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[Bug] 使用doh的dns error: couldn't find ip #4244

5 of 7 tasks
7461151 opened this issue Dec 19, 2024 · 3 comments
5 of 7 tasks

[Bug] 使用doh的dns error: couldn't find ip #4244

7461151 opened this issue Dec 19, 2024 · 3 comments
bug Something isn't working Stale


Copy link

7461151 commented Dec 19, 2024

Verify Steps

  • Tracker 我已经在 Issue Tracker 中找过我要提出的问题
  • Branch 我知道 OpenClash 的 Dev 分支切换开关位于插件设置-版本更新中,或者我会手动下载并安装 Dev 分支的 OpenClash
  • Latest 我已经使用最新 Dev 版本测试过,问题依旧存在
  • Relevant 我知道 OpenClash 与 内核(Core)、控制面板(Dashboard)、在线订阅转换(Subconverter)等项目之间无直接关系,仅相互调用
  • Definite 这确实是 OpenClash 出现的问题
  • Contributors 我有能力协助 OpenClash 开发并解决此问题
  • Meaningless 我提交的是无意义的催促更新或修复请求

OpenClash Version


Bug on Environment


OpenWrt Version


Bug on Platform


Describe the Bug

使用doh dns 提示error: couldn't find ip。不确定是自身问题还是插件问题,使用了https://,, 指定不指定出站都一样。 使用udp8.8.8.8和tls都是正常..

To Reproduce


OpenClash Log

OpenClash 调试日志

生成时间: 2024-12-19 17:10:10
隐私提示: 上传此日志前请注意检查、屏蔽公网IP、节点、密码等相关敏感信息

#===================== 系统信息 =====================#

主机型号: Default string Default string
固件版本: ImmortalWrt 23.05.4 r28061-399f9a1db3
内核版本: 5.15.167


DNS劫持: Firewall 转发

#===================== 依赖检查 =====================#

dnsmasq-full: 未安装
dnsmasq-full(ipset): 未安装
dnsmasq-full(nftset): 已安装
coreutils: 未安装
coreutils-nohup: 未安装
bash: 未安装
curl: 未安装
ca-certificates: 未安装
ipset: 未安装
ip-full: 未安装
libcap: 未安装
libcap-bin: 未安装
ruby: 未安装
ruby-yaml: 未安装
ruby-psych: 未安装
ruby-pstore: 未安装
kmod-tun(TUN模式): 未安装
luci-compat(Luci >= 19.07): 未安装
kmod-inet-diag(PROCESS-NAME): 未安装
unzip: 未安装
kmod-nft-tproxy: 未安装

#===================== 内核检查 =====================#

运行状态: 运行中
进程pid: 12851
运行权限: 12851: cap_dac_override,cap_net_bind_service,cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw,cap_sys_ptrace,cap_sys_admin,cap_sys_resource=eip
运行用户: nobody
已选择的架构: linux-amd64


Meta内核版本: alpha-3f6823b
Meta内核文件: 存在
Meta内核运行权限: 正常

#===================== 插件设置 =====================#

当前配置文件: /etc/openclash/config/config.yaml
启动配置文件: /etc/openclash/config.yaml
运行模式: fake-ip
默认代理模式: rule
UDP流量转发(tproxy): 启用
自定义DNS: 启用
IPV6代理: 启用
IPV6-DNS解析: 启用
禁用Dnsmasq缓存: 停用
自定义规则: 停用
仅允许内网: 停用
仅代理命中规则流量: 停用
仅允许常用端口流量: 停用
绕过中国大陆IP: 停用
路由本机代理: 启用

混合节点: 停用
保留配置: 停用

第三方规则: 停用

#===================== 配置文件 =====================#

  enable: true
  force-dns-mapping: true
  parse-pure-ip: true
  store-selected: true
  store-fake-ip: true
  cache-algorithm: arc
  enable: true
  prefer-h3: true
  ipv6: true
  - "https://1.1.*.*/dns-query#\U0001F600媒体"
    - 61.130.*.*
    - 61.130.*.*
    geosite:category-ads-all: rcode://success
  - 223.5.*.*
  - 223.5.*.*
  fake-ip-filter-mode: blacklist
  enhanced-mode: fake-ip
  fake-ip-range: 198.18.*.*/16
  listen: 0.0.*.*:7874
- name: "\U0001F600媒体"
  type: url-test
  - 游隼
  interval: 120
  tolerance: 10
  lazy: true
- name: "\U0001F170️AI"
  type: url-test
  include-all: true
  interval: 120
  tolerance: 10
  lazy: true
  filter: "(?i)^(?!.*(?:港|hk|莫斯科|失联|售后|流量|重置|到期\U0001F1F0|官网|套餐|订阅|超时|返利)).*"
- geosite,category-ads-all,REJECT
- "RULE-SET,openai,\U0001F170️AI"
- "RULE-SET,AI,\U0001F170️AI"
- "RULE-SET,nocn,\U0001F600媒体"
- "DOMAIN-SUFFIX,,\U0001F600媒体"
- "MATCH,\U0001F600媒体"
    type: http
    interval: 86400
    behavior: ipcidr
    format: mrs
    type: http
    interval: 86400
    behavior: domain
    format: mrs
    type: http
    interval: 86400
    behavior: domain
    format: mrs
    type: http
    interval: 86400
    behavior: domain
    format: mrs
    type: http
    interval: 86400
    behavior: domain
    format: mrs
    type: http
    interval: 86400
    behavior: domain
    format: mrs
    type: http
    interval: 86400
    behavior: domain
    format: mrs
    type: http
    interval: 86400
    behavior: ipcidr
    format: mrs
    type: http
    interval: 86400
    behavior: ipcidr
    format: mrs
redir-port: 7892
tproxy-port: 7895
port: 7890
socks-port: 7891
mixed-port: 7893
mode: rule
allow-lan: true
external-controller: 0.0.*.*:9090
bind-address: "*"
external-ui: "/usr/share/openclash/ui"
keep-alive-interval: 15
keep-alive-idle: 600
ipv6: true
tcp-concurrent: true
routing-mark: 6666

