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1471 lines (1214 loc) · 51.9 KB

File metadata and controls

1471 lines (1214 loc) · 51.9 KB


What's Changed

Editorconfig with duplicated sections was freezing IDE's #989

CSharpier was unable to parse an .editorconfig file that contained duplicate sections and would crash. This would result in a hung IDE.

insert_final_newline = true

spelling_languages = en-us

Thanks go to @echoix for helping track this down.

A .csharpierrc file anywhere above a file now takes priority over any .editorconfig #987

Given the following setup


Originally with 0.26.0, the /src/ProjectName/.editorconfig file would be used for determining the configuration options for a file within src/ProjectName. This resulted in the existing options within .csharpierrc being ignored.

With 0.26.1, if a .csharpierrc exists anywhere above a given file, it will be used to determine the configuration options.

Thanks go to @parched for reporting the issue.

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

EditorConfig Support

CSharpier will now read configuration options from an .editorconfig. See for more details.

Net8 Support

CSharpier now supports the .net8 sdk. It still supports net6 and net7.

Sorting of using directives #661

CSharpier now sorts using statements. It follows the following rules

global using System.Linq; // sort global first
using System; // sort anything in System
using NonSystem; // sort anything non-system
using static Static; // sort static
using Alias = Z; // sort alias
using SomeAlias = A;
#if DEBUG // finally any usings in #if's
using Z; // contents are not sorted as of now
using A;

Remove line before the content of a bracketless if/else statement #979

// input
if (true)

else if (false)



for (; ; )


while (true)


// 0.26.0
if (true)
else if (false)

for (; ; )

while (true)

Thanks go to @Infinite-3D for reporting

Support C# 12 primary constructors on structs #969

CSharpier now supports primary constructors on structs

public struct NamedItem2(
    string name1,
    string name2
    public string Name1 => name1;
    public string Name2 => name1;

Support C# 12 collection expressions [#964](belav#964

CSharpier now supports collection expressions

int[] a =  [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ];

Span<int> b =  [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'h', 'i' ];

string[] c =

int[][] d =
    [1, 2, 3],
    [4, 5, 6],
    [7, 8, 9]

Thanks go to @meenzen for reporting

MSBuild - when a file fails to compile csharpier interferes with getting you clickable links to the compilation errors. #957

Build errors will now display properly when using CSharpier.MSBuild

Format element access properly in long invocation chains #956

// 0.25.0
var x = someLongNameField.CallMethod____________________________________().AccessArray[

// 0.26.0
var x = someLongNameField

Improvements to visible whitespace in console output. #953

When using cshapier --check whitespace is now only visible in the following situations

When an otherwise empty line contains whitespace

----------------------------- Expected: Around Line 4 -----------------------------
    private string field1;

    private string field2;
----------------------------- Actual: Around Line 4 -----------------------------
    private string field1;
    private string field2;

When a line has extra trailing whitespace

----------------------------- Expected: Around Line 3 -----------------------------
    private string field1;
----------------------------- Actual: Around Line 3 -----------------------------
    private string field1;····

MSBuild is not encoding using UTF8 #947

When CSharpier.MSBuild ran into a failed csharpier check, it was not encoding the std-error output with UTF8. This resulted in messages such as

----------------------------- Expected: Around Line 3 -----------------------------
----------------------------- Actual: Around Line 3 -----------------------------

Thanks go to @Tyrrrz for reporting

Comment inside raw string literal is lost when file is formatted. #937

// input
var rawLiteralWithExpressionThatWeDontFormat = new StringContent(
    // this comment shouldn't go away
          "params": "{{searchFilter switch
    SearchFilter.Video => "EgIQAQ%3D%3D",
    _ => null

// 0.25.0
var rawLiteralWithExpressionThatWeDontFormat = new StringContent(
          "params": "{{searchFilter switch
    SearchFilter.Video => "EgIQAQ%3D%3D",
    _ => null

Thanks go to @Tyrrrz for reporting

Allow line endings to be configurable #935

CSharpier now supports the following options for line endings. The default is auto

