Lego game ( LEGO® Metadata for Reproducibility game pack - Enlighten Publications)
Escape room activity: Open Science Escape Room
Paper: Parallel sequencing lives, or what makes large sequencing projects successful - PubMed
Ghent DMP examples: Preparing a Data Management Plan (DMP) — Ghent University > writing a DMP > Example DMPs
Leuven information on ELN: Keeping track of data - Research Data Management
ELIXIR Sweden "RDM intro"" training material Introduction to Data Management Practices: NBIS commons
ELIXIR Portugal "Ready 4 Biodata Management" [GitHub - BioData-PT/Ready4BioDataManagement]
Monopoly game: FAIRopoly – FAIRification Guidance for ERN Patient Registries – EJP RD – European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases
Using Online shopping to explain Metadata & Documentation : https://hackmd.io/@yJGE1U4oSSW5RiEYLczPzQ/SJjrv9_di/edit**
Re-using data activity: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pC-_Ea0qAfdnf2zcEb4a1jHSyUhoA7opDurNfnfzVTs/edit#gid=0