream is denied. Void
onConnectionEstablished Callback when the local client connects to the server (Not the call itself necessarily). Void


Delegate for data channel. Functions 👾

Name Parameters Description Returns
onDataConnectionOpen Data channel with a remote peer openned. Void
onDataConnectionClosed Data connection closed. Void
message onMessageFailed error : String Callback when there was an error parsing data. Void
message onDataJson json : JSON Callback when datachannel received a JSON object. Void
message onDataString message : String Callback when string message received on data channel. Void


Demo of Qcall Library for Swift






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