  • "auto" - Maintain existing line endings (mixed values within one file are normalised by looking at what's used after the first line)
  • "lf" – Line Feed only (\n), common on Linux and macOS as well as inside git repos
  • "crlf" - Carriage Return + Line Feed characters (\r\n), common on Windows

Thanks go to @phuhl for the feature request

Avoid breaking only around binary expression but not binary expression itself #924

// 0.25.0
if (
    someLongStatement == true || someOtherStatement________________________________ == false

// 0.26.0
if (someLongStatement == true || someOtherStatement________________________________ == false)

Thanks go to @Nixxen for reporting

Nested loops without brackets should not be indented #867

// 0.25.0
foreach (var subsequence in sequence)
    foreach (var item in subsequence)

// 0.26.0
foreach (var subsequence in sequence)
foreach (var item in subsequence)

Thanks go to @Rudomitori for the contribution Full Changelog:


Breaking Changes

Improve if directive formatting #404

The preprocessorSymbolSets configuration option is no longer supported. CSharpier can now parse and format the full range of #if preprocessor statements so it is no longer required.

// 0.24.2 - supported some basic versions of #if
// some code 

// 0.25.0 - supports the full range of #if including nested statements
// would require the use of the preprocessorSymbolSets configuration option previously 
#if (DEBUG && !NET48) || MONO
// some code
#if NET6_0
// some other code

What's Changed

Sort Modifiers #725

CSharpier will now sort modifiers according to the defaults for IDE0036

// input
public override async Task Method1() { } 
async public override Task Method2() { }

// output
public override async Task Method1() { } 
public override async Task Method2() { }

Thanks go to @glmnet for the contribution

Support c# 12 features #883

CSharpier now supports formatting Primary Constructors, Alias any typ, and Default lambda parameters

Support for log levels #875

CSharpier now supports --loglevel with the CLI and CSharpier_LogLevel for MSBuild. This changes the level of logging output. Valid options are:

  • None
  • Error
  • Warning
  • Information (default)
  • Debug

Thanks go to @samtrion for the suggestion

CSharpier removes blank line before unsafe block #917

CSharpier was not honoring lines that appeared before unsafe

// input
var x = 1;

    // should retain empty line

// 0.24.2
var x = 1;
    // should retain empty line

// 0.25.0
var x = 1;

    // should retain empty line

Thanks go to @fgimian for reporting the bug

Adding ability to bypass CSharpier when using CSharpier.MsBuild #914

In some instances it is desirable to completely bypass CSharpier.MsBuild, this can now be done with the CSharpier_Bypass property.

dotnet publish -c release -o /app --no-restore /p:CSharpier_Bypass=true

Thanks go to @OneCyrus for the suggestion

Strong Name Sign Assemblies #911

CSharpier is now strong name signed so that it can be used in packages that are strong name signed.

Thanks go to @TwentyFourMinutes for the suggestions and to @goelhardik for strong name signing Ignore

Don't format files in obj folders #910

CSharpier will no longer format cs files that are in an obj folder.

CSharpier.MsBuild runs once for each framework, can it be more efficient. #900

When CSharpier.MsBuild was in a csproj that had multiple target frameworks, it would run once for each target framework. It will now run just a single time.

CSharpier.MsBuild returns exit code 1 when ManagePackageVersionsCentrally is set to true #898

CSharpier.MsBuild was not running correctly when used in a project that had centrally managed package version.

Thanks go to @adc-cjewett for reporting the bug

Multiline comments always indented with spaces when formatting with tabs #891

With useTabs: true, CSharpier was formatting multiline comments with a space instead of a tab.

// input
public class Foo
	 * comment
	public class Bar { }

// 0.24.1
public class Foo
  * comment
	public class Bar { }

// 0.25.0
public class Foo
	 * comment
	public class Bar { }

Thanks go to @MonstraG for reporting the bug.

File scoped namespaces should be followed by a blank line #861

CSharpier now adds an empty line after file scoped namespaces if there is not already one

// input
namespace Namespace;
using System;

// 0.25.0
namespace Namespace;

using System;

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

csharpier-ignore comments force CRLF line endings #884

In a case where

  • a file on windows (which defaults to CRLF) contained only LF
  • the file contained // csharpier-ignore on a multi-line statement
  • the file was formatted in multiple passes due to preprocessor symbols (such as an #if DEBUG)

CSharpier would end up formatting the file with CRLF on the // csharpier-ignore statement but LF in the rest of the file. The file would then fail the formatting check.

