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This branch is 12 commits behind teiid/teiid-embedded-examples:master.


Datasource Level Technologies Prerequisites Description
Twitter Beginner Teiid, Dynamic VDB, View, WS Translator, OAuth 1, JAAS Create App in Twitter Demonstrates using the WS Translator to interact with Twitter API

What's this

This example demonstrates

  • How to access Twitter data using Teiid, and convert the data into tabular form. Dynamic VDB twitter-vdb.xml be used to define View within DDL metadata.
  • How to set security domain to resource adapter in embedded.

The examples use java:/twitterDS referenced with Web Service data source, which will be setup automatically while the examples start running.


There are 3 prerequisites which is necessary before run example.

  1. Login to with your Twitter Account, create a Twitter Apps.

  2. Security setting up

Twitter use OAuth authentication, run utility:

$ ./bin/

This will generate security options which used in JBoss Server, convert it to suitable embedded, below is a example:

    <application-policy name = "teiid-security-twitter"> 
          <login-module code = "org.teiid.jboss.oauth.OAuth10LoginModule" flag = "required">  
              <module-option name="consumer-key">nHhsL5Dm5Zi77eqWDDcQ</module-option>
              <module-option name="consumer-secret">VovoE7R5RJOI9GSAXTx25yppfDJ6y5SUKPy2vlrVCDM</module-option>
              <module-option name="access-key">209490245-cUtcom3nEnV53mYZfhWegZpnm90nmPds0icguwzL</module-option>
              <module-option name="access-secret">WKIYjXmplrdssy382iJnoNzd0vVDCa13nCWywKzKrE</module-option>

authentication.conf is a example configuration which used in this example.

  1. set java proxcy

NOTE: this section only for running example in China.

Set http proxcy before run TeiidEmbeddedTwitterDataSource.

System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", "xxxx");
System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", "xxxx");


To add Teiid runtime, admin


To add Translators and Resource Adapters


To add thirdpart dependencies



  • Run from Source code

Import source code to a IDE(Eclipse), run TeiidEmbeddedTwitterDataSource as Java Application.

  • Run from mvn
$ cd teiid-embedded-examples/socialmedia-integration/twitter-as-a-datasource
$ mvn clean install
$ mvn exec:java