PowerShell client library for Dnsimple API. See also this blogpost: Manage your DNS records with PowerShell
Install-Module dnsimplePS -Scope CurrentUser
Once you have retrieved an access token for your account via the web portal (navigate to the current account page, select "Access Tokens" on the left menu), you can store it securely under the current Windows account.
Write-AccessToken -AccessToken <token> -Account <account number>
If you have stored the access token (see above), load it into a variable for use with the API like so:
$account = Read-AccessTooken -Account <account number>
Corresponds to this in the API.
$account | Get-ZoneRecord -Zone <zone> -RecordType URL
Get-ZoneRecord -Zone <zone> -RecordType URL -Account 99999 -AccessToken ae123...
$account | Get-ZoneRecord -Zone <zone> -Name foo # returns record named 'foo'
Get-ZoneRecord -Zone <zone> -Name foo -Account 99999 -AccessToken ae123...
$account | Get-ZoneRecord -Zone <zone> -NameLike f # returns records which name starts with 'f'
Get-ZoneRecord -Zone <zone> -NameLike f -Account 99999 -AccessToken ae123...
$account | Get-ZoneRecord -Zone <zone> -Id 11627426
Get-ZoneRecord -Zone <zone> -Id 11627426 -Account 99999 -AccessToken ae123...
Corresponds to this in the API.
$account | Add-ZoneRecord -Zone <zone> -RecordType A -Name foo -Content # points foo.<zone> to
Add-ZoneRecord -Zone <zone> -RecordType A -Name foo -Content -Account 99999 -AccessToken ae123...
Corresponds to this in the API.
$account | Remove-ZoneRecord -Zone <zone> -Id 11730242
Remove-ZoneRecord -Zone <zone> -Id 11730242 -Account 99999 -AccessToken ae123...
Questions? Create an issue.