Thanks go to @pingzing for the bug report and detailed reproduction steps.

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

0.24.0 Regression csharpier-ignore causes blank lines between statements to be removed. #879

// input & expected output

// csharpier-ignore
public string Example
       if (_example is not null)
         return _example;

       var number = Random.Shared.Next();

       return _example = number.ToString();

// 0.24.0

// csharpier-ignore
public string Example
       if (_example is not null)
         return _example;
       var number = Random.Shared.Next();
       return _example = number.ToString();

Thanks go to @Pentadome for reporting the regression bug.

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

Formatting named list patterns loses code and causes compilation error #876

// input & expected output
return list switch
    [var elem] => elem * elem,
    [] => 0,
    [..] elems => elems.Sum(e => e + e),

// 0.23.0
return list switch
    [var elem] => elem * elem,
    [] => 0,
    [..] => elems.Sum(e => e + e),

Thanks go to @Dragemil for reporting the bug

CSharpier.MSBuild does not support usernames or project paths with spaces #872

CSharpier.MSBuild would throw an exception when building a project if the username had a space, or if the project path had a space.

Thanks go to @ooo2003003v2 for reporting the bug.

#pragma with long line introduces extra line break #865

// input & expected output
if (
    e is
#pragma warning disable CS0618
#pragma warning restore CS0618
        Message: "______________________________________________________________________________________________________________"
) { }

// 0.23.0
if (
    e is
#pragma warning disable CS0618
#pragma warning restore CS0618

        Message: "______________________________________________________________________________________________________________"
) { }

Thanks go to @Denton-L for reporting the bug

Better support for ignore on method attributes #848

// input
public class AttributesAndMethods
    // csharpier-ignore - only the first attribute
    [Attribute          ]
    [Attribute          ]
    public void MethodThatShouldFormat()     { }

    // csharpier-ignore - only the second attribute
    [Attribute         ]
    public void MethodThatShouldFormat()     { }

    [Attribute  ]
    [Attribute  ]
    // csharpier-ignore - just the method
    public void MethodThatShouldNotFormat(           ) { }

// 0.23.0
public class AttributesAndMethods
    // csharpier-ignore - only the first attribute
    [Attribute          ]
    [Attribute          ]
    public void MethodThatShouldFormat()     { }

    // csharpier-ignore - only the second attribute
    public void MethodThatShouldFormat() { }

    // csharpier-ignore - just the method
    public void MethodThatShouldNotFormat() { }

// 0.24.0
public class AttributesAndMethods
    // csharpier-ignore - only the first attribute
    [Attribute          ]
    public void MethodThatShouldFormat() { }

    // csharpier-ignore - only the second attribute
    public void MethodThatShouldFormat() { }

    // csharpier-ignore - just the method
    public void MethodThatShouldNotFormat() { }

Thanks go to @Billuc for reporting the bug

Ranged ignore applies some formatting when multiple statements are on a line #846

// input & expected output
void MethodName()
    // csharpier-ignore-start
    var packet = new List<byte>();
    packet.Add(0x0f); packet.Add(0x00);
    packet.Add(0x00); packet.Add(0x00);
    // csharpier-ignore-end

// 0.23.0
void MethodName()
    // csharpier-ignore-start
    var packet = new List<byte>();
    // csharpier-ignore-end

Thanks go to @Billuc for reporting the bug

Support scoped variables (better handling of unrecognized syntax nodes) #839

Scoped variables are a language proposal. CSharpier has some support for printing unrecognized syntax nodes but the validation logic didn't account for them and would throw an exception

scoped Span<byte> span;

Thanks go to @Dragemil for reporting the bug

Unrecognized syntax nodes lose comments #869

CSharpier now supports printing commends on unrecognized nodes.

