You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 6
HTTP Interface
The firmware features a HTTP interface which allows full configuration and also the retrieval of the current state. All endpoints accept either the HTTP methods GET
or both. Details are giving in the documentation below.
Reasonable HTTP error codes will be returned. Successful requests will be answered with code 200
. If an error occured additionally an error message will be returned in the HTTP body.
The interface uses JSON
messages for responses and also for the content of the POST
requests. Examples are provided along with the endpoint documentation.
The API can be secured via HTTP Basic Auth - please send the Credentials via a HTTP Authorization header.
If the Authorization fails, API Endpoints will return 401
<TODO: Add better description/link to docs>
Get information about the controller
200 OK (application/json)
"deviceid": "14081297",
"firmware": "0.2.3",
"config_version": 1,
"sming": 2.1,
"connection": {
"connected": true,
"ssid": "network1",
"dhcp": true,
"ip": "",
"netmask": "",
"gateway": "",
"mac": "fe:as:01:be:a2"
Useful for checking if we can still reach the device
200 OK (application/json)
{ "ping": "pong" }
List available networks
200 OK (application/json)
"scanning": false,
"available" [
{ "id": "1", "ssid": "Network_2", "signal": -53, "encryption": "WEP" },
{ "id": "2", "ssid": "Network_1", "signal": -65, "encryption": "WPA" },
{ "id": "3", "ssid": "Network_3", "signal": -71, "encryption": "WPA2" },
{ "id": "4", "ssid": "Network_5", "signal": -94, "encryption": "OPEN" }
Scanning indicates if a network scan is currently active
The list of availables networks is sorted by best to worst signal strength
Initiate a network scan
the body can be empty
200 OK (application/json)
{ "success" : true }
Connect to specified network
"ssid": "ssid of new network",
Password can be omitted for open networks
200 OK (application/json)
{ 'success' : true }
### __GET /connect__ Return information about connection attempt
The response will contain status
which reflects the current status of the connection attempt.
Possible values:
- 0 - idle (not connecting)
- 1 - connecting
- 2 - successfully connected
- 3 - failed to connect / error
200 OK (application/json)
- during connection attempt
{ "status": "1" }
- successful connection
"status": "2",
"ip": "",
"dhcp": true,
"ssid": "network ssid"
- failed connection attempt
"status": "3",
"error": "error msg"
Receive the current configuration values
200 OK (application/json)
For security purposes all passwords (mqtt, api, accesspoint) will be omitted
Change configuration values
for full json structure
For changing the passwords, please add the respective fields
- mqtt
- to secure the controller accesspoint
- to secure api access
"api_password": "password"
##### Response
- In case of success 200 OK (application/json)
{ "success" : true }
- In case of error
400 BAD REQUEST (application/json)
{ "error": "error msg" }
Issue system commands
{ "cmd": "cmd_to_execute" }
Valid commands are:
- restart
- reset
- forget_wifi
- stop_ap
- start_ap
- stopapandrestart
To enable system debugging it is also possible to send
{ "cmd": "debug", "enable": "true/false" }
- In case of success: 200 OK (application/json)
{ "success" : true }
- In case of error 400 BAD REQUEST (application/json)
{ "error" : "error msg" }
Initialize OTA update
"rom": {
"version": "0.1.2",
"url": "http://patrickjahns.github.io/esp_rgbww_firmware/release/rom0.bin"
"webapp": {
It is possible to only update the rom/firmware or the webapplication by omitting the other one.
The latest json for the OTA is hosted at github at: http://patrickjahns.github.io/esp_rgbww_firmware/release/version.json
- In case of success 200 OK (application/json)
{ "success" : true }
- In case of error
400 BAD REQUEST (application/json)
{ "error": "error msg" }
### __GET `/update`__ Receive information on the current update process ##### Response 200 OK (application/json) ``` { "rom_status": 0, "webapp_status: 0 } ``` The status of each OTA is represented by an int. Values are: * 0 - not update * 1 - update in progress * 2 - ota success * 3 - ota failed
For more verbose information on the OTA progress a serial connection to the controller is required
Return the current color values
- mode - [hsv/raw] change the mode for the colorinformation to be returned
200 OK (application/json)
"hsv": {
"h": 200.1,
"s": 100.0,
"v": 50.0,
"ct": 480
- h - hue (float) [0.0 - 360.0]
- s - saturation (float) [0.0 - 100.0]
- v - value (float) [0.0 - 100.0]
- ct - color temperature mirek (int) [100 - 500]
##### mode=raw ``` { "raw":{ "r":378, "g":294, "b":0, "ww":0, "cw":0 } } ``` * r - value of red channel [0 - 1023] * g - value of green channel [0 - 1023] * b - value of blue channel [0 - 1023] * ww - value of warm white channel [0 - 1023] * cw - value of cold white channel [0 - 1023]
Change the color
"hsv": {
"h": 200.0,
"s": 100.0,
"v": 100.0,
"ct": 2700,
cmd: "fade",
"t": 600,
"q": false,
"d": 1
Values for h,s,v see GET /color
- ct - color temperatur in mirek [100 - 500] or kelvin [2000 - 10000]
- cmd - [fade/solid] fade to the new color in time t or show color for period t (cmd=solid)
- t - time (ms), the amount of time in which a transition takes place to the new color
- q - queue(true/false), if the transition should be queued or executed directly
- d - direction(1/0), if the transition should be via the shortest (1) or longest(0) distance between two colors
"raw": {
"r": 600,
"g": 600,
"b": 0,
"ww": 0,
"cw": 1023
cmd: "fade",
"t": 600,
"q": false
- cmd - [fade/solid] fade to the new color in time t or show color for period t (cmd=solid)
- t - time (ms), the amount of time in which a transition takes place to the new color
- q - queue(true/false), if the transition should be queued or executed directly
- In case of success 200 OK (application/json)
{ "success" : true }
- In case of error
400 BAD REQUEST (application/json)
{ "error": "error msg" }