#===================== 自定义覆写设置 =====================#

. /usr/share/openclash/
. /usr/share/openclash/
. /lib/

# This script is called by /etc/init.d/openclash
# Add your custom overwrite scripts here, they will be take effict after the OpenClash own srcipts

LOG_OUT "Tip: Start Running Custom Overwrite Scripts..."
LOGTIME=$(echo $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
CONFIG_FILE="$1" #config path

#Simple Demo:
    #Key Overwrite Demo
    #1--config path
    #2--key name
    #ruby_edit "$CONFIG_FILE" "['redir-port']" "7892"
    #ruby_edit "$CONFIG_FILE" "['secret']" "123456"
    #ruby_edit "$CONFIG_FILE" "['dns']['enable']" "true"
    #ruby_edit "$CONFIG_FILE" "['dns']['proxy-server-nameserver']" "['','https://223.5.*.*:443/dns-query']"

    #Hash Overwrite Demo
    #1--config path
    #2--key name
    #3--hash type value
    #ruby_edit "$CONFIG_FILE" "['dns']['nameserver-policy']" "{''=>'114.114.*.*', ''=>'114.114.*.*', 'geosite:gfw'=>['', '*.*/24&ecs-override=true'], 'geosite:cn'=>['114.114.*.*'], 'geosite:geolocation-!cn'=>['', '*.*/24&ecs-override=true']}"
    #ruby_edit "$CONFIG_FILE" "['sniffer']" "{'enable'=>true, 'parse-pure-ip'=>true, 'force-domain'=>['', '', '', ''], 'skip-domain'=>['', 'Mijia Cloud', '', '', ''], 'sniff'=>{'TLS'=>nil, 'HTTP'=>{'ports'=>[80, '8080-8880'], 'override-destination'=>true}}}"

    #Array Insert Value Demo:
    #1--config path
    #2--key name
    #3--position(start from 0, end with -1)
    #ruby_arr_insert "$CONFIG_FILE" "['dns']['nameserver']" "0" "114.114.*.*"

    #Array Insert Other Array Demo:
    #1--config path
    #2--key name
    #3--position(start from 0, end with -1)
    #ruby_arr_insert_arr "$CONFIG_FILE" "['dns']['proxy-server-nameserver']" "0" "['','https://223.5.*.*:443/dns-query']"

    #Array Insert From Yaml File Demo:
    #1--config path
    #2--key name
    #3--position(start from 0, end with -1)
    #4--value file path
    #5--value key name in #4 file
    #ruby_arr_add_file "$CONFIG_FILE" "['dns']['fallback-filter']['ipcidr']" "0" "/etc/openclash/custom/openclash_custom_fallback_filter.yaml" "['fallback-filter']['ipcidr']"

    #Delete Array Value Demo:
    #1--config path
    #2--key name
    #ruby_delete "$CONFIG_FILE" "['dns']['nameserver']" "114.114.*.*"

    #Delete Key Demo:
    #1--config path
    #2--key name
    #3--key name
    #ruby_delete "$CONFIG_FILE" "['dns']" "nameserver"
    #ruby_delete "$CONFIG_FILE" "" "dns"

    #Ruby Script Demo:
    #ruby -ryaml -rYAML -I "/usr/share/openclash" -E UTF-8 -e "
    #   begin
    #      Value = YAML.load_file('$CONFIG_FILE');
    #   rescue Exception => e
    #      puts '${LOGTIME} Error: Load File Failed,【' + e.message + '】';
    #   end;

    #   begin
    #      Value['redir-port']=7892;
    #      Value['tproxy-port']=7895;
    #      Value['port']=7890;
    #      Value['socks-port']=7891;
    #      Value['mixed-port']=7893;
    #   }.join;

    #   rescue Exception => e
    #      puts '${LOGTIME} Error: Set General Failed,【' + e.message + '】';
    #   ensure
    #'$CONFIG_FILE','w') {|f| YAML.dump(Value, f)};
    #   end" 2>/dev/null >> $LOG_FILE

exit 0
#===================== 自定义防火墙设置 =====================#

. /usr/share/openclash/
. /lib/

# This script is called by /etc/init.d/openclash
# Add your custom firewall rules here, they will be added after the end of the OpenClash iptables rules

LOG_OUT "Tip: Start Add Custom Firewall Rules..."

exit 0
#===================== IPTABLES 防火墙设置 =====================#

#IPv4 NAT chain

#IPv4 Mangle chain

#IPv4 Filter chain

#IPv6 NAT chain

#IPv6 Mangle chain

#IPv6 Filter chain

#===================== NFTABLES 防火墙设置 =====================#

table inet fw4 {
	chain input {
		type filter hook input priority filter; policy drop;
		udp dport 443 ip6 daddr != @china_ip6_route counter packets 0 bytes 0 reject with icmpv6 port-unreachable comment "OpenClash QUIC REJECT"
		udp dport 443 ip daddr != @china_ip_route counter packets 86 bytes 108260 reject with icmp port-unreachable comment "OpenClash QUIC REJECT"
		iifname "lo" accept comment "!fw4: Accept traffic from loopback"
		ct state established,related accept comment "!fw4: Allow inbound established and related flows"
		tcp flags syn / fin,syn,rst,ack jump syn_flood comment "!fw4: Rate limit TCP syn packets"
		iifname "br-lan" jump input_lan comment "!fw4: Handle lan IPv4/IPv6 input traffic"
		iifname "pppoe-wan" jump input_wan comment "!fw4: Handle wan IPv4/IPv6 input traffic"
		jump handle_reject
table inet fw4 {
	chain forward {
		type filter hook forward priority filter; policy drop;
		meta l4proto { tcp, udp } flow add @ft
		ct state established,related accept comment "!fw4: Allow forwarded established and related flows"
		iifname "br-lan" jump forward_lan comment "!fw4: Handle lan IPv4/IPv6 forward traffic"
		iifname "pppoe-wan" jump forward_wan comment "!fw4: Handle wan IPv4/IPv6 forward traffic"
		jump handle_reject
table inet fw4 {
	chain dstnat {
		type nat hook prerouting priority dstnat; policy accept;
		meta nfproto ipv6 udp dport 53 counter packets 330 bytes 29302 jump openclash_dns_redirect
		meta nfproto ipv6 tcp dport 53 counter packets 0 bytes 0 jump openclash_dns_redirect
		udp dport 53 counter packets 191 bytes 13658 jump openclash_dns_redirect
		tcp dport 53 counter packets 0 bytes 0 jump openclash_dns_redirect
		iifname "pppoe-wan" jump dstnat_wan comment "!fw4: Handle wan IPv4/IPv6 dstnat traffic"
		ip protocol tcp counter packets 865 bytes 48797 jump openclash
table inet fw4 {
	chain srcnat {
		type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat; policy accept;
		oifname "pppoe-wan" jump srcnat_wan comment "!fw4: Handle wan IPv4/IPv6 srcnat traffic"
table inet fw4 {
	chain nat_output {
		type nat hook output priority filter - 1; policy accept;
		udp dport 53 ip6 daddr ::/0 meta skuid != 65534 counter packets 14 bytes 1145 redirect to :7874 comment "OpenClash DNS Hijack"
		tcp dport 53 ip6 daddr ::/0 meta skuid != 65534 counter packets 0 bytes 0 redirect to :7874 comment "OpenClash DNS Hijack"
		udp dport 53 ip daddr 127.0.*.* meta skuid != 65534 counter packets 10 bytes 637 redirect to :7874 comment "OpenClash DNS Hijack"
		tcp dport 53 ip daddr 127.0.*.* meta skuid != 65534 counter packets 0 bytes 0 redirect to :7874 comment "OpenClash DNS Hijack"
		ip protocol tcp counter packets 2674 bytes 160473 jump openclash_output
		meta nfproto ipv6 counter packets 400 bytes 77191 jump openclash_output_v6
table inet fw4 {
	chain mangle_prerouting {
		type filter hook prerouting priority mangle; policy accept;
		ip protocol udp counter packets 412758 bytes 470179811 jump openclash_mangle
		meta nfproto ipv6 counter packets 25726 bytes 22577300 jump openclash_mangle_v6
table inet fw4 {
	chain mangle_output {
		type route hook output priority mangle; policy accept;
table inet fw4 {
	chain openclash {
		ip daddr @localnetwork counter packets 238 bytes 12991 return
		ip protocol tcp ip daddr 198.18.*.*/16 counter packets 542 bytes 30781 redirect to :7892
		ip protocol tcp counter packets 85 bytes 5025 redirect to :7892
table inet fw4 {
	chain openclash_mangle {
		meta nfproto ipv4 udp sport 500 counter packets 0 bytes 0 return
		meta nfproto ipv4 udp sport 68 counter packets 3 bytes 1000 return
		meta l4proto udp iifname "lo" counter packets 32 bytes 2236 return
		ip daddr @localnetwork counter packets 406601 bytes 469219317 return
		udp dport 53 counter packets 17 bytes 1496 return
		meta l4proto udp ip daddr 198.18.*.*/16 meta mark set 0x00000162 tproxy ip to 127.0.*.*:7895 counter packets 574 bytes 203254 accept
		ip protocol udp counter packets 5539 bytes 758426 jump openclash_upnp
		meta l4proto udp meta mark set 0x00000162 tproxy ip to 127.0.*.*:7895 counter packets 5539 bytes 758426 accept
table inet fw4 {
	chain openclash_output {
		ip daddr @localnetwork counter packets 25 bytes 1500 return
		ip protocol tcp ip daddr 198.18.*.*/16 meta skuid != 65534 counter packets 9 bytes 540 redirect to :7892
		ip protocol tcp meta skuid != 65534 counter packets 0 bytes 0 redirect to :7892
table inet fw4 {
	chain openclash_dns_redirect {
		tcp dport 53 counter packets 0 bytes 0 redirect to :7874 comment "OpenClash DNS Hijack"
		udp dport 53 counter packets 521 bytes 42960 redirect to :7874 comment "OpenClash DNS Hijack"
		meta nfproto ipv6 tcp dport 53 counter packets 0 bytes 0 redirect to :7874 comment "OpenClash DNS Hijack"
		meta nfproto ipv6 udp dport 53 counter packets 0 bytes 0 redirect to :7874 comment "OpenClash DNS Hijack"
table inet fw4 {
	chain openclash_mangle_v6 {
		meta nfproto ipv6 udp sport 500 counter packets 0 bytes 0 return
		meta nfproto ipv6 udp sport 546 counter packets 16 bytes 1780 return
		ip6 daddr @localnetwork6 counter packets 20773 bytes 21014798 return
		meta nfproto ipv6 udp dport 53 counter packets 0 bytes 0 return
		meta nfproto ipv6 tcp dport 0-65535 meta mark set 0x00000162 tproxy ip6 to :7895 counter packets 1514 bytes 408045 accept comment "OpenClash TCP Tproxy"
		meta nfproto ipv6 udp dport 0-65535 meta mark set 0x00000162 tproxy ip6 to :7895 counter packets 3424 bytes 1152741 accept comment "OpenClash UDP Tproxy"
table inet fw4 {
	chain openclash_output_v6 {
		ip6 daddr @localnetwork6 counter packets 0 bytes 0 return
		meta nfproto ipv6 meta skuid != 65534 tcp dport 0-65535 counter packets 0 bytes 0 redirect to :7892

#===================== IPSET状态 =====================#

#===================== 路由表状态 =====================#


#route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
0.0.*.*         183.143.*.*    0.0.*.*         UG    0      0        0 pppoe-wan
183.143.*.*    0.0.*.*         255.255.*.* UH    0      0        0 pppoe-wan
192.168.*.*     0.0.*.*         255.255.*.*   U     0      0        0 br-lan

#ip route list
default via 183.143.*.* dev pppoe-wan proto static 
183.143.*.* dev pppoe-wan proto kernel scope link src 183.143.*.* 
192.168.*.*/24 dev br-lan proto kernel scope link src 192.168.*.* 

#ip rule show
0:	from all lookup local
32765:	from all fwmark 0x162 lookup 354
32766:	from all lookup main
32767:	from all lookup default


#route -A inet6
Kernel IPv6 routing table
Destination                                 Next Hop                                Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
::/0                                        ::                                      !n    -1     2        0 lo      
::/0                                        ::                                      U     1024   9        0 lo      
::/0                                        ::                                      !n    -1     2        0 lo      
::/0                                        ::                                      !n    -1     2        0 lo      
::/0                                        fe80::*:*:*:100                 UG    512    10       0 pppoe-wan
::/0                                        fe80::*:*:*:100                 UG    512    9        0 pppoe-wan
240e:*:*:*::/64                     ::                                      U     1024   9        0 br-lan  
240e:*:*:*::/60                     ::                                      !n    2147483647 7        0 lo      
240e:*:*:*::/64                     ::                                      !n    2147483647 4        0 lo      
fd51:9481:6e7b::/64                         ::                                      U     1024   9        0 br-lan  
fd51:9481:6e7b::/48                         ::                                      !n    2147483647 2        0 lo      
fe80::*:*:*:27f/128                ::                                      U     256    2        0 pppoe-wan
fe80::*:*:*:5e90/128               ::                                      U     256    1        0 pppoe-wan
fe80::/64                                   ::                                      U     256    9        0 br-lan  
fe80::/64                                   ::                                      U     256    1        0 eth1    
::/0                                        ::                                      !n    -1     2        0 lo      
::1/128                                     ::                                      Un    0      11       0 lo      
240e:*:*:*::/128                    ::                                      Un    0      3        0 br-lan  
240e:*:*:*::1/128                   ::                                      Un    0      11       0 br-lan  
240e:*:*:*::/128                    ::                                      Un    0      3        0 pppoe-wan
240e:*:*:*:c0ad:820e:183f:27f/128   ::                                      Un    0      12       0 pppoe-wan
fd51:9481:6e7b::/128                        ::                                      Un    0      3        0 br-lan  
fd51:9481:6e7b::1/128                       ::                                      Un    0      12       0 br-lan  
fe80::/128                                  ::                                      Un    0      5        0 br-lan  
fe80::/128                                  ::                                      Un    0      3        0 eth1    
fe80::*:*:*:5c58/128               ::                                      Un    0      11       0 br-lan  
fe80::*:*:*:5c59/128               ::                                      Un    0      2        0 eth1    
fe80::*:*:*:27f/128                ::                                      Un    0      4        0 pppoe-wan
ff00::/8                                    ::                                      U     256    10       0 br-lan  
ff00::/8                                    ::                                      U     256    1        0 eth1    
ff00::/8                                    ::                                      U     256    9        0 pppoe-wan
::/0                                        ::                                      !n    -1     2        0 lo      

#ip -6 route list
default from 240e:*:*:*::/60 via fe80::200:5eff:fe00:100 dev pppoe-wan proto static metric 512 pref medium
default from 240e:*:*:*::/64 via fe80::200:5eff:fe00:100 dev pppoe-wan proto static metric 512 pref medium
240e:*:*:*::/64 dev br-lan proto static metric 1024 pref medium
unreachable 240e:*:*:*::/60 dev lo proto static metric 2147483647 pref medium
unreachable 240e:*:*:*::/64 dev lo proto static metric 2147483647 pref medium
fd51:9481:6e7b::/64 dev br-lan proto static metric 1024 pref medium
unreachable fd51:9481:6e7b::/48 dev lo proto static metric 2147483647 pref medium
fe80::*:*:*:27f dev pppoe-wan proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
fe80::*:*:*:5e90 dev pppoe-wan proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
fe80::/64 dev br-lan proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
fe80::/64 dev eth1 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium

#ip -6 rule show
0:	from all lookup local
32765:	from all fwmark 0x162 lookup 354
32766:	from all lookup main
4200000000:	from 240e:*:*:*::1/60 iif br-lan unreachable

#===================== 端口占用状态 =====================#

tcp        0      0 :::9090                 :::*                    LISTEN      12851/clash
tcp        0      0 :::7895                 :::*                    LISTEN      12851/clash
tcp        0      0 :::7892                 :::*                    LISTEN      12851/clash
tcp        0      0 :::7893                 :::*                    LISTEN      12851/clash
tcp        0      0 :::7890                 :::*                    LISTEN      12851/clash
tcp        0      0 :::7891                 :::*                    LISTEN      12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::60777                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::56859                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::7874                 :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::7891                 :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::7892                 :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::7893                 :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::7895                 :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::36724                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::57239                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::57256                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::49192                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::36962                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::49416                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::49443                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::54011                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::58136                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::42038                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::46192                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::33992                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::46295                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::50398                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::50476                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::42299                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::51005                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::59250                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::38818                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::47039                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::47118                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::51388                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::43381                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::47485                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::47492                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::39356                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::35281                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::59858                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::35310                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::35432                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::60010                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::39819                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::48142                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::56470                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::40128                :::*                                12851/clash
udp        0      0 :::52505                :::*                                12851/clash

#===================== 测试本机DNS查询( =====================#

Server:		127.0.*.*
Address:	127.0.*.*:53

Address: 198.18.*.*

#===================== 测试内核DNS查询( =====================#

Dnsmasq 当前默认 resolv 文件:/tmp/resolv.conf.d/

#===================== /tmp/ =====================#

# Interface wan
nameserver 61.130.*.*
nameserver 61.130.*.*
# Interface wan_6
nameserver 240e:1c:200::1
nameserver 240e:1c:200::2

#===================== /tmp/resolv.conf.d/ =====================#

# Interface wan
nameserver 61.130.*.*
nameserver 61.130.*.*
# Interface wan_6
nameserver 240e:1c:200::1
nameserver 240e:1c:200::2

#===================== 测试本机网络连接( =====================#

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Cache-Control: private, no-cache, no-store, proxy-revalidate, no-transform
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 277
Content-Type: text/html
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2024 09:10:17 GMT
Etag: "575e1f60-115"
Last-Modified: Mon, 13 Jun 2016 02:50:08 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
Server: bfe/1.0.*.*

#===================== 测试本机网络下载( =====================#

HTTP/2 200 
cache-control: max-age=300
content-security-policy: default-src 'none'; style-src 'unsafe-inline'; sandbox
content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
etag: "f6037a93c68519d7041a3b4df325b61c424ec255b45dfeb063371319e39b0d96"
strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000
x-content-type-options: nosniff
x-frame-options: deny
x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block
x-github-request-id: 5708:1287C7:4AD77C:509149:6763E2F9
accept-ranges: bytes
date: Thu, 19 Dec 2024 09:10:18 GMT
via: 1.1 varnish
x-served-by: cache-lax-kwhp1940112-LAX
x-cache: MISS
x-cache-hits: 0
x-timer: S1734599418.074831,VS0,VE178
vary: Authorization,Accept-Encoding,Origin
access-control-allow-origin: *
cross-origin-resource-policy: cross-origin
x-fastly-request-id: a9aac55daab68a000047ba43f10a249e0babc493
expires: Thu, 19 Dec 2024 09:15:18 GMT
source-age: 0
content-length: 1071

#===================== 最近运行日志(自动切换为Debug模式) =====================#

time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.172916354Z" level=debug msg="Health Checked, proxy: [😀游隼]日本02 2X, url:, alive: true, delay: 752 ms uid: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.173037965Z" level=debug msg="Health Checking, proxy: [😀游隼]日本05 2X, url:, id: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.186563432Z" level=info msg="[TCP] mihomo --> 1.1.*.*:443 doesn't match any rule using [😀游隼]新加坡02 5X 全解锁"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.186685479Z" level=debug msg="probing TLS: opening TLS connection: tls: either ServerName or InsecureSkipVerify must be specified in the tls.Config"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.186713646Z" level=debug msg="[https://1.1.*.*:443/dns-query] using HTTP/3 for this upstream: QUIC was faster"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.186737636Z" level=debug msg="re-creating the http client due to requesting https://1.1.*.*:443/dns-query: Get_0rtt \"https://1.1.*.*:443/dns-query?dns=AAABAAABAAAAAAAAATQDY24zAnVnBGxpbmsAABwAAQ\": use of closed network connection"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.186862015Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [] AAAA, expire at 2024-12-19 09:14:48"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.18690953Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [120.196.*.*] A, expire at 2024-12-19 09:10:27"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.186961963Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] resolve A from https://1.1.*.*:443/dns-query"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.187055006Z" level=info msg="[UDP] mihomo --> 1.1.*.*:443 doesn't match any rule using [😀游隼]新加坡02 5X 全解锁"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.187247773Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [120.196.*.*] A, expire at 2024-12-19 09:10:27"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.187292491Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [] AAAA, expire at 2024-12-19 09:14:48"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.187381527Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [] AAAA, expire at 2024-12-19 09:14:48"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.187385387Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [120.196.*.*] A, expire at 2024-12-19 09:10:27"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.187608576Z" level=info msg="[UDP] mihomo --> 1.1.*.*:443 doesn't match any rule using [😀游隼]新加坡02 5X 全解锁"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.231524542Z" level=info msg="[TCP] mihomo --> 1.1.*.*:443 doesn't match any rule using [😀游隼]新加坡02 5X 全解锁"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.231674853Z" level=debug msg="probing TLS: opening TLS connection: tls: either ServerName or InsecureSkipVerify must be specified in the tls.Config"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.231709324Z" level=debug msg="[https://1.1.*.*:443/dns-query] using HTTP/3 for this upstream: QUIC was faster"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.231805737Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] resolve error: couldn't find ip"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.231936912Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [120.196.*.*] A, expire at 2024-12-19 09:10:27"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.232086037Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [] AAAA, expire at 2024-12-19 09:14:48"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.232225923Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [120.196.*.*] A, expire at 2024-12-19 09:10:27"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.232241317Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] resolve AAAA from https://1.1.*.*:443/dns-query"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.232229256Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [] AAAA, expire at 2024-12-19 09:14:48"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.232556214Z" level=info msg="[UDP] mihomo --> 1.1.*.*:443 doesn't match any rule using [😀游隼]新加坡02 5X 全解锁"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.274176877Z" level=info msg="[TCP] 192.168.*.*:11645 --> match Match using 😀媒体[[😀游隼]新加坡02 5X 全解锁]"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.418391202Z" level=debug msg="Health Checked, proxy: [😀游隼]日本04 2X, url:, alive: true, delay: 474 ms uid: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.418536875Z" level=debug msg="Health Checking, proxy: [😀游隼]新加坡01 2X 移动优化, url:, id: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.418722755Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [50.114.*.*] A, expire at 2024-12-19 09:10:11"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.418867538Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [] AAAA, expire at 2024-12-19 09:10:11"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.41892356Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] resolve A from udp://223.5.*.*:53"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.41920165Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] resolve AAAA from udp://223.5.*.*:53"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.428649769Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] --> [] AAAA from udp://223.5.*.*:53"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.430941471Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] --> [50.114.*.*] A from udp://223.5.*.*:53"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.57079363Z" level=debug msg="Health Checked, proxy: [😀游隼]美国 07, url:, alive: false, delay: 65535 ms uid: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.570928344Z" level=debug msg="Health Checking, proxy: [😀游隼]套餐到期:2025-08-21, url:, id: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.571076945Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [120.196.*.*] A, expire at 2024-12-19 09:10:27"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.571215196Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [] AAAA, expire at 2024-12-19 09:14:48"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.726569812Z" level=debug msg="Health Checked, proxy: [😀游隼]套餐到期:2025-08-21, url:, alive: false, delay: 65535 ms uid: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.726686543Z" level=debug msg="Health Checking, proxy: [😀游隼]新加坡05 2X, url:, id: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.913082381Z" level=debug msg="Health Checked, proxy: [😀游隼]日本05 2X, url:, alive: true, delay: 739 ms uid: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:26.913199795Z" level=debug msg="Health Checking, proxy: [😀游隼]台湾 01 2X, url:, id: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.073648267Z" level=debug msg="Health Checked, proxy: [😀游隼]美国 10, url:, alive: false, delay: 65535 ms uid: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.07377935Z" level=debug msg="Health Checking, proxy: [😀游隼]剩余流量:27.1 GB, url:, id: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.073947356Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [120.196.*.*] A, expire at 2024-12-19 09:10:27"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.074103046Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] resolve A from udp://223.5.*.*:53"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.074125204Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [] AAAA, expire at 2024-12-19 09:14:48"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.085617388Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] --> [120.196.*.*] A from udp://223.5.*.*:53"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.230191274Z" level=debug msg="Health Checked, proxy: [😀游隼]剩余流量:27.1 GB, url:, alive: false, delay: 65535 ms uid: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.230345414Z" level=debug msg="Health Checking, proxy: [😀游隼]距离下次重置剩余:3 天, url:, id: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.2306379Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [120.196.*.*] A, expire at 2024-12-19 09:15:17"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.2307533Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [] AAAA, expire at 2024-12-19 09:14:48"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.35889638Z" level=debug msg="Health Checked, proxy: [😀游隼]美国11, url:, alive: false, delay: 65535 ms uid: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.359025411Z" level=debug msg="Health Checking, proxy: [😀游隼]香港10 1.5X, url:, id: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.359188608Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [217.142.*.*] A, expire at 2024-12-19 09:10:41"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.359259274Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [] AAAA, expire at 2024-12-19 09:14:03"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.382060723Z" level=debug msg="Health Checked, proxy: [😀游隼]距离下次重置剩余:3 天, url:, alive: false, delay: 65535 ms uid: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.382170863Z" level=debug msg="Health Checking, proxy: [😀游隼]台湾原生 5X福利, url:, id: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.382319691Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [120.196.*.*] A, expire at 2024-12-19 09:15:17"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.382414896Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [] AAAA, expire at 2024-12-19 09:14:48"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.501146403Z" level=debug msg="Health Checked, proxy: [😀游隼]台湾 01 2X, url:, alive: true, delay: 587 ms uid: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.501274951Z" level=debug msg="Health Checking, proxy: [😀游隼]台湾01原生 5X, url:, id: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.501432853Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [120.196.*.*] A, expire at 2024-12-19 09:15:17"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.501496467Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [] AAAA, expire at 2024-12-19 09:14:48"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.656477905Z" level=debug msg="Health Checked, proxy: [😀游隼]台湾01原生 5X, url:, alive: false, delay: 65535 ms uid: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.656604995Z" level=debug msg="Health Checking, proxy: [😀游隼]台湾02原生 5X, url:, id: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.656777201Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [120.196.*.*] A, expire at 2024-12-19 09:15:17"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.656953613Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [] AAAA, expire at 2024-12-19 09:14:48"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.921398552Z" level=debug msg="[Rule] use default rules"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.921601851Z" level=debug msg="[Rule] use default rules"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.955462976Z" level=debug msg="[Metadata PreHandle] error: fake DNS record 198.18.*.* missing"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:27.955559219Z" level=debug msg="[Metadata PreHandle] failed to sniff a domain for connection 192.168.*.*:40261 --> 198.18.*.*:443, give up"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:28.031443207Z" level=debug msg="TProxy listenLocalConn rAddr=115.231.*.*:9785 lAddr=192.168.*.*:8139"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:28.03161019Z" level=debug msg="TProxy listenLocalConn rAddr=115.231.*.*:9705 lAddr=192.168.*.*:8139"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:28.03162432Z" level=debug msg="TProxy listenLocalConn rAddr=115.231.*.*:9675 lAddr=192.168.*.*:8139"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:28.031672128Z" level=debug msg="TProxy listenLocalConn rAddr=115.231.*.*:9815 lAddr=192.168.*.*:8139"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:28.055983099Z" level=debug msg="Health Checked, proxy: [😀游隼]台湾02原生 5X, url:, alive: false, delay: 65535 ms uid: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:28.056158238Z" level=debug msg="Health Checking, proxy: [😀游隼]香港09 1.5X, url:, id: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:28.056339Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [217.142.*.*] A, expire at 2024-12-19 09:10:41"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:28.056464935Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [] AAAA, expire at 2024-12-19 09:14:03"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:28.293959564Z" level=debug msg="Health Checked, proxy: [😀游隼]美国 12, url:, alive: false, delay: 65535 ms uid: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:28.294067017Z" level=debug msg="Health Checking, proxy: [😀游隼]香港02 5X, url:, id: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:28.29422374Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [120.196.*.*] A, expire at 2024-12-19 09:15:17"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:28.294290231Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [] AAAA, expire at 2024-12-19 09:14:48"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:28.324774602Z" level=debug msg="Health Checked, proxy: [😀游隼]美国 13, url:, alive: false, delay: 65535 ms uid: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:28.324808702Z" level=debug msg="Health Checking, proxy: [😀游隼]香港06 5X, url:, id: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:28.324879823Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [] AAAA, expire at 2024-12-19 09:14:48"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:28.324895703Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [120.196.*.*] A, expire at 2024-12-19 09:15:17"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:28.397039182Z" level=debug msg="Health Checked, proxy: [😀游隼]新加坡05 2X, url:, alive: true, delay: 1670 ms uid: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:28.397077043Z" level=debug msg="Health Checking, proxy: [😀游隼]香港07 5X, url:, id: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:28.397137889Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [120.196.*.*] A, expire at 2024-12-19 09:15:17"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:28.397165041Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [] AAAA, expire at 2024-12-19 09:14:48"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:28.416547679Z" level=debug msg="Health Checked, proxy: [😀游隼]香港02 5X, url:, alive: false, delay: 65535 ms uid: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:28.416586015Z" level=debug msg="Health Checking, proxy: [😀游隼]香港08 5X, url:, id: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:28.4166607Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [] AAAA, expire at 2024-12-19 09:14:48"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:28.416679058Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [120.196.*.*] A, expire at 2024-12-19 09:15:17"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:28.429269154Z" level=debug msg="Health Checked, proxy: [😀游隼]香港06 5X, url:, alive: false, delay: 65535 ms uid: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:28.429308639Z" level=debug msg="Health Checking, proxy: [😀游隼]香港01 5X, url:, id: {b66af961-2b7e-4cee-ace1-2197c96f8dae}"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:28.429363518Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [120.196.*.*] A, expire at 2024-12-19 09:15:17"
time="2024-12-19T09:10:28.429397372Z" level=debug msg="[DNS] cache hit --> [] AAAA, expire at 2024-12-19 09:14:48"

