Release Notes: Informer Premium Version 2.5.1
These updates aim to enhance user experience, provide more flexibility in data representation, and address specific functionality improvements based on user feedback.
Calculations and Fixes:
- Resolved calculation error related to decimal points in data input - number
- Implemented a measure limit for AC, PY, PL, FC, Sign, and Others fields
- Added options to control the display of negative values in brackets, with prefix, suffix, or scaling unit outside the brackets
- New option in the display tab to expand to a certain level for improved data exploration
Row Labels:
- Improved Row Labels functionality
- Users can now add one more aggregated template row in addition to existing total/subtotal rows
- Enhanced flexibility and customization for Row Labels
- Improved Aggregation feature for enhanced data summarization
- Additional aggregated template row options for more comprehensive data representation
Column Headers:
- Dynamic Column Headers now adjust based on applied filters or slicer values
- Real-time updates for Column Headers to reflect the current data context
Conditional Formatting:
- Implemented a new set of icons for enhanced Conditional Formatting
- Improved visual cues for better interpretation of formatted data
Header & Footer:
- Added an option in the header to display the current row break dimension name
- Enhanced Header & Footer customization options for more informative reports
Header Charts:
- UI Enhancement in Header - Charts - Customize section
- "Chart Types" text now precedes chart names for improved user experience
Insert Measures/Columns:
- Added Time Intelligence - MTD (Month-to-Date) calculation in Quick Formula
- Improved flexibility in inserting rows with the ability to refer to measures when dimensions are in columns
Insert Rows:
- Introduced a row hierarchy option for all layouts
- Enhanced the ability to refer to measures when dimensions are in columns during row insertion
- Configurable stepped table for always collapsed at a certain level for improved Layout management
- Renamed options under measures for clarity in Layouts
- Added an option to enable the notes column for Measure on Rows
- Implemented filter context for notes, allowing more focused data annotations
Ragged Hierarchy:
- Added support for ragged hierarchy in Measure on Columns for more flexible data representation
Row Gripper:
- Revamped Row Gripper properties for improved usability and customization
- Added Skip Row functionality for better control over subtotal display