// comment on unrecognized node
scoped Span<byte> span;

Full Changelog:


Breaking Changes

Make compile errors public when using CSharpier.Core #799

Previously CodeFormatter.Format(unformattedCode) and its overloads returned only the formatted code. It now returns a result object.

public class CodeFormatterResult
    public string Code { get; }
    public IEnumerable<Diagnostic> CompilationErrors { get; }

This is a breaking change. There were also a number of types that should not have been public that were made internal.

Thanks go to @verdverm for the suggestion

What's Changed

Allow comment-description suffix on csharpier-ignore comments #835

It is now possible to include a suffix on csharpier-ignore comments. The description must be seperated from the comment by at least one - character.

// csharpier-ignore - class copied as-is from another project
public class Unformatted     { 
        private string     unformatted;

// csharpier-ignore-start -- class copied as-is from another project
public class Unformatted1     { }
public class Unformatted2     { }
// csharpier-ignore-end

Thanks go to @strepto for the suggestion

Fix formatting for open generics #832

// 0.22.1
>).MakeGenericType(typeof(string), typeof(int));

// 0.23.0

Thanks go to @jonstodle for reporting the issue

#region should be indented based on context #812

Previously the preceding whitespace was left as is on #region and #endregion which resulted undesired formatting.

// 0.22.1
public class ClassName
            #region Ugly methods
    public int LongUglyMethod()
        return 42;

// 0.23.0
public class ClassName
    #region Ugly methods
    public int LongUglyMethod()
        return 42;

Thanks go to @jods4 for reporting the issue

Return statement followed by linq query syntax not indenting correctly #811

// 0.22.1
return from i in Enumerable.Range(0, 10)
let i2 = i * i
where i2 < 100
select new { Square = i2, Root = i };

// 0.23.0
return from i in Enumerable.Range(0, 10)
    let i2 = i * i
    where i2 < 100
    select new { Square = i2, Root = i };

Thanks go to @jods4 for reporting the issue

Array and dictionary initializers should break in some cases to improve readability #809

// 0.22.1
var dictionaryInitializer = new Dictionary<int, string> { { 1, "" }, { 2, "a" }, { 3, "b" } };
int[,,] cube = { { { 111, 112 }, { 121, 122 } }, { { 211, 212 }, { 221, 222 } } };
int[][] jagged = { { 111 }, { 121, 122 } };

// 0.23.0
var dictionaryInitializer = new Dictionary<int, string>
    { 1, "" },
    { 2, "a" },
    { 3, "b" }
int[,,] cube =
        { 111, 112 },
        { 121, 122 }
        { 211, 212 },
        { 221, 222 }
int[][] jagged =
    { 111 },
    { 121, 122 }

List initializer inside object initializer breaks poorly #802

// 0.22.1
var someObject = new SomeObject { SomeArray = new SomeOtherObject[]
        new SomeOtherObject { SomeProperty = 1 },
        new SomeOtherObject()
    }.CallMethod().CallMethod() };

// 0.23.0
var someObject = new SomeObject
    SomeArray = new SomeOtherObject[]
        new SomeOtherObject { SomeProperty = 1 },
        new SomeOtherObject()

Thanks go to @shocklateboy92 for reporting the issue

Allow passing --config-path to cli #777

It is now possible to pass --config-path to the cli for cases where it is not in the root or you want to bypass the auto location and speed up formatting requests.

dotnet csharpier . --config-path "./config/.csharpierrc"

Thanks go to @bdovaz for the suggestion

Allow blank lines in query syntax #754

It is now possible to add blank lines in query syntax expressions which can aid in readability

var result = await (
    from post in dbContext.Posts
    join blog in dbContext.Blogs on post.BlogId equals blog.Id
    let count = dbContext.Posts.Count(p => p.Name == post.Name)
    where post.Id == 1
    select new 
         Post = post,
         Blog = blog,
         SamePostNameCount = count

Thanks go to @TwentyFourMinutes for the suggestion

#if causes line after it to break when it contains an if #666

// 0.22.1
class ClassName
    public void MethodName()
        if (true)

// 0.23.0
class ClassName
    public void MethodName()
        if (true)

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

Fix for CSharpier.MsBuild so it selects a compatible framework if the project does not target net6 or net7 #797

This fix auto selects net7.0 for projects that do not target net6.0 or net7.0. This means the CSharpier_FrameworkVersion property is only required if a project is targeting < net6.0 and net7.0 is not installed.

