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Github Issues are used to track todos, bugs, feature requests, and more.
Before opening a new issue, make sure you are running the latest stable version.
You can find your current version by accessing your server info URL: http://<your server name>/api/v1/info
A sample output of the version information:
version: "0.39.0",
build: {
date: "2016-09-16T22:44:25.095Z",
nodeVersion: "v4.5.0",
arch: "x64",
platform: "linux",
osRelease: "3.13.0-52-generic",
totalMemory: 8373084160,
freeMemory: 129458176,
cpus: 4
commit: {
hash: "5b5800849b7d6fc0c17d884b2963ae756faac4d7",
date: "Fri Sep 16 19:33:17 2016 -0300",
author: "Gabriel Engel",
subject: "Merge branch 'develop' into improvements/more-streams",
tag: "0.39.0",
branch: "improvements/more-streams"
For more information about specific releases and tags please visit the releases page