diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d581d4958..00d9bd0f9 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ Video.js Compatibility: 7.x, 8.x
       - [enableLowInitialPlaylist](#enablelowinitialplaylist)
       - [limitRenditionByPlayerDimensions](#limitrenditionbyplayerdimensions)
       - [useDevicePixelRatio](#usedevicepixelratio)
+      - [customPixelRatio](#custompixelratio)
       - [allowSeeksWithinUnsafeLiveWindow](#allowseekswithinunsafelivewindow)
       - [customTagParsers](#customtagparsers)
       - [customTagMappers](#customtagmappers)
@@ -404,6 +405,18 @@ This setting is `true` by default.
 If true, this will take the device pixel ratio into account when doing rendition switching. This means that if you have a player with the width of `540px` in a high density display with a device pixel ratio of 2, a rendition of `1080p` will be allowed.
 This setting is `false` by default.
+##### customPixelRatio
+* Type: `number`
+* can be used as an initialization option.
+If set, this will take the initial player dimensions and multiply it by a custom ratio when the player automatically selects renditions. This means that if you have a player where the dimension is `540p`, with a custom pixel ratio of `2`, a rendition of `1080p` or a lower rendition closest to this value  will be chosen. Additionally, if you have a player where the dimension is `540p`, with a custom pixel ratio of `0.5`, a rendition of `270p` or a lower rendition closest to this value will be  chosen. When the custom pixel ratio is 0, the lowest available rendition will be selected.
+It is worth noting that if the player dimension multiplied by the custom pixel ratio is greater than any available rendition resolution, a rendition will be selected based on bandwidth, and the player dimension will be disregarded.
+`limitRenditionByPlayerDimensions` must be `true` in order for this feature to be enabled. This is the default value.
+If `useDevicePixelRatio` is set to `true`, the custom pixel ratio will be prioritized and overwrite any previous pixel ratio.
 ##### allowSeeksWithinUnsafeLiveWindow
 * Type: `boolean`
 * can be used as a source option
diff --git a/src/playlist-selectors.js b/src/playlist-selectors.js
index 70dafd773..2d7431e2b 100644
--- a/src/playlist-selectors.js
+++ b/src/playlist-selectors.js
@@ -364,7 +364,11 @@ export const TEST_ONLY_SIMPLE_SELECTOR = (newSimpleSelector) => {
  * bandwidth variance
 export const lastBandwidthSelector = function() {
-  const pixelRatio = this.useDevicePixelRatio ? window.devicePixelRatio || 1 : 1;
+  let pixelRatio = this.useDevicePixelRatio ? window.devicePixelRatio || 1 : 1;
+  if (!isNaN(this.customPixelRatio)) {
+    pixelRatio = this.customPixelRatio;
+  }
   return simpleSelector(
@@ -399,7 +403,11 @@ export const movingAverageBandwidthSelector = function(decay) {
   return function() {
-    const pixelRatio = this.useDevicePixelRatio ? window.devicePixelRatio || 1 : 1;
+    let pixelRatio = this.useDevicePixelRatio ? window.devicePixelRatio || 1 : 1;
+    if (!isNaN(this.customPixelRatio)) {
+      pixelRatio = this.customPixelRatio;
+    }
     if (average < 0) {
       average = this.systemBandwidth;
diff --git a/src/videojs-http-streaming.js b/src/videojs-http-streaming.js
index e79579a5f..df14c4ea2 100644
--- a/src/videojs-http-streaming.js
+++ b/src/videojs-http-streaming.js
@@ -738,6 +738,7 @@ class VhsHandler extends Component {
+      'customPixelRatio',
@@ -761,6 +762,13 @@ class VhsHandler extends Component {
     this.limitRenditionByPlayerDimensions = this.options_.limitRenditionByPlayerDimensions;
     this.useDevicePixelRatio = this.options_.useDevicePixelRatio;
+    const customPixelRatio = this.options_.customPixelRatio;
+    // Ensure the custom pixel ratio is a number greater than or equal to 0
+    if (typeof customPixelRatio === 'number' && customPixelRatio >= 0) {
+      this.customPixelRatio = customPixelRatio;
+    }
   // alias for public method to set options
   setOptions(options = {}) {
diff --git a/test/configuration.test.js b/test/configuration.test.js
index 28d16da4a..07ae9d1a2 100644
--- a/test/configuration.test.js
+++ b/test/configuration.test.js
@@ -31,7 +31,14 @@ const options = [{
   default: false,
   test: true,
   alt: false
-}, {
+  name: 'customPixelRatio',
+  default: undefined,
+  test: 1,
+  alt: 0.5
   name: 'bandwidth',
   default: 4194304,
   test: 5,
diff --git a/test/playlist-selectors.test.js b/test/playlist-selectors.test.js
index f755c5625..e1018feb9 100644
--- a/test/playlist-selectors.test.js
+++ b/test/playlist-selectors.test.js
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
 import { module, test } from 'qunit';
 import document from 'global/document';
+import window from 'global/window';
 import {
-  lowestBitrateCompatibleVariantSelector
+  lowestBitrateCompatibleVariantSelector,
+  lastBandwidthSelector
 } from '../src/playlist-selectors';
 import Config from '../src/config';
@@ -325,5 +327,116 @@ test('simpleSelector leastPixelDiffSelector selects least pixel diff resolution.
   assert.equal(pixelDiff, main.playlists[5], '1280w x 720h pixel diff higher bandwidth');
   assert.equal(nonPixelDiff, main.playlists[5], '1280w x 720h resolution plus higher bandwidth');
+test('lastBandwidthSelector uses customPixelRatio to pick rendition', function(assert) {
+  let playlist;
+  const bandwidth = 20;
+  const oldGetComputedStyle = window.getComputedStyle;
+  // Mock a 540p player.
