From 4af3da3a7eec9d1b39d525b441557f3b030a55d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vitaliy <>
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2020 04:49:12 +0500
Subject: [PATCH] Windows LPC Upload for non-admins (#20208)

Co-authored-by: Victor Mateus Oliveira <>
Co-authored-by: Scott Lahteine <>
 Marlin/src/HAL/LPC1768/ | 88 +++++++------------
 1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Marlin/src/HAL/LPC1768/ b/Marlin/src/HAL/LPC1768/
index 9b0d0617a0c9..1daaa883ed6b 100755
--- a/Marlin/src/HAL/LPC1768/
+++ b/Marlin/src/HAL/LPC1768/
@@ -23,63 +23,50 @@ def print_error(e):
 		  %(e, env.get('PIOENV')))
+	#
+	# Find a disk for upload
+	#
+	upload_disk = 'Disk not found'
+	target_file_found = False
+	target_drive_found = False
 	if current_OS == 'Windows':
 		# platformio.ini will accept this for a Windows upload port designation: 'upload_port = L:'
 		#   Windows - doesn't care about the disk's name, only cares about the drive letter
-		#
-		#
-		# get all drives on this computer
-		#
 		import subprocess
-		# typical result (string): 'Drives: C:\ D:\ E:\ F:\ G:\ H:\ I:\ J:\ K:\ L:\ M:\ Y:\ Z:\'
-		driveStr = str(subprocess.check_output("fsutil fsinfo drives"))
-		# typical result (string): 'C:\ D:\ E:\ F:\ G:\ H:\ I:\ J:\ K:\ L:\ M:\ Y:\ Z:\'
-		# driveStr = driveStr.strip().lstrip('Drives: ') <- Doesn't work in other Languages as English. In German is "Drives:" = "Laufwerke:"
-		FirstFound = driveStr.find(':',0,-1)         # Find the first ":" and
-		driveStr = driveStr[FirstFound + 1 : -1]     # truncate to the rest
-		# typical result (array of stings): ['C:\\', 'D:\\', 'E:\\', 'F:\\',
-		# 'G:\\', 'H:\\', 'I:\\', 'J:\\', 'K:\\', 'L:\\', 'M:\\', 'Y:\\', 'Z:\\']
-		drives = driveStr.split()
+		from ctypes import windll
+		import string
+		# getting list of drives
+		#
+		drives = []
+		bitmask = windll.kernel32.GetLogicalDrives()
+		for letter in string.ascii_uppercase:
+			if bitmask & 1:
+				drives.append(letter)
+			bitmask >>= 1
-		upload_disk = 'Disk not found'
-		target_file_found = False
-		target_drive_found = False
 		for drive in drives:
-			final_drive_name = drive.strip().rstrip('\\')   # typical result (string): 'C:'
+			final_drive_name = drive + ':\\'
+			# print ('disc check: {}'.format(final_drive_name))
 				volume_info = str(subprocess.check_output('cmd /C dir ' + final_drive_name, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT))
 			except Exception as e:
+				print ('error:{}'.format(e))
-				if target_drive in volume_info and target_file_found == False:  # set upload if not found target file yet
+				if target_drive in volume_info and not target_file_found:  # set upload if not found target file yet
 					target_drive_found = True
 					upload_disk = final_drive_name
 				if target_filename in volume_info:
-					if target_file_found == False:
+					if not target_file_found:
 						upload_disk = final_drive_name
 					target_file_found = True
-		#
-		# set upload_port to drive if found
-		#
-		if target_file_found == True or target_drive_found == True:
-			env.Replace(
-				UPLOAD_PORT=upload_disk
-			)
-			print('upload disk: ', upload_disk)
-		else:
-			print_error('Autodetect Error')
 	elif current_OS == 'Linux':
 		# platformio.ini will accept this for a Linux upload port designation: 'upload_port = /media/media_name/drive'
-		upload_disk = 'Disk not found'
-		target_file_found = False
-		target_drive_found = False
 		drives = os.listdir(os.path.join(os.sep, 'media', getpass.getuser()))
 		if target_drive in drives:  # If target drive is found, use it.
 			target_drive_found = True
@@ -101,22 +88,15 @@ def print_error(e):
 		if target_file_found or target_drive_found:
-				UPLOAD_PORT=upload_disk
-			print('upload disk: ', upload_disk)
-		else:
-			print_error('Autodetect Error')
 	elif current_OS == 'Darwin':  # MAC
 		# platformio.ini will accept this for a OSX upload port designation: 'upload_port = /media/media_name/drive'
-		upload_disk = 'Disk not found'
 		drives = os.listdir('/Volumes')  # human readable names
-		target_file_found = False
-		target_drive_found = False
-		if target_drive in drives and target_file_found == False:  # set upload if not found target file yet
+		if target_drive in drives and not target_file_found:  # set upload if not found target file yet
 			target_drive_found = True
 			upload_disk = '/Volumes/' + target_drive + '/'
 		for drive in drives:
@@ -126,20 +106,18 @@ def print_error(e):
 				if target_filename in filenames:
-					if target_file_found == False:
+					if not target_file_found:
 						upload_disk = '/Volumes/' + drive + '/'
 					target_file_found = True
-		#
-		# set upload_port to drive if found
-		#
-		if target_file_found == True or target_drive_found == True:
-			env.Replace(
-				UPLOAD_PORT=upload_disk
-			)
-			print('\nupload disk: ', upload_disk, '\n')
-		else:
-			print_error('Autodetect Error')
+	#
+	# Set upload_port to drive if found
+	#
+	if target_file_found or target_drive_found:
+		env.Replace(UPLOAD_PORT=upload_disk)
+		print('\nUpload disk: ', upload_disk, '\n')
+	else:
+		print_error('Autodetect Error')
 except Exception as e: