diff --git a/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/content.rs b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/content.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..f782d9586b7ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/content.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+use std::io::Write as _;
+use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Result};
+use indexmap::IndexSet;
+use indoc::{indoc, writedoc};
+use turbo_tasks::TryJoinIterExt;
+use turbo_tasks_fs::{embed_file, File, FileContent, FileSystemPathReadRef, FileSystemPathVc};
+use turbopack_core::{
+    asset::AssetContentVc,
+    chunk::{
+        chunk_content, chunk_content_split, ChunkContentResult, ChunkGroupVc, ChunkVc,
+        ChunkingContext, ChunkingContextVc, ModuleId,
+    },
+    code_builder::{CodeBuilder, CodeVc},
+    environment::{ChunkLoading, EnvironmentVc},
+    reference::AssetReferenceVc,
+    source_map::{GenerateSourceMap, GenerateSourceMapVc, OptionSourceMapVc, SourceMapVc},
+    version::{UpdateVc, VersionVc, VersionedContent, VersionedContentVc},
+use super::{
+    evaluate::EcmascriptChunkContentEvaluateVc,
+    item::{EcmascriptChunkItemVc, EcmascriptChunkItems, EcmascriptChunkItemsVc},
+    placeable::{EcmascriptChunkPlaceableVc, EcmascriptChunkPlaceablesVc},
+    snapshot::EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotReadRef,
+    version::{EcmascriptChunkVersion, EcmascriptChunkVersionVc},
+use crate::utils::stringify_js;
+pub struct EcmascriptChunkContentResult {
+    pub chunk_items: EcmascriptChunkItemsVc,
+    pub chunks: Vec<ChunkVc>,
+    pub async_chunk_groups: Vec<ChunkGroupVc>,
+    pub external_asset_references: Vec<AssetReferenceVc>,
+impl EcmascriptChunkContentResultVc {
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    fn filter(self, _other: EcmascriptChunkContentResultVc) -> EcmascriptChunkContentResultVc {
+        todo!()
+    }
+impl From<ChunkContentResult<EcmascriptChunkItemVc>> for EcmascriptChunkContentResult {
+    fn from(from: ChunkContentResult<EcmascriptChunkItemVc>) -> Self {
+        EcmascriptChunkContentResult {
+            chunk_items: EcmascriptChunkItems(EcmascriptChunkItems::make_chunks(&from.chunk_items))
+                .cell(),
+            chunks: from.chunks,
+            async_chunk_groups: from.async_chunk_groups,
+            external_asset_references: from.external_asset_references,
+        }
+    }
+pub(crate) fn ecmascript_chunk_content(
+    context: ChunkingContextVc,
+    main_entries: EcmascriptChunkPlaceablesVc,
+    omit_entries: Option<EcmascriptChunkPlaceablesVc>,
+) -> EcmascriptChunkContentResultVc {
+    let mut chunk_content = ecmascript_chunk_content_internal(context, main_entries);
+    if let Some(omit_entries) = omit_entries {
+        let omit_chunk_content = ecmascript_chunk_content_internal(context, omit_entries);
+        chunk_content = chunk_content.filter(omit_chunk_content);
+    }
+    chunk_content
+async fn ecmascript_chunk_content_internal(
+    context: ChunkingContextVc,
+    entries: EcmascriptChunkPlaceablesVc,
+) -> Result<EcmascriptChunkContentResultVc> {
+    let entries = entries.await?;
+    let entries = entries.iter().copied();
+    let contents = entries
+        .map(|entry| ecmascript_chunk_content_single_entry(context, entry))
+        .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+    if contents.len() == 1 {
+        return Ok(contents.into_iter().next().unwrap());
+    }
+    let mut all_chunk_items = IndexSet::<EcmascriptChunkItemVc>::new();
+    let mut all_chunks = IndexSet::<ChunkVc>::new();
+    let mut all_async_chunk_groups = IndexSet::<ChunkGroupVc>::new();
+    let mut all_external_asset_references = IndexSet::<AssetReferenceVc>::new();
+    for content in contents {
+        let EcmascriptChunkContentResult {
+            chunk_items,
+            chunks,
+            async_chunk_groups,
+            external_asset_references,
+        } = &*content.await?;
+        for chunk in chunk_items.await?.iter() {
+            all_chunk_items.extend(chunk.await?.iter().copied());
+        }
+        all_chunks.extend(chunks.iter().copied());
+        all_async_chunk_groups.extend(async_chunk_groups.iter().copied());
+        all_external_asset_references.extend(external_asset_references.iter().copied());
+    }
+    let chunk_items =
+        EcmascriptChunkItems::make_chunks(&all_chunk_items.into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>());
+    Ok(EcmascriptChunkContentResult {
+        chunk_items: EcmascriptChunkItemsVc::cell(chunk_items),
+        chunks: all_chunks.into_iter().collect(),
+        async_chunk_groups: all_async_chunk_groups.into_iter().collect(),
+        external_asset_references: all_external_asset_references.into_iter().collect(),
+    }
+    .cell())
+async fn ecmascript_chunk_content_single_entry(
+    context: ChunkingContextVc,
+    entry: EcmascriptChunkPlaceableVc,
+) -> Result<EcmascriptChunkContentResultVc> {
+    let asset = entry.as_asset();
+    Ok(EcmascriptChunkContentResultVc::cell(
+        if let Some(res) = chunk_content::<EcmascriptChunkItemVc>(context, asset, None).await? {
+            res
+        } else {
+            chunk_content_split::<EcmascriptChunkItemVc>(context, asset, None).await?
+        }
+        .into(),
+    ))
+#[turbo_tasks::value(serialization = "none")]
+pub(super) struct EcmascriptChunkContent {
+    pub(super) module_factories: EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotReadRef,
+    pub(super) chunk_path: FileSystemPathReadRef,
+    pub(super) output_root: FileSystemPathReadRef,
+    pub(super) evaluate: Option<EcmascriptChunkContentEvaluateVc>,
+    pub(super) environment: EnvironmentVc,
+impl EcmascriptChunkContentVc {
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    pub(super) async fn new(
+        context: ChunkingContextVc,
+        main_entries: EcmascriptChunkPlaceablesVc,
+        omit_entries: Option<EcmascriptChunkPlaceablesVc>,
+        chunk_path: FileSystemPathVc,
+        evaluate: Option<EcmascriptChunkContentEvaluateVc>,
+    ) -> Result<Self> {
+        // TODO(alexkirsz) All of this should be done in a transition, otherwise we run
+        // the risks of values not being strongly consistent with each other.
+        let chunk_content = ecmascript_chunk_content(context, main_entries, omit_entries);
+        let chunk_content = chunk_content.await?;
+        let chunk_path = chunk_path.await?;
+        let module_factories = chunk_content.chunk_items.to_entry_snapshot().await?;
+        let output_root = context.output_root().await?;
+        Ok(EcmascriptChunkContent {
+            module_factories,
+            chunk_path,
+            output_root,
+            evaluate,
+            environment: context.environment(),
+        }
+        .cell())
+    }
+impl EcmascriptChunkContentVc {
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    pub(super) async fn version(self) -> Result<EcmascriptChunkVersionVc> {
+        let this = self.await?;
+        let chunk_server_path = if let Some(path) = this.output_root.get_path_to(&*this.chunk_path)
+        {
+            path
+        } else {
+            bail!(
+                "chunk path {} is not in output root {}",
+                this.chunk_path.to_string(),
+                this.output_root.to_string()
+            );
+        };
+        let module_factories_hashes = this
+            .module_factories
+            .iter()
+            .map(|entry| (entry.id.clone(), entry.hash))
+            .collect();
+        Ok(EcmascriptChunkVersion {
+            module_factories_hashes,
+            chunk_server_path: chunk_server_path.to_string(),
+        }
+        .cell())
+    }
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    async fn code(self) -> Result<CodeVc> {
+        let this = self.await?;
+        let chunk_server_path = if let Some(path) = this.output_root.get_path_to(&*this.chunk_path)
+        {
+            path
+        } else {
+            bail!(
+                "chunk path {} is not in output root {}",
+                this.chunk_path.to_string(),
+                this.output_root.to_string()
+            );
+        };
+        let mut code = CodeBuilder::default();
+        code += "(self.TURBOPACK = self.TURBOPACK || []).push([";
+        writeln!(code, "{}, {{", stringify_js(chunk_server_path))?;
+        for entry in &this.module_factories {
+            write!(code, "\n{}: ", &stringify_js(entry.id()))?;
+            code.push_code(entry.code());
+            code += ",";
+        }
+        code += "\n}";
+        if let Some(evaluate) = &this.evaluate {
+            let evaluate = evaluate.await?;
+            let condition = evaluate
+                .ecma_chunks_server_paths
+                .iter()
+                .map(|path| format!(" && loadedChunks.has({})", stringify_js(path)))
+                .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+                .join("");
+            let entries_instantiations = evaluate
+                .entry_modules_ids
+                .iter()
+                .map(|id| async move {
+                    let id = id.await?;
+                    let id = stringify_js(&id);
+                    Ok(format!(r#"instantiateRuntimeModule({id});"#)) as Result<_>
+                })
+                .try_join()
+                .await?
