diff --git a/integration/decoder-tests.py b/integration/decoder-tests.py
index 8d842fbc..bdec09d4 100644
--- a/integration/decoder-tests.py
+++ b/integration/decoder-tests.py
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
 import sys
 import cbor
+from validation import validate_outputs
 class ToothEvent:
   def __init__(self, time, delay, trigger, angle=None, rpm=None, cycle=None):
     self.time = time
@@ -255,16 +257,30 @@ def test_start_stop_start(self):
       first_output = next(results.filter_between(t1, t2).filter_outputs())
       self.assertEqual(first_output.cycle, 1)
-#    t1-t5:
+#    t2-t4:
 #     - should have sync
 #     - ignition: dwell and advance match
 #     - fuel: pw matches
+      for f in results.filter_between(t2, t4).filter_feeds():
+          self.assertEqual(f.values['sync'], 1)
-#    t5:
-#     - we lose sync within X ms
+      validate_outputs(results.filter_between(t2, t4))
+#    t4-t5:
+#     - we lose sync within X ms, and it stays lost
+#     - last output within Y ms
+      last_sync = next(filter(lambda i: i.values['sync'] == 0,
+                               results.filter_between(t4, t5).filter_feeds()))
+      self.assertWithin(last_sync.time - t4, ms_ticks(1), ms_ticks(100))
+      remaining_syncs = filter(lambda i: i.values['sync'] == 1,
+                               results.filter_between(last_sync.time, t5).filter_feeds())
+      self.assertEqual(len(list(remaining_syncs)), 0)
+      outputs = list(results.filter_between(t4, t5).filter_outputs())
+      if len(outputs) > 0:
+          self.assertWithin(outputs[-1].time, ms_ticks(1), ms_ticks(100))
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/integration/validation.py b/integration/validation.py
index c8670c35..7b4eb504 100644
--- a/integration/validation.py
+++ b/integration/validation.py
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ def filter_between(self, start, end):
                 filter(lambda i: i.time >= start and i.time <= end, self.log)
     def __next__(self):
         return next(self.log)
@@ -33,6 +34,8 @@ def __iter__(self):
 def degrees_for_tick_rpm(ticks, rpm):
   ticks_per_degree = (4000000 / 6.0) / rpm
   return ticks / ticks_per_degree
@@ -44,6 +47,67 @@ def clamp_angle(angle):
     angle += 720
   return angle
+class OutputConfig:
+    FUEL = 1
+    IGN = 2
+    def __init__(self, pin, typ, angle):
+        self.pin = pin
+        self.typ = typ
+        self.angle = angle
+    def _offset(self, angle):
+        adv = angle - self.angle
+        # normalize to (-360, 360) for easy comparison with bounds
+        if adv >= 360:
+            adv -= 720
+        if adv <= -360:
+            adv += 720
+        return adv
+class Config:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.outputs = [
+                OutputConfig(pin=0, typ=OutputConfig.IGN, angle=0),
+                OutputConfig(pin=1, typ=OutputConfig.IGN, angle=120),
+                OutputConfig(pin=2, typ=OutputConfig.IGN, angle=240),
+                OutputConfig(pin=0, typ=OutputConfig.IGN, angle=360),
+                OutputConfig(pin=1, typ=OutputConfig.IGN, angle=480),
+                OutputConfig(pin=2, typ=OutputConfig.IGN, angle=600),
+                OutputConfig(pin=8, typ=OutputConfig.FUEL, angle=700),
+                OutputConfig(pin=9, typ=OutputConfig.FUEL, angle=460),
+                OutputConfig(pin=10, typ=OutputConfig.FUEL, angle=220),
+                ]
+    def _offset_within(self, oc, angle, lower, upper):
+        """Validate that the advance is within bounds. lower and upper must
+           both be within (-360, 360)."""
+        adv = oc._offset(angle)
+        if adv >= lower and adv <= upper:
+            return True
+        return False
+    def lookup(self, pin, end_angle):
+        # TODO maybe don't hardcode this, but until then:
+        #  - assume fuel is +/- 10 degrees
+        #  - assume ignition is -50 to +10 degrees
+        for oc in self.outputs:
+            if pin != oc.pin:
+                continue
+            if oc.typ == OutputConfig.IGN:
+                if self._offset_within(oc, end_angle, -50, 10):
+                    return oc
+            if oc.typ == OutputConfig.FUEL:
+                if self._offset_within(oc, end_angle, -10, 10):
+                    return oc
+config = Config()
 class OutputEvent:
     def __init__(self, time, pin, duration_us, end_angle, cycle):
@@ -52,9 +116,9 @@ def __init__(self, time, pin, duration_us, end_angle, cycle):
         self.duration_us = duration_us
         self.end_angle = end_angle
         self.cycle = cycle
-#        self.relative_angle
-#        self.type = 
+        self.oc = config.lookup(pin, end_angle)
+        if self.oc:
+            self.advance = -self.oc._offset(end_angle)
 class FeedEvent:
@@ -122,3 +186,43 @@ def enrich_log(inputs, log) -> EnrichedLog:
     return EnrichedLog(result)
+def validate_outputs(log):
+    """Validate that all outputs are associated with a configured output,
+    and that there are no gaps or missing outputs.  Each cycle should have
+    the full count of configured outputs, except for the first and last.
+    If feed values containing advance and durations (dwell, pw) are present,
+    also evaluate that those values are reasonably close."""
+    is_first_cycle = True
+    current_cycle = None
+    current_cycle_outputs = 0
+    cycles = []
+    for o in log.filter_outputs():
+        if o.oc is None:
+            return False
+        if is_first_cycle:
+            is_first_cycle = False
+            current_cycle = o.cycle
+        if o.cycle != current_cycle:
+            if o.cycle > current_cycle + 1:
+                # We skipped a cycle
+                return False
+            cycles.append(current_cycle_outputs)
+            current_cycle_outputs = 0
+            current_cycle = o.cycle
+        current_cycle_outputs += 1
+    expected_count = len(config.outputs)
+    if cycles[0] <= expected_count and \
+       cycles[-1] <= expected_count and ( \
+               len(cycles) < 3 or \
+               all(map(lambda c: c == expected_count, cycles[1:-2]))):
+           return True
+    return False