#===================== 最近运行日志获取完成(自动切换为silent模式) =====================#

#===================== 活动连接信息 =====================#

1. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cn】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
2. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【nocn】 - Lastchain:【[😀游隼]新加坡02 5X 全解锁】
3. SourceIP:【240e:*:*:*:a665:3e70:90cf:dbeb】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【2408:4001:f10::14a】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
4. SourceIP:【240e:*:*:*:7054:cab0:6608:c1ad】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【240e:f7:e010:1100:2::f1】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
5. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【nocn】 - Lastchain:【[😀游隼]新加坡02 5X 全解锁】
6. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【】 - Lastchain:【[😀游隼]新加坡02 5X 全解锁】
7. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【nocn】 - Lastchain:【[😀游隼]新加坡02 5X 全解锁】
8. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【】 - Lastchain:【[😀游隼]新加坡02 5X 全解锁】
9. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【122.228.*.*】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
10. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【163.181.*.*】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
11. SourceIP:【240e:*:*:*:7054:cab0:6608:c1ad】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【240e:978:d04:2002::1b】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
12. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【】 - Lastchain:【[😀游隼]新加坡02 5X 全解锁】
13. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cn】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
14. SourceIP:【240e:*:*:*:a665:3e70:90cf:dbeb】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【2407:c080:1400:2e:437c:35e3:41c9:d809】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
15. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【61.174.*.*】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
16. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【183.136.*.*】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
17. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cn】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
18. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cn】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
19. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【nocn】 - Lastchain:【[😀游隼]新加坡02 5X 全解锁】
20. SourceIP:【240e:*:*:*:7054:cab0:6608:c1ad】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【240e:f7:a060:9201:8000:0:b00:28】 - Network:【udp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
21. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【110.42.*.*】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
22. SourceIP:【240e:*:*:*:7054:cab0:6608:c1ad】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【240e:b1:e401::105】 - Network:【udp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
23. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【8.134.*.*】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
24. SourceIP:【240e:*:*:*:ffc2:ba03:f7db:38dc】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【2407:c080:1400:2e:437c:35e3:41c9:d809】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
25. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cn】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
26. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【】 - Lastchain:【[😀游隼]新加坡02 5X 全解锁】
27. SourceIP:【240e:*:*:*:ffc2:ba03:f7db:38dc】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【240e:97c:2f:1004::2c】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
28. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cn】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
29. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【122.228.*.*】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
30. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【111.225.*.*】 - Network:【udp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
31. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cn】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
32. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cn】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
33. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cn】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
34. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【openai】 - Lastchain:【[🐬渔云]台湾 02】
35. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【nocn】 - Lastchain:【[😀游隼]新加坡02 5X 全解锁】
36. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【111.225.*.*】 - Network:【udp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
37. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【110.42.*.*】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
38. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【nocn】 - Lastchain:【[😀游隼]新加坡02 5X 全解锁】
39. SourceIP:【183.143.*.*】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【119.97.*.*】 - Network:【udp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
40. SourceIP:【240e:*:*:*:7054:cab0:6608:c1ad】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【2408:8770:0:44:8000:0:d00:6】 - Network:【udp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
41. SourceIP:【240e:*:*:*:7054:cab0:6608:c1ad】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【240e:f7:a060:9201:8000:0:b00:28】 - Network:【udp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
42. SourceIP:【240e:*:*:*:163:fe66:358e:45b1】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【240e:f7:7000:c1:3::3f1】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
43. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【47.103.*.*】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
44. SourceIP:【240e:*:*:*:a665:3e70:90cf:dbeb】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【240e:ff:f100:100e::7】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
45. SourceIP:【240e:*:*:*:a665:3e70:90cf:dbeb】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【240e:f7:c010:102:3::3d1】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
46. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【openai】 - Lastchain:【[🐬渔云]台湾 02】
47. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cn】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
48. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【163.181.*.*】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
49. SourceIP:【240e:*:*:*:a665:3e70:90cf:dbeb】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【2407:c080:1400:69:ab41:fbd5:55aa:3253】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
50. SourceIP:【240e:*:*:*:7054:cab0:6608:c1ad】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【240e:f7:4d8f:4:8000:0:b00:101】 - Network:【udp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
51. SourceIP:【240e:*:*:*:ffc2:ba03:f7db:38dc】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【2407:c080:1200:2164:69f6:a503:f6db:60c】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
52. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【】 - Lastchain:【[😀游隼]新加坡02 5X 全解锁】
53. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cn】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
54. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cn】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
55. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【101.91.*.*】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
56. SourceIP:【】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【1.1.*.*】 - Network:【udp】 - RulePayload:【】 - Lastchain:【[😀游隼]新加坡02 5X 全解锁】
57. SourceIP:【240e:*:*:*:a665:3e70:90cf:dbeb】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【240e:f7:7c00:10a:3::3d0】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
58. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【121.228.*.*】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
59. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【nocn】 - Lastchain:【[😀游隼]新加坡02 5X 全解锁】
60. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【163.181.*.*】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
61. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cn】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
62. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cn】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
63. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【122.228.*.*】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
64. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【110.42.*.*】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
65. SourceIP:【240e:*:*:*:a665:3e70:90cf:dbeb】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【2407:c080:1200:2164:69f6:a503:f6db:60c】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
66. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cn】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
67. SourceIP:【240e:*:*:*:a665:3e70:90cf:dbeb】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【240e:f7:e000:640::3f】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
68. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【175.4.*.*】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
69. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【221.204.*.*】 - Network:【udp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
70. SourceIP:【240e:*:*:*:a665:3e70:90cf:dbeb】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【2407:c080:1400:14:df25:148e:6f57:c51d】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
71. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cn】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
72. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cn】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
73. SourceIP:【240e:*:*:*:ffc2:ba03:f7db:38dc】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【2407:c080:1400:69:ab41:fbd5:55aa:3253】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
74. SourceIP:【240e:*:*:*:7054:cab0:6608:c1ad】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【240e:f7:e700:1fb:3::3da】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
75. SourceIP:【192.168.*.*】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【111.225.*.*】 - Network:【udp】 - RulePayload:【cnip】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】

### OpenClash Config

_No response_

### Expected Behavior


### Additional Context

_No response_
@7461151 7461151 added the bug Something isn't working label Dec 19, 2024
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bug Something isn't working Stale
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3 participants