+                .join("\n");
+            // Add a runnable to the chunk that requests the entry module to ensure it gets
+            // executed when the chunk is evaluated.
+            // The condition stops the entry module from being executed while chunks it
+            // depend on have not yet been registered.
+            // The runnable will run every time a new chunk is `.push`ed to TURBOPACK, until
+            // all dependent chunks have been evaluated.
+            writedoc!(
+                code,
+                r#"
+                    , ({{ loadedChunks, instantiateRuntimeModule }}) => {{
+                        if(!(true{condition})) return true;
+                        {entries_instantiations}
+                    }}
+                "#
+            )?;
+        }
+        code += "]);\n";
+        if this.evaluate.is_some() {
+            // When a chunk is executed, it will either register itself with the current
+            // instance of the runtime, or it will push itself onto the list of pending
+            // chunks (`self.TURBOPACK`).
+            //
+            // When the runtime executes, it will pick up and register all pending chunks,
+            // and replace the list of pending chunks with itself so later chunks can
+            // register directly with it.
+            writedoc!(
+                code,
+                r#"
+                    (() => {{
+                    if (!Array.isArray(globalThis.TURBOPACK)) {{
+                        return;
+                    }}
+                "#
+            )?;
+            let specific_runtime_code = match *this.environment.chunk_loading().await? {
+                ChunkLoading::None => embed_file!("js/src/runtime.none.js").await?,
+                ChunkLoading::NodeJs => embed_file!("js/src/runtime.nodejs.js").await?,
+                ChunkLoading::Dom => embed_file!("js/src/runtime.dom.js").await?,
+            };
+            match &*specific_runtime_code {
+                FileContent::NotFound => return Err(anyhow!("specific runtime code is not found")),
+                FileContent::Content(file) => code.push_source(file.content(), None),
+            };
+            let shared_runtime_code = embed_file!("js/src/runtime.js").await?;
+            match &*shared_runtime_code {
+                FileContent::NotFound => return Err(anyhow!("shared runtime code is not found")),
+                FileContent::Content(file) => code.push_source(file.content(), None),
+            };
+            code += indoc! { r#"
+                })();
+            "# };
+        }
+        if code.has_source_map() {
+            let filename = this.chunk_path.file_name();
+            write!(code, "\n\n//# sourceMappingURL={}.map", filename)?;
+        }
+        Ok(code.build().cell())
+    }
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    async fn content(self) -> Result<AssetContentVc> {
+        let code = self.code().await?;
+        Ok(File::from(code.source_code().clone()).into())
+    }
+impl VersionedContent for EcmascriptChunkContent {
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    fn content(self_vc: EcmascriptChunkContentVc) -> AssetContentVc {
+        self_vc.content()
+    }
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    fn version(self_vc: EcmascriptChunkContentVc) -> VersionVc {
+        self_vc.version().into()
+    }
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    async fn update(
+        self_vc: EcmascriptChunkContentVc,
+        from_version: VersionVc,
+    ) -> Result<UpdateVc> {
+        update_ecmascript_chunk(self_vc, from_version).await
+    }
+impl GenerateSourceMap for EcmascriptChunkContent {
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    fn generate_source_map(self_vc: EcmascriptChunkContentVc) -> SourceMapVc {
+        self_vc.code().generate_source_map()
+    }
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    async fn by_section(&self, section: &str) -> Result<OptionSourceMapVc> {
+        // Weirdly, the ContentSource will have already URL decoded the ModuleId, and we
+        // can't reparse that via serde.
+        if let Ok(id) = ModuleId::parse(section) {
+            for entry in self.module_factories.iter() {
+                if id == *entry.id() {
+                    let sm = entry.code_vc.generate_source_map();
+                    return Ok(OptionSourceMapVc::cell(Some(sm)));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        Ok(OptionSourceMapVc::cell(None))
+    }
diff --git a/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/context.rs b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/context.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..c5788d317286a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/context.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+use std::fmt::Write;
+use anyhow::Result;
+use turbo_tasks::ValueToString;
+use turbopack_core::chunk::{ChunkingContext, ChunkingContextVc, ModuleId, ModuleIdVc};
+use super::item::EcmascriptChunkItemVc;
+pub(super) struct EcmascriptChunkContext {
+    context: ChunkingContextVc,
+impl EcmascriptChunkContextVc {
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    pub fn of(context: ChunkingContextVc) -> EcmascriptChunkContextVc {
+        EcmascriptChunkContextVc::cell(EcmascriptChunkContext { context })
+    }
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    pub async fn chunk_item_id(self, chunk_item: EcmascriptChunkItemVc) -> Result<ModuleIdVc> {
+        let layer = &*self.await?.context.layer().await?;
+        let mut s = chunk_item.to_string().await?.clone_value();
+        if !layer.is_empty() {
+            if s.ends_with(')') {
+                s.pop();
+                write!(s, ", {layer})")?;
+            } else {
+                write!(s, " ({layer})")?;
+            }
+        }
+        Ok(ModuleId::String(s).cell())
+    }
diff --git a/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/evaluate.rs b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/evaluate.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..2bb97ca431c94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/evaluate.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+use anyhow::Result;
+use turbopack_core::{
+    asset::Asset,
+    chunk::{
+        chunk_in_group::ChunkInGroupVc, ChunkGroupVc, ChunkingContext, ChunkingContextVc,
+        ModuleIdVc,
+    },
+use super::{
+    item::EcmascriptChunkItem,
+    placeable::{EcmascriptChunkPlaceable, EcmascriptChunkPlaceablesVc},
+    EcmascriptChunkVc,
+/// Whether the ES chunk should include and evaluate a runtime.
+pub struct EcmascriptChunkEvaluate {
+    /// Entries that will be executed in that order only all chunks are ready.
+    /// These entries must be included in `main_entries` so that they are
+    /// available.
+    pub evaluate_entries: EcmascriptChunkPlaceablesVc,
+    /// All chunks of this chunk group need to be ready for execution to start.
+    /// When None, it will use a chunk group created from the current chunk.
+    pub chunk_group: Option<ChunkGroupVc>,
+impl EcmascriptChunkEvaluateVc {
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    pub(super) async fn content(
+        self,
+        context: ChunkingContextVc,
+        origin_chunk: EcmascriptChunkVc,
+    ) -> Result<EcmascriptChunkContentEvaluateVc> {
+        let &EcmascriptChunkEvaluate {
+            evaluate_entries,
+            chunk_group,
+        } = &*self.await?;
+        let chunk_group =
+            chunk_group.unwrap_or_else(|| ChunkGroupVc::from_chunk(origin_chunk.into()));
+        let evaluate_chunks = chunk_group.chunks().await?;
+        let mut ecma_chunks_server_paths = Vec::new();
+        let mut other_chunks_server_paths = Vec::new();
+        let output_root = context.output_root().await?;
+        for chunk in evaluate_chunks.iter() {
+            if let Some(chunk_in_group) = ChunkInGroupVc::resolve_from(chunk).await? {
+                let chunks_server_paths = if let Some(ecma_chunk) =
+                    EcmascriptChunkVc::resolve_from(chunk_in_group.inner()).await?
+                {
+                    if ecma_chunk == origin_chunk {
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    &mut ecma_chunks_server_paths
+                } else {
+                    &mut other_chunks_server_paths
+                };
+                let chunk_path = &*chunk.path().await?;
+                if let Some(chunk_server_path) = output_root.get_path_to(chunk_path) {
+                    chunks_server_paths.push(chunk_server_path.to_string());
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        let entry_modules_ids = evaluate_entries
+            .await?
