Pet the doggo!
Manage your pet.
- Usage:
- Restricted to:
- Aliases:
- Checks:
Set how long to wait before deleting the thanks message.
To leave the thanks message with no deletion, use 0 as the amount.
10 is the default.
Max is 5 minutes (300).
- Usage:
[p]pets delete [amount=0]
Toggle pets on the server.
- Usage:
[p]pets toggle
Set the pet thanks message.
- Usage:
[p]pets thanks [message]
Channel management for pet appearance.
- Usage:
[p]pets channel
- Restricted to:
- Checks:
Remove all petting channels from the list.
- Usage:
[p]pets channel removeall
Add a text channel for pets.
- Usage:
[p]pets channel add <channel>
Add all valid channels for the server that the bot can speak in.
- Usage:
[p]pets channel addall
Remove a text channel from petting.
- Usage:
[p]pets channel remove <channel>
Set the pet greeting message.
- Usage:
[p]pets hello [message]
Set the pet credits range on successful petting.
- Usage:
[p]pets credits <min_amt> <max_amt>
Set the pet appearance cooldown in seconds.
300s/5 minute minimum. Default is 3600s/1 hour.
- Usage:
[p]pets cooldown [seconds=None]