Thanks go to @samtrion for submitting the fix.


Breaking Changes

Support only UTF8 and UTF8-BOM files #787

Previously UTF.Unknown was used to try to determine file encodings. This was problematic because if a file was too small it would not properly detect the encoding.

public enum MeetingLocation

This file saved as UTF8 would be detected as SBCSCodePageEncoding and result in CSharpier trying to parse the following file

public enum MeetingLocation

CSharpier now only supports UTF8 & UTF8-BOM files. This is consistent with the IDE plugins, which stream files to CSharpier as UTF8.

Thanks go to @Meligy for reporting the problem.

CSharpier.MSBuild support for .NET 7 #773

CSharpier.MSBuild now multi-targets net6.0 and net7.0. As a side effect of multi-targeting, the CSharpier_FrameworkVersion property is now required for projects that do not target net6.0 or net7.0. See

Thanks go to @OneCyrus for reporting it

What's Changed

Fix for CSharpier.MsBuild "Specified condition "$(CSharpier_Check)" evaluates to "" instead of a boolean" #788

When projects referencing CSharpier.MsBuild were reloaded, they would get the error "Specified condition "$(CSharpier_Check)" evaluates to "" instead of a boolean" and fail to load.

Thanks go to @samtrion for submitting the fix.

List Pattern support for subpattern within a slice #779

CSharpier did not have proper support for the new c# 11 slice pattern. When a slice contained a pattern, that pattern would be lost.

// input
var someValue = someString is [var firstCharacter, .. var rest];

// 0.21.0
var someValue = someString is [var firstCharacter, ..];

// 0.22.0
var someValue = someString is [var firstCharacter, .. var rest];

Thanks go to @domn1995 for reporting it

Fix for comments within expressions in interpolated strings #774

When an interpolated string contained a comment within an expression, CSharpier was inserting a line break that resulted in invalid code.

// input
var trailingComment = $"{someValue /* Comment shouldn't cause new line */}";

// 0.21.0
var trailingComment = $"{someValue /* Comment shouldn't cause new line */

// 0.22.0
var trailingComment = $"{someValue /* Comment shouldn't cause new line */}";

Thanks go to @IT-CASADO for reporting it

Always put generic type constraints onto a new line #527

// 0.21.0
public class SimpleGeneric<T> where T : new() { }

// 0.22.0 
public class SimpleGeneric<T>
    where T : new() { }

Always put constructor initializers on their own line #526

// 0.21.0
public Initializers() : this(true) { }

public Initializers(string value) : base(value) { }

// 0.22.0
public Initializers()
    : this(true) { }

public Initializers(string value)
    : base(value) { }

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

Support file scoped types #748

CSharpier now supports a file scoped type

file class FileScopedClass
    // implementation

Csharpier removes empty lines in ignored blocks of code #742

In some instances csharpier was removing empty lines in csharpier-ignore blocks of code

// input
public class KeepLines1
    // csharpier-ignore-start
    private string    first;

    private string    second;
    // csharpier-ignore-end

// 0.20.0
public class KeepLines1
    // csharpier-ignore-start
    private string    first;private string    second;
    // csharpier-ignore-end

Thanks go to @MonstraG for reporting it

Await + LINQ query syntax indents incorrectly #740

// 0.20.0
var result = await from thing in Things
from otherThing in OtherThings
from finalThing in SomethingAsync(thing, otherThing)
select finalThing;

// 0.21.0
var result = await
    from thing in Things
    from otherThing in OtherThings
    from finalThing in SomethingAsync(thing, otherThing)
    select finalThing;

Thanks go to @domn1995 for reporting it.

Break anonymous object creation when there are more than two properties #753

Object initializers break when they have more than two properties. For example

var x = new Thing
    Post = post,
    Blog = blog,
    SamePostNameCount = count

Anonymous object initializers were not included in this logic prior to 0.21.0

// 0.20.0
var result =
    from post in Posts
    select new { Post = post, Blog = blog, SamePostNameCount = count };

// 0.21.0
var result =
    from post in Posts
    select new
        Post = post,
        Blog = blog,
        SamePostNameCount = count

Thanks go to @TwentyFourMinutes for reporting it.