+            .iter()
+            .map(|entry| entry.as_chunk_item(context).id())
+            .collect();
+        Ok(EcmascriptChunkContentEvaluate {
+            ecma_chunks_server_paths,
+            other_chunks_server_paths,
+            entry_modules_ids,
+        }
+        .cell())
+    }
+pub(super) struct EcmascriptChunkContentEvaluate {
+    pub ecma_chunks_server_paths: Vec<String>,
+    pub other_chunks_server_paths: Vec<String>,
+    pub entry_modules_ids: Vec<ModuleIdVc>,
diff --git a/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/item.rs b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/item.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..a15120a544fcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/item.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+use anyhow::Result;
+use indexmap::IndexSet;
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use turbo_tasks::{trace::TraceRawVcs, TryJoinIterExt, ValueToString, ValueToStringVc};
+use turbo_tasks_fs::{rope::Rope, FileSystemPathVc};
+use turbopack_core::{
+    asset::AssetVc,
+    chunk::{
+        ChunkItem, ChunkItemVc, ChunkableAssetVc, ChunkingContextVc, FromChunkableAsset, ModuleIdVc,
+    },
+use super::{
+    context::EcmascriptChunkContextVc,
+    manifest::{chunk_asset::ManifestChunkAssetVc, loader_item::ManifestLoaderItemVc},
+    placeable::EcmascriptChunkPlaceableVc,
+    snapshot::{
+        EcmascriptChunkContentEntries, EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshot,
+        EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotVc, EcmascriptChunkContentEntryVc,
+    },
+    EcmascriptChunkPlaceable,
+use crate::ParseResultSourceMapVc;
+pub struct EcmascriptChunkItemContent {
+    pub inner_code: Rope,
+    pub source_map: Option<ParseResultSourceMapVc>,
+    pub options: EcmascriptChunkItemOptions,
+    pub placeholder_for_future_extensions: (),
+#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Default, Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, TraceRawVcs)]
+pub struct EcmascriptChunkItemOptions {
+    pub module: bool,
+    pub exports: bool,
+    pub this: bool,
+    pub placeholder_for_future_extensions: (),
+pub trait EcmascriptChunkItem: ChunkItem + ValueToString {
+    fn related_path(&self) -> FileSystemPathVc;
+    fn content(&self) -> EcmascriptChunkItemContentVc;
+    fn chunking_context(&self) -> ChunkingContextVc;
+    fn id(&self) -> ModuleIdVc {
+        EcmascriptChunkContextVc::of(self.chunking_context()).chunk_item_id(*self)
+    }
+impl FromChunkableAsset for EcmascriptChunkItemVc {
+    async fn from_asset(context: ChunkingContextVc, asset: AssetVc) -> Result<Option<Self>> {
+        if let Some(placeable) = EcmascriptChunkPlaceableVc::resolve_from(asset).await? {
+            return Ok(Some(placeable.as_chunk_item(context)));
+        }
+        Ok(None)
+    }
+    async fn from_async_asset(
+        context: ChunkingContextVc,
+        asset: ChunkableAssetVc,
+    ) -> Result<Option<Self>> {
+        let chunk = ManifestChunkAssetVc::new(asset, context);
+        Ok(Some(ManifestLoaderItemVc::new(context, chunk).into()))
+    }
+pub struct EcmascriptChunkItemsChunk(Vec<EcmascriptChunkItemVc>);
+pub struct EcmascriptChunkItems(pub(super) Vec<EcmascriptChunkItemsChunkVc>);
+impl EcmascriptChunkItems {
+    pub fn make_chunks(list: &[EcmascriptChunkItemVc]) -> Vec<EcmascriptChunkItemsChunkVc> {
+        let size = list.len().div_ceil(100);
+        let chunk_items = list
+            .chunks(size)
+            .map(|chunk| EcmascriptChunkItemsChunkVc::cell(chunk.to_vec()))
+            .collect();
+        chunk_items
+    }
+impl EcmascriptChunkItemsChunkVc {
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    async fn to_entry_snapshot(self) -> Result<EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotVc> {
+        let list = self.await?;
+        Ok(EcmascriptChunkContentEntries(
+            list.iter()
+                .map(|chunk_item| EcmascriptChunkContentEntryVc::new(*chunk_item))
+                .collect(),
+        )
+        .cell()
+        .snapshot())
+    }
+pub(super) struct EcmascriptChunkItemsSet(IndexSet<EcmascriptChunkItemVc>);
+impl EcmascriptChunkItemsVc {
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    pub(super) async fn to_entry_snapshot(self) -> Result<EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotVc> {
+        let list = self.await?;
+        Ok(EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshot::Nested(
+            list.iter()
+                .map(|chunk| chunk.to_entry_snapshot())
+                .try_join()
+                .await?,
+        )
+        .cell())
+    }
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    pub(super) async fn to_set(self) -> Result<EcmascriptChunkItemsSetVc> {
+        let mut set = IndexSet::new();
+        for chunk in self.await?.iter().copied().try_join().await? {
+            set.extend(chunk.iter().copied())
+        }
+        Ok(EcmascriptChunkItemsSetVc::cell(set))
+    }
diff --git a/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/loader.rs b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/loader.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 27447cf51292f..0000000000000
--- a/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/loader.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
-use std::io::Write as _;
-use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Result};
-use indexmap::IndexSet;
-use turbo_tasks::{primitives::StringVc, ValueToString, ValueToStringVc};
-use turbo_tasks_fs::FileSystemPathVc;
-use turbopack_core::{
-    asset::{Asset, AssetContentVc, AssetVc},
-    chunk::{
-        ChunkGroupVc, ChunkItem, ChunkItemVc, ChunkReferenceVc, ChunkVc, ChunkableAsset,
-        ChunkableAssetReference, ChunkableAssetReferenceVc, ChunkableAssetVc, ChunkingContext,
-        ChunkingContextVc, ChunkingType, ChunkingTypeOptionVc, ChunksVc,
-    },
-    reference::{AssetReference, AssetReferenceVc, AssetReferencesVc},
-    resolve::{ResolveResult, ResolveResultVc},
-use crate::{
-    chunk::{
-        EcmascriptChunkItem, EcmascriptChunkItemContent, EcmascriptChunkItemContentVc,
-        EcmascriptChunkItemVc, EcmascriptChunkPlaceable, EcmascriptChunkPlaceableVc,
-        EcmascriptChunkVc, EcmascriptExports, EcmascriptExportsVc,
-    },
-    utils::stringify_js,
-/// The manifest loader item is shipped in the same chunk that uses the dynamic
-/// `import()` expression. Its responsibility is to load the manifest chunk from
-/// the server. The dynamic import has been rewritten to import this manifest
-/// loader item, which will load the manifest chunk from the server, which
-/// will load all the chunks needed by the dynamic import. Finally, we'll be
-/// able to import the module we're trying to dynamically import.
-/// Splitting the dynamic import into a quickly generate-able manifest loader
-/// item and a slow-to-generate manifest chunk allows for faster incremental
-/// compilation. The traversal won't be performed until the dynamic import is
-/// actually reached, instead of eagerly as part of the chunk that the dynamic
-/// import appears in.
-pub struct ManifestLoaderItem {
-    context: ChunkingContextVc,
-    manifest: ManifestChunkAssetVc,
-impl ManifestLoaderItemVc {
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    pub fn new(context: ChunkingContextVc, manifest: ManifestChunkAssetVc) -> Self {
-        Self::cell(ManifestLoaderItem { context, manifest })
-    }
-impl ValueToString for ManifestLoaderItem {
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    fn to_string(&self) -> StringVc {
-        self.manifest
-            .path()
-            .parent()
-            .join("manifest-loader.js")
-            .to_string()
-    }
-impl ChunkItem for ManifestLoaderItem {
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    fn references(&self) -> AssetReferencesVc {
-        AssetReferencesVc::cell(vec![ManifestChunkAssetReference {
-            manifest: self.manifest,
-        }
-        .cell()
-        .into()])
-    }
-impl EcmascriptChunkItem for ManifestLoaderItem {
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    fn chunking_context(&self) -> ChunkingContextVc {
-        self.context
-    }
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    fn related_path(&self) -> FileSystemPathVc {
-        self.manifest.path()
-    }
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    async fn content(&self) -> Result<EcmascriptChunkItemContentVc> {
-        let mut code = Vec::new();
-        let manifest = self.manifest.await?;
-        let asset = manifest.asset.as_asset();
-        let chunk = self.manifest.as_chunk(self.context);
-        let chunk_path = &*chunk.path().await?;
-        let output_root = self.context.output_root().await?;
-        // We need several items in order for a dynamic import to fully load. First, we
-        // need the chunk path of the manifest chunk, relative from the output root. The
-        // chunk is a servable file, which will contain the manifest chunk item, which
-        // will perform the actual chunk traversal and generate load statements.
-        let chunk_server_path = if let Some(path) = output_root.get_path_to(chunk_path) {
-            path
-        } else {
-            bail!(
-                "chunk path {} is not in output root {}",
-                chunk.path().to_string().await?,
-                self.context.output_root().to_string().await?
-            );
-        };
-        // We also need the manifest chunk item's id, which points to a CJS module that
-        // exports a promise for all of the necessary chunk loads.
-        let item_id = &*self.manifest.as_chunk_item(self.context).id().await?;
-        // Finally, we need the id of the module that we're actually trying to
-        // dynamically import.
-        let placeable = EcmascriptChunkPlaceableVc::resolve_from(asset)
-            .await?
-            .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("asset is not placeable in ecmascript chunk"))?;
-        let dynamic_id = &*placeable.as_chunk_item(self.context).id().await?;
-        // TODO: a dedent macro with expression interpolation would be awesome.
