Android application built to consume spree commerce api, is a front-end product store consumer centric application that facilitates listing of banners, products, cart, review/rating, social signup, user profile.
It uses a customized version of spree, available here.
For demo configure the following backend api url, deployed at heroku
- minSdkVersion 17 (Android 4.2)
- targetSdkVersion 23 (Android 6.0)
Make changes to the following files:
- set up base api url
- external links for Contact us, FAQs etc.
- Stripe app key
- Country id - hardcoded for US (change it as per requirement)
- For social signup / signin : add FB APP ID (create your app on
See Vaibhav Khanna
- Search
- Wishlist
- Notifications
- Products sorting
- Product Share