- ab70152: Fix a bug in "allow shorthand" option (#87)
- 08c5fc6: Bump ava to v4.0.1
- 4eebc6c: Fix comment error when nested
- e28d1cf: Format html using only the plugin itself
- 4a7d602: Bump ava
- d07451c: Bump @astrojs/parser from 0.20.2 to 0.20.3
- 2c164f7: Format spread operator
- f7cf7c1: Format markdown component content
- a7ca7bc: Format nested style tag content
- 2995e7c: Add Astro option: 'allow shorthand'
- 7ec632f: Typescript refactor
- 85f7f93: Add support for prettier options
- 8820423: Fix test macro 'PrettierMarkdown'
- a30ddcd: Bump @astrojs/parser from 0.15.0 to 0.20.2
- 695fc07: Add formatting for components
- 1bf9f7c: Support arbitrary attributes in style tags
- 395b3bd: Add basic support for indented sass
- 672afef: Add new line at the end of the file
- 20a298e: Add support for .sass formatting
- 915a6e2: Add support for prettier-ignore comments
- 87c3564: Bump mixme from 0.5.1 to 0.5.4 (#12)
- 87c3564: Bump @changesets/cli from 2.16.0 to 2.17.0 (#15)
- 87c3564: Bump eslint-plugin-ava from 12.0.0 to 13.0.0 (#13)
- 87c3564: Preserve tag case (#19)
- 80df170: Upgrade prettier to ^2.4.1
- Updated dependencies [47ac2cc]
- @astrojs/[email protected]
- ff7ec2f: Add @types/prettier for type support
- Updated dependencies [ab2972b]
- @astrojs/[email protected]
- Updated dependencies [9cdada0]
- Updated dependencies [b3886c2]