-        write!(
-            code,
-            "
-__turbopack_export_value__((__turbopack_import__) => {{
-    return __turbopack_load__({chunk_server_path}).then(() => {{
-        return __turbopack_require__({item_id});
-    }}).then(() => __turbopack_import__({dynamic_id}));
-            chunk_server_path = stringify_js(chunk_server_path),
-            item_id = stringify_js(item_id),
-            dynamic_id = stringify_js(dynamic_id),
-        )?;
-        Ok(EcmascriptChunkItemContent {
-            inner_code: code.into(),
-            ..Default::default()
-        }
-        .into())
-    }
-/// The manifest chunk is deferred until requested by the manifest loader
-/// item when the dynamic `import()` expression is reached. Its responsibility
-/// is to generate a Promise that will resolve only after all the necessary
-/// chunks needed by the dynamic import are loaded by the client.
-/// Splitting the dynamic import into a quickly generate-able manifest loader
-/// item and a slow-to-generate manifest chunk allows for faster incremental
-/// compilation. The traversal won't be performed until the dynamic import is
-/// actually reached, instead of eagerly as part of the chunk that the dynamic
-/// import appears in.
-pub struct ManifestChunkAsset {
-    pub asset: ChunkableAssetVc,
-    pub chunking_context: ChunkingContextVc,
-impl ManifestChunkAssetVc {
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    pub fn new(asset: ChunkableAssetVc, chunking_context: ChunkingContextVc) -> Self {
-        Self::cell(ManifestChunkAsset {
-            asset,
-            chunking_context,
-        })
-    }
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    async fn chunks(self) -> Result<ChunksVc> {
-        let this = self.await?;
-        let chunk_group = ChunkGroupVc::from_asset(this.asset, this.chunking_context);
-        Ok(chunk_group.chunks())
-    }
-impl Asset for ManifestChunkAsset {
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    fn path(&self) -> FileSystemPathVc {
-        self.asset.path().join("manifest-chunk.js")
-    }
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    fn content(&self) -> AssetContentVc {
-        todo!()
-    }
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    fn references(&self) -> AssetReferencesVc {
-        todo!()
-    }
-impl ChunkableAsset for ManifestChunkAsset {
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    fn as_chunk(self_vc: ManifestChunkAssetVc, context: ChunkingContextVc) -> ChunkVc {
-        EcmascriptChunkVc::new(context, self_vc.into()).into()
-    }
-impl EcmascriptChunkPlaceable for ManifestChunkAsset {
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    fn as_chunk_item(
-        self_vc: ManifestChunkAssetVc,
-        context: ChunkingContextVc,
-    ) -> EcmascriptChunkItemVc {
-        ManifestChunkItem {
-            context,
-            manifest: self_vc,
-        }
-        .cell()
-        .into()
-    }
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    fn get_exports(&self) -> EcmascriptExportsVc {
-        EcmascriptExports::Value.cell()
-    }
-/// The ManifestChunkItem generates a __turbopack_load__ call for every chunk
-/// necessary to load the real asset. Once all the loads resolve, it is safe to
-/// __turbopack_import__ the actual module that was dynamically imported.
-struct ManifestChunkItem {
-    context: ChunkingContextVc,
-    manifest: ManifestChunkAssetVc,
-impl ValueToString for ManifestChunkItem {
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    async fn to_string(&self) -> Result<StringVc> {
-        Ok(self.manifest.path().to_string())
-    }
-impl EcmascriptChunkItem for ManifestChunkItem {
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    fn chunking_context(&self) -> ChunkingContextVc {
-        self.context
-    }
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    fn related_path(&self) -> FileSystemPathVc {
-        self.manifest.path()
-    }
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    async fn content(&self) -> Result<EcmascriptChunkItemContentVc> {
-        let chunks = self.manifest.chunks().await?;
-        let mut chunk_server_paths = IndexSet::new();
-        for chunk in chunks.iter() {
-            // The "path" in this case is the chunk's path, not the chunk item's path.
-            // The difference is a chunk is a file served by the dev server, and an
-            // item is one of several that are contained in that chunk file.
-            let chunk_path = &*chunk.path().await?;
-            // The pathname is the file path necessary to load the chunk from the server.
-            let output_root = self.context.output_root().await?;
-            let chunk_server_path = if let Some(path) = output_root.get_path_to(chunk_path) {
-                path
-            } else {
-                bail!(
-                    "chunk path {} is not in output root {}",
-                    chunk.path().to_string().await?,
-                    self.context.output_root().to_string().await?
-                );
-            };
-            chunk_server_paths.insert(chunk_server_path.to_string());
-        }
-        let mut code = b"const chunks = [\n".to_vec();
-        for pathname in chunk_server_paths {
-            writeln!(code, "    {},", stringify_js(&pathname))?;
-        }
-        writeln!(code, "];")?;
-        // TODO: a dedent macro would be awesome.
-        write!(
-            code,
-            "
-        )?;
-        Ok(EcmascriptChunkItemContent {
-            inner_code: code.into(),
-            ..Default::default()
-        }
-        .into())
-    }
-impl ChunkItem for ManifestChunkItem {
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    async fn references(&self) -> Result<AssetReferencesVc> {
-        let chunks = self.manifest.chunks();
-        Ok(AssetReferencesVc::cell(
-            chunks
-                .await?
-                .iter()
-                .copied()
-                .map(ChunkReferenceVc::new)
-                .map(Into::into)
-                .collect(),
-        ))
-    }
-struct ManifestChunkAssetReference {
-    manifest: ManifestChunkAssetVc,
-impl ValueToString for ManifestChunkAssetReference {
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    async fn to_string(&self) -> Result<StringVc> {
-        Ok(StringVc::cell(format!(
-            "referenced manifest {}",
-            self.manifest.path().to_string().await?
-        )))
-    }
-impl AssetReference for ManifestChunkAssetReference {
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    fn resolve_reference(&self) -> ResolveResultVc {
-        ResolveResult::asset(self.manifest.into()).cell()
-    }
-impl ChunkableAssetReference for ManifestChunkAssetReference {
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    fn chunking_type(&self, _context: ChunkingContextVc) -> ChunkingTypeOptionVc {
-        ChunkingTypeOptionVc::cell(Some(ChunkingType::Separate))
-    }
diff --git a/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/manifest/chunk_asset.rs b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/manifest/chunk_asset.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..25d1caad6004f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/manifest/chunk_asset.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+use anyhow::Result;
+use turbo_tasks::{primitives::StringVc, ValueToString, ValueToStringVc};
+use turbo_tasks_fs::FileSystemPathVc;
+use turbopack_core::{
+    asset::{Asset, AssetContentVc, AssetVc},
+    chunk::{
+        ChunkGroupVc, ChunkVc, ChunkableAsset, ChunkableAssetReference, ChunkableAssetReferenceVc,
+        ChunkableAssetVc, ChunkingContextVc, ChunkingType, ChunkingTypeOptionVc,
+    },
+    reference::{AssetReference, AssetReferenceVc, AssetReferencesVc},
+    resolve::{ResolveResult, ResolveResultVc},
+use super::chunk_item::ManifestChunkItem;
+use crate::chunk::{
+    item::EcmascriptChunkItemVc,
+    placeable::{
+        EcmascriptChunkPlaceable, EcmascriptChunkPlaceableVc, EcmascriptExports,
+        EcmascriptExportsVc,
+    },
+    EcmascriptChunkVc,
+/// The manifest chunk is deferred until requested by the manifest loader
+/// item when the dynamic `import()` expression is reached. Its responsibility
+/// is to generate a Promise that will resolve only after all the necessary
+/// chunks needed by the dynamic import are loaded by the client.
+/// Splitting the dynamic import into a quickly generate-able manifest loader
+/// item and a slow-to-generate manifest chunk allows for faster incremental
+/// compilation. The traversal won't be performed until the dynamic import is
+/// actually reached, instead of eagerly as part of the chunk that the dynamic
+/// import appears in.