Support net7 #756

The CSharpier dotnet tool now works with net6 or net7.

Fix for ignoring subfolders in node_modules #762

CSharpier was not properly ignoring .cs files when they were in a subfolder of node_modules

Thanks go to @snebjorn for reporting the bug.

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

Improve Tuple formatting #735

Tuples would break poorly in some cases

// 0.19.2

public async Task<(ILookup<string, int> someLookup, ILookup<int, string> reverseLookup, ILookup<
    > thirdLookup)> CreateLookups()
    return (null, null);

public void TuplesAsInput(
    (int myInt, string myString, ClassName myClassNameInstance, Dictionary<
    > wordList) inputArgs
    // do something

// 0.20.0
public async Task<(
    ILookup<string, int> someLookup,
    ILookup<int, string> reverseLookup,
    ILookup<string, ClassName> thirdLookup
)> CreateLookups()
  return (null, null);

public void TuplesAsInput(
        int myInt,
        string myString,
        ClassName myClassNameInstance,
        Dictionary<int, string> wordList
    ) inputArgs
   // do something

Thanks go to @BenjaBobs for reporting the bug.

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

.NET Tool Crashes When Run Concurrently #728

Fixed another edge case with running csharpier concurrently.

Thanks go to @Kurt-von-Laven for reporting the bug.

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

CSharpier crashes when run multiple times simultaneously #728

The new caching for CSharpier didn't properly handle multiple CSharpier processes formatting at the same time. This is most common when using CSharpier.MsBuild in a solution with multiple projects.

Thanks go to @pingzing for reporting the bug.

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

Adding a cache to speed up formatting. #692

CSharpier now caches information about files that it has formatted to speed up subsequent runs.
By default the following are used as cache keys and a file is only formatted if one of them has changed.

  • CSharpier Version
  • CSharpier Options
  • Content of the file

The cache is stored at [LocalApplicationData]/CSharpier/.formattingCache.

Ignore node_modules #699

CSharpier now ignores any files within a node_modules folder.

Thanks go to @RichiCoder1 for the suggestion and @SubjectAlpha for the implementation.

Extra space before curly brace in array initializer #693

// 0.18.0
public class ClassName
    public int[] SomeArray { get; set; } =  { 1, 2, 3 };
// 0.19.0
public class MyClass
    public int[] SomeArray { get; set; } = { 1, 2, 3 };

Thanks go to @TiraelSedai for reporting the bug.

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

Initial C# 11 support #686

CSharpier can format the following c# 11 features

  • Raw string literals
  • Generic attributes
  • Static abstract members in interfaces
  • Newlines in string interpolation expressions CSharpier will leave existing new lines within expressions and not add new ones
  • List Patterns
  • UTF8 string literals
  • Unsigned right shift operator
  • Checked operator
  • Generic math

use relative file path in CommandLineFormatter #680

CSharpier now outputs relative or absolute file paths so that they are clickable in terminals.

dotnet csharpier .

# csharpier 0.17.0
Error Invalid.cs - Failed to compile so was not formatted.

# csharpier 0.18.0
Error ./Invalid.cs - Failed to compile so was not formatted.

dotnet csharpier c:/src

# csharpier 0.17.0
Error Invalid.cs - Failed to compile so was not formatted.

# csharpier 0.18.0
Error c:/src/Invalid.cs - Failed to compile so was not formatted.

Thanks go to @dlech

Invalid code for comments inside expressions in verbatim interpolated strings #679

// input
var someValue =
        // comment
// 0.17.0
var someValue =
        // comment "hi"}
// 0.18.0
var someValue =
        // comment

Thanks go to @ivan-razorenov

CSharpier ranged ignore #678

CSharpier now has the ability to ignore a range of statements or members. See Ignore for more details

// csharpier-ignore-start
var unformatted =        true;
var unformatted =        true;
// csharpier-ignore-end