+  window.getComputedStyle = function() {
+    return {
+      width: 960,
+      height: 540
+    };
+  };
+  // Ensure system bandwith is greater than the rendition bandwidths.
+  this.vhs.systemBandwidth = bandwidth + 10;
+  // This is true by default.
+  this.vhs.limitRenditionByPlayerDimensions = true;
+  this.vhs.playlists.main.playlists = [
+    { attributes: { BANDWIDTH: bandwidth, RESOLUTION: { width: 480, height: 270 } } },
+    { attributes: { BANDWIDTH: bandwidth, RESOLUTION: { width: 960, height: 540 } } },
+    { attributes: { BANDWIDTH: bandwidth, RESOLUTION: { width: 1440, height: 810 } } },
+    { attributes: { BANDWIDTH: bandwidth, RESOLUTION: { width: 1920, height: 1080 } } }
+  ];
+  // Picks the lowest possible rendition
+  this.vhs.customPixelRatio = 0;
+  playlist = lastBandwidthSelector.call(this.vhs);
+  assert.equal(playlist.attributes.RESOLUTION.height, 270, 'selected the lowest rendition');
+  this.vhs.customPixelRatio = 0.5;
+  playlist = lastBandwidthSelector.call(this.vhs);
+  assert.equal(playlist.attributes.RESOLUTION.height, 270, 'selected the rendition with 270p');
+  this.vhs.customPixelRatio = 1;
+  playlist = lastBandwidthSelector.call(this.vhs);
+  assert.equal(playlist.attributes.RESOLUTION.height, 540, 'selected the rendition with 540p');
+  this.vhs.customPixelRatio = 1.5;
+  playlist = lastBandwidthSelector.call(this.vhs);
+  assert.equal(playlist.attributes.RESOLUTION.height, 810, 'selected the rendition with 810p');
+  this.vhs.customPixelRatio = 2;
+  playlist = lastBandwidthSelector.call(this.vhs);
+  assert.equal(playlist.attributes.RESOLUTION.height, 1080, 'selected the rendition with 1080p');
+  // Since the customPixelRatio sets the player dimension higher than any available rendition,
+  // This value is entirely based on bandwidth.
+  this.vhs.customPixelRatio = 4;
+  playlist = lastBandwidthSelector.call(this.vhs);
+  assert.equal(playlist.attributes.RESOLUTION.height, 270, 'selected the rendition based on bandwidth');
+  window.getComputedStyle = oldGetComputedStyle;
+test('movingAverageBandwidthSelector uses customPixelRatio to pick rendition', function(assert) {
+  let playlist;
+  const bandwidth = 20;
+  const selectionFunction = movingAverageBandwidthSelector(1);
+  const oldGetComputedStyle = window.getComputedStyle;
+  // Mock a 540p player.
+  window.getComputedStyle = function() {
+    return {
+      width: 960,
+      height: 540
+    };
+  };
+  // Ensure system bandwith is greater than the rendition bandwidths.
+  this.vhs.systemBandwidth = bandwidth + 10;
+  // This is true by default.
+  this.vhs.limitRenditionByPlayerDimensions = true;
+  this.vhs.playlists.main.playlists = [
+    { attributes: { BANDWIDTH: bandwidth, RESOLUTION: { width: 480, height: 270 } } },
+    { attributes: { BANDWIDTH: bandwidth, RESOLUTION: { width: 960, height: 540 } } },
+    { attributes: { BANDWIDTH: bandwidth, RESOLUTION: { width: 1440, height: 810 } } },
+    { attributes: { BANDWIDTH: bandwidth, RESOLUTION: { width: 1920, height: 1080 } } }
+  ];
+  // Picks the lowest possible rendition
+  this.vhs.customPixelRatio = 0;
+  playlist = selectionFunction.call(this.vhs);
+  assert.equal(playlist.attributes.RESOLUTION.height, 270, 'selected the lowest rendition');
+  this.vhs.customPixelRatio = 0.5;
+  playlist = selectionFunction.call(this.vhs);
+  assert.equal(playlist.attributes.RESOLUTION.height, 270, 'selected the rendition with 270p');
+  this.vhs.customPixelRatio = 1;
+  playlist = selectionFunction.call(this.vhs);
+  assert.equal(playlist.attributes.RESOLUTION.height, 540, 'selected the rendition with 540p');
+  this.vhs.customPixelRatio = 1.5;
+  playlist = selectionFunction.call(this.vhs);
+  assert.equal(playlist.attributes.RESOLUTION.height, 810, 'selected the rendition with 810p');
+  this.vhs.customPixelRatio = 2;
+  playlist = selectionFunction.call(this.vhs);
+  assert.equal(playlist.attributes.RESOLUTION.height, 1080, 'selected the rendition with 1080p');
+  // Since the customPixelRatio sets the player dimension higher than any available rendition,
+  // This value is entirely based on bandwidth.
+  this.vhs.customPixelRatio = 4;
+  playlist = selectionFunction.call(this.vhs);
+  assert.equal(playlist.attributes.RESOLUTION.height, 270, 'selected the rendition based on bandwidth');
+  window.getComputedStyle = oldGetComputedStyle;