+pub struct ManifestChunkAsset {
+    pub asset: ChunkableAssetVc,
+    pub chunking_context: ChunkingContextVc,
+impl ManifestChunkAssetVc {
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    pub fn new(asset: ChunkableAssetVc, chunking_context: ChunkingContextVc) -> Self {
+        Self::cell(ManifestChunkAsset {
+            asset,
+            chunking_context,
+        })
+    }
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    pub(super) async fn chunk_group(self) -> Result<ChunkGroupVc> {
+        let this = self.await?;
+        Ok(ChunkGroupVc::from_asset(this.asset, this.chunking_context))
+    }
+impl Asset for ManifestChunkAsset {
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    fn path(&self) -> FileSystemPathVc {
+        self.asset.path().join("manifest-chunk.js")
+    }
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    fn content(&self) -> AssetContentVc {
+        todo!()
+    }
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    fn references(&self) -> AssetReferencesVc {
+        todo!()
+    }
+impl ChunkableAsset for ManifestChunkAsset {
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    fn as_chunk(self_vc: ManifestChunkAssetVc, context: ChunkingContextVc) -> ChunkVc {
+        EcmascriptChunkVc::new(context, self_vc.into()).into()
+    }
+impl EcmascriptChunkPlaceable for ManifestChunkAsset {
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    fn as_chunk_item(
+        self_vc: ManifestChunkAssetVc,
+        context: ChunkingContextVc,
+    ) -> EcmascriptChunkItemVc {
+        ManifestChunkItem {
+            context,
+            manifest: self_vc,
+        }
+        .cell()
+        .into()
+    }
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    fn get_exports(&self) -> EcmascriptExportsVc {
+        EcmascriptExports::Value.cell()
+    }
+pub(super) struct ManifestChunkAssetReference {
+    pub manifest: ManifestChunkAssetVc,
+impl ValueToString for ManifestChunkAssetReference {
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    async fn to_string(&self) -> Result<StringVc> {
+        Ok(StringVc::cell(format!(
+            "referenced manifest {}",
+            self.manifest.path().to_string().await?
+        )))
+    }
+impl AssetReference for ManifestChunkAssetReference {
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    fn resolve_reference(&self) -> ResolveResultVc {
+        ResolveResult::asset(self.manifest.into()).cell()
+    }
+impl ChunkableAssetReference for ManifestChunkAssetReference {
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    fn chunking_type(&self, _context: ChunkingContextVc) -> ChunkingTypeOptionVc {
+        ChunkingTypeOptionVc::cell(Some(ChunkingType::Separate))
+    }
diff --git a/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/manifest/chunk_item.rs b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/manifest/chunk_item.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..43d99220b3174
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/manifest/chunk_item.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+use anyhow::{bail, Result};
+use indexmap::IndexSet;
+use indoc::formatdoc;
+use turbo_tasks::{primitives::StringVc, ValueToString, ValueToStringVc};
+use turbo_tasks_fs::FileSystemPathVc;
+use turbopack_core::{
+    asset::Asset,
+    chunk::{ChunkItem, ChunkItemVc, ChunkReferenceVc, ChunkingContext, ChunkingContextVc},
+    reference::AssetReferencesVc,
+use super::chunk_asset::ManifestChunkAssetVc;
+use crate::{
+    chunk::item::{
+        EcmascriptChunkItem, EcmascriptChunkItemContent, EcmascriptChunkItemContentVc,
+        EcmascriptChunkItemVc,
+    },
+    utils::stringify_js_pretty,
+/// The ManifestChunkItem generates a __turbopack_load__ call for every chunk
+/// necessary to load the real asset. Once all the loads resolve, it is safe to
+/// __turbopack_import__ the actual module that was dynamically imported.
+pub(super) struct ManifestChunkItem {
+    pub context: ChunkingContextVc,
+    pub manifest: ManifestChunkAssetVc,
+impl ValueToString for ManifestChunkItem {
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    async fn to_string(&self) -> Result<StringVc> {
+        Ok(self.manifest.path().to_string())
+    }
+impl EcmascriptChunkItem for ManifestChunkItem {
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    fn chunking_context(&self) -> ChunkingContextVc {
+        self.context
+    }
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    fn related_path(&self) -> FileSystemPathVc {
+        self.manifest.path()
+    }
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    async fn content(&self) -> Result<EcmascriptChunkItemContentVc> {
+        let chunks = self.manifest.chunk_group().chunks().await?;
+        let mut chunk_server_paths = IndexSet::new();
+        for chunk in chunks.iter() {
+            // The "path" in this case is the chunk's path, not the chunk item's path.
+            // The difference is a chunk is a file served by the dev server, and an
+            // item is one of several that are contained in that chunk file.
+            let chunk_path = &*chunk.path().await?;
+            // The pathname is the file path necessary to load the chunk from the server.
+            let output_root = self.context.output_root().await?;
+            let chunk_server_path = if let Some(path) = output_root.get_path_to(chunk_path) {
+                path
+            } else {
+                bail!(
+                    "chunk path {} is not in output root {}",
+                    chunk.path().to_string().await?,
+                    self.context.output_root().to_string().await?
+                );
+            };
+            chunk_server_paths.insert(chunk_server_path.to_string());
+        }
+        let code = formatdoc! {
+            r#"
+                __turbopack_export_value__({chunk_paths});
+            "#,
+            chunk_paths = stringify_js_pretty(&chunk_server_paths)
+        };
+        Ok(EcmascriptChunkItemContent {
+            inner_code: code.into(),
+            ..Default::default()
+        }
+        .into())
+    }
+impl ChunkItem for ManifestChunkItem {
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    async fn references(&self) -> Result<AssetReferencesVc> {
+        let chunks = self.manifest.chunk_group().chunks();
+        Ok(AssetReferencesVc::cell(
+            chunks
+                .await?
+                .iter()
+                .copied()
+                .map(ChunkReferenceVc::new)
+                .map(Into::into)
+                .collect(),
+        ))
+    }
diff --git a/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/manifest/loader_item.rs b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/manifest/loader_item.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..ef27b2b995372
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/manifest/loader_item.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+use std::io::Write as _;
+use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Result};
+use indoc::writedoc;
+use turbo_tasks::{primitives::StringVc, ValueToString, ValueToStringVc};
+use turbo_tasks_fs::FileSystemPathVc;
+use turbopack_core::{
+    asset::Asset,
+    chunk::{ChunkItem, ChunkItemVc, ChunkableAsset, ChunkingContext, ChunkingContextVc},
+    reference::AssetReferencesVc,
+use super::chunk_asset::{ManifestChunkAssetReference, ManifestChunkAssetVc};
+use crate::{
+    chunk::{
+        item::{
+            EcmascriptChunkItem, EcmascriptChunkItemContent, EcmascriptChunkItemContentVc,
+            EcmascriptChunkItemVc,
+        },
+        placeable::{EcmascriptChunkPlaceable, EcmascriptChunkPlaceableVc},
+    },
+    utils::stringify_js,
+/// The manifest loader item is shipped in the same chunk that uses the dynamic
+/// `import()` expression. Its responsibility is to load the manifest chunk from
+/// the server. The dynamic import has been rewritten to import this manifest
+/// loader item, which will load the manifest chunk from the server, which
+/// will load all the chunks needed by the dynamic import. Finally, we'll be
+/// able to import the module we're trying to dynamically import.
+/// Splitting the dynamic import into a quickly generate-able manifest loader
+/// item and a slow-to-generate manifest chunk allows for faster incremental
+/// compilation. The traversal won't be performed until the dynamic import is
+/// actually reached, instead of eagerly as part of the chunk that the dynamic
+/// import appears in.
+pub struct ManifestLoaderItem {
+    context: ChunkingContextVc,
+    manifest: ManifestChunkAssetVc,
+impl ManifestLoaderItemVc {
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    pub fn new(context: ChunkingContextVc, manifest: ManifestChunkAssetVc) -> Self {
+        Self::cell(ManifestLoaderItem { context, manifest })
+    }
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    async fn chunks_list_path(self) -> Result<FileSystemPathVc> {
+        let this = &*self.await?;
+        Ok(this.context.chunk_path(
+            this.manifest.path().parent().join("chunk-list.json"),
+            ".json",
+        ))
+    }
+impl ValueToString for ManifestLoaderItem {
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    fn to_string(&self) -> StringVc {
+        self.manifest
+            .path()
+            .parent()
+            .join("manifest-loader.js")
+            .to_string()
+    }
+impl ChunkItem for ManifestLoaderItem {
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    async fn references(self_vc: ManifestLoaderItemVc) -> Result<AssetReferencesVc> {
+        let this = &*self_vc.await?;
+        Ok(AssetReferencesVc::cell(vec![ManifestChunkAssetReference {
+            manifest: this.manifest,
+        }
+        .cell()
+        .into()]))
+    }
+impl EcmascriptChunkItem for ManifestLoaderItem {
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    fn chunking_context(&self) -> ChunkingContextVc {
+        self.context
+    }
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    fn related_path(&self) -> FileSystemPathVc {
+        self.manifest.path()
+    }
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    async fn content(self_vc: ManifestLoaderItemVc) -> Result<EcmascriptChunkItemContentVc> {
+        let this = &*self_vc.await?;
+        let mut code = Vec::new();
+        let manifest = this.manifest.await?;
+        let asset = manifest.asset.as_asset();
+        let chunk = this.manifest.as_chunk(this.context);
+        let chunk_path = &*chunk.path().await?;
+        let output_root = this.context.output_root().await?;
+        // We need several items in order for a dynamic import to fully load. First, we
+        // need the chunk path of the manifest chunk, relative from the output root. The
+        // chunk is a servable file, which will contain the manifest chunk item, which
+        // will perform the actual chunk traversal and generate load statements.