Thanks go to @pingzing

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

  • MSBuild Task target too late? Breakpoints are not hit #674
  • Excessive indent level with lambda as the only method call argument #669
  • Empty (or malformed) .csproj file will cause csharpier to fail. #665
  • #endif retains extra blank lines #660
  • Option for indentation #645
  • Small bug with formatting LINQ queries with multiple orderby fields #643
  • Consistently Indent By 4 Spaces #617
  • Conditional access edge cases #603
  • Improve formatting for casting #407

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

  • fix: ignore file detection when directory contains period #634
  • Format switch statement consistently with other code. #624
  • CodeFormatter should accept SyntaxTree #621
  • Add support for netstandard 2.0 to CSharpier.Core #619
  • Indent c style multiline comments correctly when they switch indentation. #606
  • Member access should break #600
  • SuppressNullableWarningExpression ( !. ) does not break consistenly #596
  • Turn into a proper website. #505

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

  • Set CSharpier.MsBuild as DevelopmentDependency. #607

Full Changelog:


Breaking Changes

  • CSharpier.MsBuild now requires .NET6 #565

What's Changed

  • .csharpierignore causes csharpier to be significantly slower #594
  • Support for // csharpier-ignore #581
  • Multiline comments are not properly indented. #580
  • Generics + ObjectCreationExpression should break consistently #578
  • Extra blank lines should be removed at the end of a method #575
  • Null conditional operator does not break consistently #561
  • Enum members should follow the rules for new lines #553

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

  • File with no preprocessor symbols formats twice. #555
  • A namespace with assembly attribute and using causes two newlines #551
  • Wrapping arithmetic expressions not stacked/chopped down #547
  • Use UTF8 for piping in/out to CLI to support unicode characters #545

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

  • Incorrect indentation in Method chain inside Initializer #529
  • Allow empty lines before comments in enums #524
  • For with empty statement should have space. #523
  • Empty lines are not respected with break and continue #520
  • Extra Whitespace in empty anonymous initializer #519
  • Class that ends with comment does not retain extra line before comment #513
  • Join Clause with Type losing Type #508
  • Give cli bad path, you get an exception #506
  • Double blank lines appearing in top level statements #501
  • VisualStudio Extension #499
  • Rider Plugin #498
  • CSharpier.MSBuild may have mismatched version with CLI #490
  • Break object initializers if there are 3 or more properties #446
  • Force lines before and after some members. #285
  • Formatting may conflict with StyleCopAnalayzers #13

Full Changelog:


Breaking Changes

  • If a file that fails to compile is piped to csharpier, csharpier now writes an error message on std error and return a 1 exit code.

What's Changed

  • Nested Initializers should break #487
  • Adding --pipe-multiple-files and other changes to support vscode extension #283

Full Changelog:

0.11.2 (CSharpier.MSBuild only)

What's Changed

  • CSharpier.MSBuild 0.11.1 is not published correctly #481


What's Changed

  • base should merge in an invocation chain #473
  • File with multiple newlines at the end keeps them #464
  • Extra space in generic with omitted types #463
  • Object creation still uses SpaceBrace #462
  • Empty Initializer gets double whitespace #461
  • Support C# 10 and .Net 6 #448
  • Always break nested Conditionals #434

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

  • try-finally without catch clause is formatted strangely. #454
  • Nested FixedStatements should break #438
  • Disabled text validation fails with trailing whitespace #428
  • Vertically Align Curly Braces #423
  • Crash On Empty Config File #421
  • Conditional in Arguments should indent. #419
  • Chained assignments formatting can be improved #417
  • Improve ConditionalExpression in ReturnStatement formatting #416
  • Pattern Matching edge cases #413
  • Implement proper logging. #406
  • (finally) Improve formatting of InvocationExpressions #7

Full Changelog:


Breaking Changes

  • Require the directoryOrFile argument when not piping into to stdin #381

What's Changed

  • SwitchExpression + Pattern edge cause causes extra line and poor formatting #408
  • NewLines not retained before lock statement #401
  • Better error handling when given a csproj or sln file #398
  • CSharpierignore not taken into account when supplying . as the directory #392
  • SwitchStatement with When breaks even with body of switch #387
  • Respect new lines between case statements #383
  • Line breaks in "when" clause in SwitchExpression #382
  • Block loses extra lines #378
  • RecordDeclaration should format consistently with ConstructorDeclaration #371
  • Conditional breaking without indentation #345
  • Improve formatting of pattern matching (IsPatternExpression, BinaryPattern, etc) #154
  • Code in IfDirective can't currently be formatted #15

