I want to run marathon-mesos-deimos setup (http://beingasysadmin.wordpress.com/2014/06/27/managing-docker-clusters-using-mesos-and-marathon/) on CoreOS.
I was ispired by Ebay's building from docker using hosts docker setup (http://www.ebaytechblog.com/2014/05/12/delivering-ebays-ci-solution-with-apache-mesos-part-ii/#.U85a4nV53Ua).
I want to enjoy both CoreOS and mesos resource management, in future hopefully kubernetes (https://github.com/mesosphere/kubernetes-mesos).
- fleetctl
- vagrant
- virtualbox
- python
- docker-py==0.3.1
- ansible
- Start CoreOS cluster
- for testing I am using vagrant - http://coreos.com/docs/running-coreos/platforms/vagrant/
- slightly customized version is in coreos-vagrant directory
- Connect to fleet from localhost - https://github.com/coreos/fleet/blob/master/Documentation/remote-access.md
- fleet is getting ssh-keys from ssh-agent so if you don't have yours there already you can add one using
ssh-agent && vagrant ssh-config core-01 | sed -n "s/IdentityFile//gp" | xargs ssh-add
export FLEETCTL_TUNNEL="$(vagrant ssh-config core-01 | sed -n "s/[ ]*HostName[ ]*//gp"):$(vagrant ssh-config core-01 | sed -n "s/[ ]*Port[ ]*//gp")"
- make initial changes on coreos hosts, following commnads have to be run from ansible directory
- ansible-playbook -i vagranttest coreos.yml
- submit and start following units:
- registry
- ansible-playbook -i vagranttest coreos-registry.yml
- zookeeper
- ansible-playbook -i vagranttest coreos-zookeeper.yml
- mesos-master
- ansible-playbook -i vagranttest coreos-mesos-master.yml
- mesos-slave
- ansible-playbook -i vagranttest coreos-mesos-slave.yml
- marathon
- ansible-playbook -i vagranttest coreos-marathon.yml
- Test marathon API
curl -v -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" <marathon-IP>:8080/v2/apps [email protected]
- test.json:
{ "id": "test", "container": {"image": "docker:///debian:jessie", "options" : []}, "cmd": "while sleep 10; do date -u +%T; done", "cpus": "0.5", "mem": "268.0", "uris": [ ], "instances": "1" }
- Host OS
- CoreOS - https://coreos.com/
- Native Technology:
- ETCD - key/value store
- Fleet - cluster level systemd
- Used for triggering cluster apps - zookeeper, mesos-master/slave, marathon - Omaha update protocol - https://github.com/coreos/go-omaha
- Mesos - Resource manager gathers resources
- Marathon - Mesos framework for running docker images
- Deimos - python Docker bindings for mesos-slave
- Deploy app simply by specifying:
- image name
- cpu, ram
- No. of instances
- Fault tolerance - Environment will ensure that apps are running
- Speed
- Dev/Test
- Create stack faster on demand (Ebay has minimal stack up in 10 minutes)
- Prod
- Faster Scaling - simply run more instances of app
- Better resource utilization
- Scale apps up/down on demand
- http://blog.docker.com/2014/06/dockercon-video-cluster-management-and-containerization-at-twitter/
- Crate docker images for
- Docker Registry
- Zookeeper
- Mesos-master
- Mesos-slave
- Marathon (mesos framework)
- Run apps in HA
- Create pattern Unit files
- Idealy using some tool (ansible...)
- Set dynamic communication between services
- using etcd
- using haproxy generated from marathon (https://github.com/mesosphere/marathon)