+        let chunk_server_path = if let Some(path) = output_root.get_path_to(chunk_path) {
+            path
+        } else {
+            bail!(
+                "chunk path {} is not in output root {}",
+                chunk.path().to_string().await?,
+                this.context.output_root().to_string().await?
+            );
+        };
+        // We also need the manifest chunk item's id, which points to a CJS module that
+        // exports a promise for all of the necessary chunk loads.
+        let item_id = &*this.manifest.as_chunk_item(this.context).id().await?;
+        // Finally, we need the id of the module that we're actually trying to
+        // dynamically import.
+        let placeable = EcmascriptChunkPlaceableVc::resolve_from(asset)
+            .await?
+            .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("asset is not placeable in ecmascript chunk"))?;
+        let dynamic_id = &*placeable.as_chunk_item(this.context).id().await?;
+        // This is the code that will be executed when the dynamic import is reached.
+        // It will load the manifest chunk, which will load all the chunks needed by
+        // the dynamic import, and finally we'll be able to import the module we're
+        // trying to dynamically import.
+        // This is similar to what happens when the first evaluated chunk is executed
+        // on first page load, but it's happening on-demand instead of eagerly.
+        writedoc!(
+            code,
+            r#"
+                __turbopack_export_value__((__turbopack_import__) => {{
+                    return __turbopack_load__({chunk_server_path}).then(() => {{
+                        return __turbopack_require__({item_id});
+                    }}).then((chunks_paths) => {{
+                        return Promise.all(chunks_paths.map((chunk_path) => __turbopack_load__(chunk_path)));
+                    }}).then(() => {{
+                        return __turbopack_import__({dynamic_id});
+                    }});
+                }});
+            "#,
+            chunk_server_path = stringify_js(chunk_server_path),
+            item_id = stringify_js(item_id),
+            dynamic_id = stringify_js(dynamic_id)
+        )?;
+        Ok(EcmascriptChunkItemContent {
+            inner_code: code.into(),
+            ..Default::default()
+        }
+        .into())
+    }
diff --git a/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/manifest/mod.rs b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/manifest/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..ef741f48e9166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/manifest/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+pub(crate) mod chunk_asset;
+pub(crate) mod chunk_item;
+pub(crate) mod loader_item;
diff --git a/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/mod.rs b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/mod.rs
index 68747c4ade076..849f6b71e96e4 100644
--- a/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/mod.rs
+++ b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/mod.rs
@@ -1,57 +1,59 @@
-pub mod loader;
+pub(crate) mod content;
+pub(crate) mod context;
+pub(crate) mod evaluate;
+pub(crate) mod item;
+pub(crate) mod manifest;
+pub(crate) mod module_factory;
 pub(crate) mod optimize;
-pub mod source_map;
+pub(crate) mod placeable;
+pub(crate) mod snapshot;
+pub(crate) mod source_map;
+pub(crate) mod update;
+pub(crate) mod version;
-use std::{fmt::Write, io::Write as _, slice::Iter};
+use std::fmt::Write;
-use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Result};
-use indexmap::{IndexMap, IndexSet};
-use indoc::indoc;
-use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use anyhow::{anyhow, Result};
+use indexmap::IndexSet;
 use turbo_tasks::{
-    primitives::{JsonValueVc, StringReadRef, StringVc, StringsVc, UsizeVc},
-    trace::TraceRawVcs,
+    primitives::{StringReadRef, StringVc, UsizeVc},
     TryJoinIterExt, ValueToString, ValueToStringVc,
-use turbo_tasks_fs::{
-    embed_file, rope::Rope, File, FileContent, FileSystemPathOptionVc, FileSystemPathVc,
-use turbo_tasks_hash::{encode_hex, hash_xxh3_hash64, DeterministicHasher, Xxh3Hash64Hasher};
+use turbo_tasks_fs::{FileSystemPathOptionVc, FileSystemPathVc};
+use turbo_tasks_hash::{encode_hex, DeterministicHasher, Xxh3Hash64Hasher};
 use turbopack_core::{
     asset::{Asset, AssetContentVc, AssetVc},
-        chunk_content, chunk_content_split,
-        chunk_in_group::ChunkInGroupVc,
         optimize::{ChunkOptimizerVc, OptimizableChunk, OptimizableChunkVc},
-        Chunk, ChunkContentResult, ChunkGroupReferenceVc, ChunkGroupVc, ChunkItem, ChunkItemVc,
-        ChunkReferenceVc, ChunkVc, ChunkableAsset, ChunkableAssetVc, ChunkingContext,
-        ChunkingContextVc, FromChunkableAsset, ModuleId, ModuleIdReadRef, ModuleIdVc, ModuleIdsVc,
+        Chunk, ChunkGroupReferenceVc, ChunkReferenceVc, ChunkVc, ChunkingContext,
+        ChunkingContextVc,
-    code_builder::{Code, CodeBuilder, CodeReadRef, CodeVc},
-    environment::{ChunkLoading, EnvironmentVc},
         asset::{children_from_asset_references, content_to_details, IntrospectableAssetVc},
         Introspectable, IntrospectableChildrenVc, IntrospectableVc,
-    issue::{code_gen::CodeGenerationIssue, IssueSeverity},
-    reference::{AssetReferenceVc, AssetReferencesVc},
-    source_map::{GenerateSourceMap, GenerateSourceMapVc, OptionSourceMapVc, SourceMapVc},
-    version::{
-        PartialUpdate, TotalUpdate, Update, UpdateVc, Version, VersionVc, VersionedContent,
-        VersionedContentVc,
-    },
+    reference::AssetReferencesVc,
+    source_map::{GenerateSourceMap, GenerateSourceMapVc, SourceMapVc},
+    version::{VersionedContent, VersionedContentVc},
 use self::{
-    loader::{ManifestChunkAssetVc, ManifestLoaderItemVc},
+    content::{ecmascript_chunk_content, EcmascriptChunkContentResultVc, EcmascriptChunkContentVc},
-use crate::{
-    parse::ParseResultSourceMapVc,
-    references::esm::EsmExportsVc,
-    utils::{stringify_js, FormatIter},
+pub use self::{
+    evaluate::{EcmascriptChunkEvaluate, EcmascriptChunkEvaluateVc},
+    item::{
+        EcmascriptChunkItem, EcmascriptChunkItemContent, EcmascriptChunkItemContentVc,
+        EcmascriptChunkItemOptions, EcmascriptChunkItemVc,
+    },
+    placeable::{
+        EcmascriptChunkPlaceable, EcmascriptChunkPlaceableVc, EcmascriptChunkPlaceables,
+        EcmascriptChunkPlaceablesVc, EcmascriptExports, EcmascriptExportsVc,
+    },
+use crate::utils::FormatIter;
 pub struct EcmascriptChunk {
@@ -184,696 +186,6 @@ pub struct EcmascriptChunkComparison {
     right_chunk_items: usize,
-/// Whether the ES chunk should include and evaluate a runtime.
-pub struct EcmascriptChunkEvaluate {
-    /// Entries that will be executed in that order only all chunks are ready.
-    /// These entries must be included in `main_entries` so that they are
-    /// available.
-    evaluate_entries: EcmascriptChunkPlaceablesVc,
-    /// All chunks of this chunk group need to be ready for execution to start.
-    /// When None, it will use a chunk group created from the current chunk.
-    chunk_group: Option<ChunkGroupVc>,
-impl EcmascriptChunkEvaluateVc {
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    async fn content(
-        self,
-        context: ChunkingContextVc,
-        origin_chunk: EcmascriptChunkVc,
-    ) -> Result<EcmascriptChunkContentEvaluateVc> {
-        let &EcmascriptChunkEvaluate {
-            evaluate_entries,
-            chunk_group,
-        } = &*self.await?;
-        let chunk_group =
-            chunk_group.unwrap_or_else(|| ChunkGroupVc::from_chunk(origin_chunk.into()));
-        let evaluate_chunks = chunk_group.chunks().await?;
-        let mut chunks_server_paths = Vec::new();
-        let output_root = context.output_root().await?;
-        for chunk in evaluate_chunks.iter() {
-            if let Some(chunk_in_group) = ChunkInGroupVc::resolve_from(chunk).await? {
-                if let Some(ecma_chunk) =
-                    EcmascriptChunkVc::resolve_from(chunk_in_group.inner()).await?
-                {
-                    if ecma_chunk != origin_chunk {
-                        let chunk_path = &*chunk.path().await?;
-                        if let Some(chunk_server_path) = output_root.get_path_to(chunk_path) {
-                            chunks_server_paths.push(chunk_server_path.to_string());
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        let entry_modules_ids = evaluate_entries
-            .await?
-            .iter()
-            .map(|entry| entry.as_chunk_item(context).id())
-            .collect();
-        Ok(EcmascriptChunkContentEvaluate {
-            chunks_server_paths: StringsVc::cell(chunks_server_paths),
-            entry_modules_ids: ModuleIdsVc::cell(entry_modules_ids),
-        }
-        .cell())
-    }
-pub struct EcmascriptChunkContentResult {
-    pub chunk_items: EcmascriptChunkItemsVc,
-    pub chunks: Vec<ChunkVc>,
-    pub async_chunk_groups: Vec<ChunkGroupVc>,
-    pub external_asset_references: Vec<AssetReferenceVc>,
-impl EcmascriptChunkContentResultVc {
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    fn filter(self, _other: EcmascriptChunkContentResultVc) -> EcmascriptChunkContentResultVc {
-        todo!()
-    }
-impl From<ChunkContentResult<EcmascriptChunkItemVc>> for EcmascriptChunkContentResult {
-    fn from(from: ChunkContentResult<EcmascriptChunkItemVc>) -> Self {
-        EcmascriptChunkContentResult {
-            chunk_items: EcmascriptChunkItems(EcmascriptChunkItems::make_chunks(&from.chunk_items))
-                .cell(),
-            chunks: from.chunks,
-            async_chunk_groups: from.async_chunk_groups,
-            external_asset_references: from.external_asset_references,
-        }
-    }
-fn ecmascript_chunk_content(
-    context: ChunkingContextVc,
-    main_entries: EcmascriptChunkPlaceablesVc,
-    omit_entries: Option<EcmascriptChunkPlaceablesVc>,
-) -> EcmascriptChunkContentResultVc {
-    let mut chunk_content = ecmascript_chunk_content_internal(context, main_entries);
-    if let Some(omit_entries) = omit_entries {
-        let omit_chunk_content = ecmascript_chunk_content_internal(context, omit_entries);
-        chunk_content = chunk_content.filter(omit_chunk_content);
-    }
-    chunk_content
-async fn ecmascript_chunk_content_internal(
-    context: ChunkingContextVc,
-    entries: EcmascriptChunkPlaceablesVc,
-) -> Result<EcmascriptChunkContentResultVc> {
-    let entries = entries.await?;
-    let entries = entries.iter().copied();
-    let contents = entries
-        .map(|entry| ecmascript_chunk_content_single_entry(context, entry))
-        .collect::<Vec<_>>();
-    if contents.len() == 1 {
-        return Ok(contents.into_iter().next().unwrap());
-    }
-    let mut all_chunk_items = IndexSet::<EcmascriptChunkItemVc>::new();
-    let mut all_chunks = IndexSet::<ChunkVc>::new();
-    let mut all_async_chunk_groups = IndexSet::<ChunkGroupVc>::new();
-    let mut all_external_asset_references = IndexSet::<AssetReferenceVc>::new();
-    for content in contents {
-        let EcmascriptChunkContentResult {
-            chunk_items,
-            chunks,
-            async_chunk_groups,
-            external_asset_references,
-        } = &*content.await?;
-        for chunk in chunk_items.await?.iter() {
-            all_chunk_items.extend(chunk.await?.iter().copied());
-        }
-        all_chunks.extend(chunks.iter().copied());
-        all_async_chunk_groups.extend(async_chunk_groups.iter().copied());
-        all_external_asset_references.extend(external_asset_references.iter().copied());
-    }
-    let chunk_items =
-        EcmascriptChunkItems::make_chunks(&all_chunk_items.into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>());
-    Ok(EcmascriptChunkContentResult {
-        chunk_items: EcmascriptChunkItemsVc::cell(chunk_items),
-        chunks: all_chunks.into_iter().collect(),
-        async_chunk_groups: all_async_chunk_groups.into_iter().collect(),
-        external_asset_references: all_external_asset_references.into_iter().collect(),
-    }
-    .cell())
-async fn ecmascript_chunk_content_single_entry(
-    context: ChunkingContextVc,
-    entry: EcmascriptChunkPlaceableVc,
-) -> Result<EcmascriptChunkContentResultVc> {
-    let asset = entry.as_asset();
-    Ok(EcmascriptChunkContentResultVc::cell(
-        if let Some(res) = chunk_content::<EcmascriptChunkItemVc>(context, asset, None).await? {
-            res
-        } else {
-            chunk_content_split::<EcmascriptChunkItemVc>(context, asset, None).await?
-        }
-        .into(),
-    ))
-#[turbo_tasks::value(serialization = "none")]
-pub struct EcmascriptChunkContent {
-    module_factories: EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotReadRef,
-    chunk_path: FileSystemPathVc,
-    output_root: FileSystemPathVc,
-    evaluate: Option<EcmascriptChunkContentEvaluateVc>,
-    environment: EnvironmentVc,
-struct EcmascriptChunkContentEntries(Vec<EcmascriptChunkContentEntryVc>);
-impl EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesVc {
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    async fn snapshot(self) -> Result<EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotVc> {
-        Ok(EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshot::List(
-            self.await?.iter().copied().try_join().await?,
-        )
-        .cell())
-    }
-/// This is a snapshot of a list of EcmascriptChunkContentEntry represented as
-/// tree of ReadRefs.
-/// A tree is used instead of a plain Vec to allow to reused cached parts of the
-/// list when it only a few elements have changed
-#[turbo_tasks::value(serialization = "none")]
-enum EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshot {
-    List(Vec<EcmascriptChunkContentEntryReadRef>),
-    Nested(Vec<EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotReadRef>),
-impl EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshot {
-    fn iter(&self) -> EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotIterator {
-        match self {
-            EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshot::List(l) => {
-                EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotIterator::List(l.iter())
-            }
-            EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshot::Nested(n) => {
-                let mut it = n.iter();
-                if let Some(inner) = it.next() {
-                    EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotIterator::Nested(
-                        Box::new(inner.iter()),
-                        it,
-                    )
-                } else {
-                    EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotIterator::Empty
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshot {
-    type Item = &'a EcmascriptChunkContentEntryReadRef;
-    type IntoIter = EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotIterator<'a>;
-    fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
-        self.iter()
-    }
-enum EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotIterator<'a> {
-    Empty,
-    List(Iter<'a, EcmascriptChunkContentEntryReadRef>),
-    Nested(
-        Box<EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotIterator<'a>>,
-        Iter<'a, EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotReadRef>,
-    ),
-impl<'a> Iterator for EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotIterator<'a> {
-    type Item = &'a EcmascriptChunkContentEntryReadRef;
-    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
-        match self {
-            EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotIterator::Empty => None,
-            EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotIterator::List(i) => i.next(),
-            EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotIterator::Nested(inner, i) => loop {
-                if let Some(r) = inner.next() {
-                    return Some(r);
-                }
-                if let Some(new) = i.next() {
-                    **inner = new.iter();
-                } else {
-                    return None;
-                }
-            },
-        }
-    }
-impl EcmascriptChunkContentVc {
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    async fn new(
-        context: ChunkingContextVc,
-        main_entries: EcmascriptChunkPlaceablesVc,
-        omit_entries: Option<EcmascriptChunkPlaceablesVc>,
-        chunk_path: FileSystemPathVc,
-        evaluate: Option<EcmascriptChunkContentEvaluateVc>,
-    ) -> Result<Self> {
-        // TODO(alexkirsz) All of this should be done in a transition, otherwise we run
-        // the risks of values not being strongly consistent with each other.