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

  • Remove all configuration options except for print width. #358
  • Array Rank not breaking #353
  • SwitchStatement should SpaceBrace #352
  • ObjectInitializer keeping brace on same line #336
  • ObjectInitializer in CollectionInitializer breaking #335
  • Better format do-while #317
  • Blocks inside of other blocks are getting an extra new line. #316
  • Implicit Object Creation breaking #302
  • ForEachVariableStatement not breaking/indenting consistently with regular ForEachStatement #300
  • MethodDeclaration with Constraints not breaking before brace #299
  • Constructor with Base edge cases #298
  • Nested Generics in Variable Declaration #295
  • #pragma or trailing comment causes breaking in Object Initializer #252
  • Verbatim string with mismatched line endings triggers "failed syntax tree validation" #244
  • SwitchExpression formatting. #237
  • Empty Method should keep braces on same line #133
  • Improving formatting for edge cases of ForStatement #112
  • ConditionalExpression indentation #83
  • BinaryExpression Grouping #37

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

  • New overload for Doc.GroupWithId() #334
  • Improve formatting by grouping parenthesized expressions and indenting them if they break. #328
  • Improve formatting of IsPattern in IfStatement #327
  • Improve formatting of the condition in a do-while #326
  • Always break statements without braces. #303
  • Empty Line being added with Array Type #301
  • Implicit Array Initializer does not format braces consistently with other statements. #297
  • Format checked like a invocation expression with an argument list #270
  • Attribute should newline before close paren #257
  • Tuple with VariableDeclaration #251
  • Record - does not format consistently with a class. #233
  • CSharpier.Playground should only publish with new released version #224
  • Attributes on parameters #204
  • Improve Lambda Formatting - indent expression body and break in a way to minimize new lines. #176
  • Format ObjectCreationExpression with Initializer consistently #113
  • Improve formatting of long Catch Clauses #86

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

  • Add options to write the formatted file to stdout and accept a file from stdin #282
  • Implement ConditionalGroup doc type #278
  • Optimize some hot paths to speed up formatting. #277
  • Implement Align Doc Type #276
  • Improve formatting of ClassDeclaration with BaseList + Constraints #275
  • Switch tests to width 100 so they line up with default option #256
  • Improving formatting of generics + variable declarations. #240
  • Improve Forrmatting of Field with lambda and generics #236
  • Improve Formatting of object initialiser syntax #234
  • Improve formatting of generic methods and constructors #94
  • Improve formatting of field with generics #47

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

  • CSharpier.MSBuild does not work with dotnet watch run #228
  • Leading comments interfering with breaking InitializerExpression #217
  • #endregion is getting indented more on each format #216
  • Some files getting extra new lines on each format #215
  • File that fails check should give some indication of the formatting that was missing. #182
  • Missing nodes in SyntaxNodeComparer need better reporting. #160

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

  • Interpolated verbatim string is not handling line endings #221
  • CLI Support for multiple targets #220
  • Add support for nuget package that inject msbuild step to run csharpier #218
  • Loops without braces #202

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

  • RecordDeclaration with Generics produces invalid code #201
  • Formatting of auto implemented properties with access modifiers #188
  • Verbatim string literals take into account EndOfLine configuration #183
  • CSharpierIgnore & CSharpierRC from parent directories should be respected. #181
  • Break apart readme #172
  • PatternMatching includes extra spaces #167
  • Re-add async file reads #127
  • Dictionary Initializer inserts extra new line #103

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

  • Support "auto" for endOfLine #147
  • Long Parameter Attribute should break after ending brace #174
  • Attribute on parameter should have space #104

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

  • Add support for .csharpierignore #159
  • Break before BinaryOperator #152
  • LeadingComments affect breaking #149
  • Ignore generated files by default #140
  • Return with BinaryExpression #137
  • IsPattern breaking inside of IfStatement #130
  • SpaceBrace causing breaking when it shouldn't #100
  • Implement Formatting Options with Configuration File #10

Full Changelog: