* patched float assertion
* modify @length directive to support arbitrary path
* patched time validation with custom time format
* patched field level time layout
* Updated keysValue for selector returing a map
* Updated multi line JSON handling
* Added limit to available keys
* Patched @numericPrecisionPoint@ with zero value
* Added empty value provider: <ds:empty>
- Patch assertPath directive
- Remove cast error login, in case of error original value is used
- Added @length@ directive
- Patched map level directives
- Added assertPath directive
- Update assertSlice logic to account for key/value pairs as map validation
- Added keyCaseSensitive directive
- Change behaviour to caseSensitive directive to only apply to values
- Added coalesceWithZero directive, patched 0 | 0.0 with nil validation
- Added numericPrecisionPoint directive
- Added numericPrecisionPoint directive
- Patch nil pointer issue on assertTime
- Added int check reporting if applicable in assertFloat
- Enhanced apply time directory to only non function based values
- Introduced AssertValuesWithContext helper validation method with context