-        let chunk_content = ecmascript_chunk_content(context, main_entries, omit_entries);
-        let chunk_content = chunk_content.await?;
-        let module_factories = chunk_content.chunk_items.to_entry_snapshot().await?;
-        let output_root = context.output_root();
-        Ok(EcmascriptChunkContent {
-            module_factories,
-            chunk_path,
-            output_root,
-            evaluate,
-            environment: context.environment(),
-        }
-        .cell())
-    }
-#[turbo_tasks::value(serialization = "none")]
-struct EcmascriptChunkContentEntry {
-    chunk_item: EcmascriptChunkItemVc,
-    id: ModuleIdReadRef,
-    code: CodeReadRef,
-    code_vc: CodeVc,
-    hash: u64,
-impl EcmascriptChunkContentEntry {
-    fn id(&self) -> &ModuleId {
-        &self.id
-    }
-    fn code(&self) -> &Code {
-        &self.code
-    }
-    fn source_code(&self) -> &Rope {
-        self.code.source_code()
-    }
-impl EcmascriptChunkContentEntryVc {
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    async fn new(chunk_item: EcmascriptChunkItemVc) -> Result<Self> {
-        let content = chunk_item.content();
-        let factory = match module_factory(content).resolve().await {
-            Ok(factory) => factory,
-            Err(error) => {
-                let id = chunk_item.id().to_string().await;
-                let id = id.as_ref().map_or_else(|_| "unknown", |id| &**id);
-                let mut error_message =
-                    format!("An error occurred while generating the chunk item {}", id);
-                for err in error.chain() {
-                    write!(error_message, "\n  at {}", err)?;
-                }
-                let js_error_message = serde_json::to_string(&error_message)?;
-                let issue = CodeGenerationIssue {
-                    severity: IssueSeverity::Error.cell(),
-                    path: chunk_item.related_path(),
-                    title: StringVc::cell("Code generation for chunk item errored".to_string()),
-                    message: StringVc::cell(error_message),
-                }
-                .cell();
-                issue.as_issue().emit();
-                let mut code = CodeBuilder::default();
-                code += "(() => {{\n\n";
-                writeln!(code, "throw new Error({error});", error = &js_error_message)?;
-                code += "\n}})";
-                code.build().cell()
-            }
-        };
-        let id = chunk_item.id().await?;
-        let code = factory.await?;
-        let hash = hash_xxh3_hash64(code.source_code());
-        Ok(EcmascriptChunkContentEntry {
-            chunk_item,
-            id,
-            code,
-            code_vc: factory,
-            hash,
-        }
-        .cell())
-    }
-async fn module_factory(content: EcmascriptChunkItemContentVc) -> Result<CodeVc> {
-    let content = content.await?;
-    let mut args = vec![
-        "r: __turbopack_require__",
-        "x: __turbopack_external_require__",
-        "i: __turbopack_import__",
-        "s: __turbopack_esm__",
-        "v: __turbopack_export_value__",
-        "c: __turbopack_cache__",
-        "l: __turbopack_load__",
-        "j: __turbopack_cjs__",
-        "p: process",
-        "g: global",
-        // HACK
-        "__dirname",
-    ];
-    if content.options.module {
-        args.push("m: module");
-    }
-    if content.options.exports {
-        args.push("e: exports");
-    }
-    let mut code = CodeBuilder::default();
-    let args = FormatIter(|| args.iter().copied().intersperse(", "));
-    if content.options.this {
-        write!(code, "(function({{ {} }}) {{ !function() {{\n\n", args,)?;
-    } else {
-        write!(code, "(({{ {} }}) => (() => {{\n\n", args,)?;
-    }
-    let source_map = content.source_map.map(|sm| sm.as_generate_source_map());
-    code.push_source(&content.inner_code, source_map);
-    if content.options.this {
-        code += "\n}.call(this) })";
-    } else {
-        code += "\n})())";
-    }
-    Ok(code.build().cell())
-#[serde(tag = "type")]
-struct EcmascriptChunkUpdate<'a> {
-    added: IndexMap<&'a ModuleId, HmrUpdateEntry<'a>>,
-    modified: IndexMap<&'a ModuleId, HmrUpdateEntry<'a>>,
-    deleted: IndexSet<&'a ModuleId>,
-impl EcmascriptChunkContentVc {
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    async fn version(self) -> Result<EcmascriptChunkVersionVc> {
-        let module_factories_hashes = self
-            .await?
-            .module_factories
-            .iter()
-            .map(|entry| (entry.id.clone(), entry.hash))
-            .collect();
-        Ok(EcmascriptChunkVersion {
-            module_factories_hashes,
-        }
-        .cell())
-    }
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    async fn code(self) -> Result<CodeVc> {
-        let this = self.await?;
-        let chunk_path = &*this.chunk_path.await?;
-        let chunk_server_path = if let Some(path) = this.output_root.await?.get_path_to(chunk_path)
-        {
-            path
-        } else {
-            bail!(
-                "chunk path {} is not in output root {}",
-                this.chunk_path.to_string().await?,
-                this.output_root.to_string().await?
-            );
-        };
-        let mut code = CodeBuilder::default();
-        code += "(self.TURBOPACK = self.TURBOPACK || []).push([";
-        writeln!(code, "{}, {{", stringify_js(chunk_server_path))?;
-        for entry in &this.module_factories {
-            write!(code, "\n{}: ", &stringify_js(entry.id()))?;
-            code.push_code(entry.code());
-            code += ",";
-        }
-        code += "\n}";
-        if let Some(evaluate) = &this.evaluate {
-            let evaluate = evaluate.await?;
-            let condition = evaluate
-                .chunks_server_paths
-                .await?
-                .iter()
-                .map(|path| format!(" && loadedChunks.has({})", stringify_js(path)))
-                .collect::<Vec<_>>()
-                .join("");
-            let entries_ids = &*evaluate.entry_modules_ids.await?;
-            let entries_instantiations = entries_ids
-                .iter()
-                .map(|id| async move {
-                    let id = id.await?;
-                    let id = stringify_js(&id);
-                    Ok(format!(r#"instantiateRuntimeModule({id});"#)) as Result<_>
-                })
-                .try_join()
-                .await?
-                .join("\n");
-            // Add a runnable to the chunk that requests the entry module to ensure it gets
-            // executed when the chunk is evaluated.
-            // The condition stops the entry module from being executed while chunks it
-            // depend on have not yet been registered.
-            // The runnable will run every time a new chunk is `.push`ed to TURBOPACK, until
-            // all dependent chunks have been evaluated.
-            write!(
-                code,
-                ", ({{ loadedChunks, instantiateRuntimeModule }}) => {{
-    if(!(true{condition})) return true;
-    {entries_instantiations}
-            )?;
-        }
-        code += "]);\n";
-        if this.evaluate.is_some() {
-            // When a chunk is executed, it will either register itself with the current
-            // instance of the runtime, or it will push itself onto the list of pending
-            // chunks (`self.TURBOPACK`).
-            //
-            // When the runtime executes, it will pick up and register all pending chunks,
-            // and replace the list of pending chunks with itself so later chunks can
-            // register directly with it.
-            code += indoc! { r#"
-                (() => {
-                if (!Array.isArray(globalThis.TURBOPACK)) {
-                    return;
-                }
-            "# };
-            let specific_runtime_code = match *this.environment.chunk_loading().await? {
-                ChunkLoading::None => embed_file!("js/src/runtime.none.js").await?,
-                ChunkLoading::NodeJs => embed_file!("js/src/runtime.nodejs.js").await?,
-                ChunkLoading::Dom => embed_file!("js/src/runtime.dom.js").await?,
-            };
-            match &*specific_runtime_code {
-                FileContent::NotFound => return Err(anyhow!("specific runtime code is not found")),
-                FileContent::Content(file) => code.push_source(file.content(), None),
-            };
-            let shared_runtime_code = embed_file!("js/src/runtime.js").await?;
-            match &*shared_runtime_code {
-                FileContent::NotFound => return Err(anyhow!("shared runtime code is not found")),
-                FileContent::Content(file) => code.push_source(file.content(), None),
-            };
-            code += indoc! { r#"
-                })();
-            "# };
-        }
-        if code.has_source_map() {
-            let filename = chunk_path.file_name();
-            write!(code, "\n\n//# sourceMappingURL={}.map", filename)?;
-        }
-        Ok(code.build().cell())
-    }
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    async fn content(self) -> Result<AssetContentVc> {
-        let code = self.code().await?;
-        Ok(File::from(code.source_code().clone()).into())
-    }
-impl VersionedContent for EcmascriptChunkContent {
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    fn content(self_vc: EcmascriptChunkContentVc) -> AssetContentVc {
-        self_vc.content()
-    }
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    fn version(self_vc: EcmascriptChunkContentVc) -> VersionVc {
-        self_vc.version().into()
-    }
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    async fn update(
-        self_vc: EcmascriptChunkContentVc,
-        from_version: VersionVc,
-    ) -> Result<UpdateVc> {
-        let to_version = self_vc.version();
-        let from_version =
-            if let Some(from) = EcmascriptChunkVersionVc::resolve_from(from_version).await? {
-                from
-            } else {
-                return Ok(Update::Total(TotalUpdate {
-                    to: to_version.into(),
-                })
-                .cell());
-            };
-        let to = to_version.await?;
-        let from = from_version.await?;
-        // When to and from point to the same value we can skip comparing them.
-        // This will happen since `cell_local` will not clone the value, but only make
-        // the local cell point to the same immutable value (Arc).
-        if from.ptr_eq(&to) {
-            return Ok(Update::None.cell());
-        }
-        let this = self_vc.await?;
-        let chunk_path = &this.chunk_path.await?.path;
-        // TODO(alexkirsz) This should probably be stored as a HashMap already.
-        let mut module_factories: IndexMap<_, _> = this
-            .module_factories
-            .iter()
-            .map(|entry| (entry.id(), entry))
-            .collect();
-        let mut added = IndexMap::new();
-        let mut modified = IndexMap::new();
-        let mut deleted = IndexSet::new();
-        for (id, hash) in &from.module_factories_hashes {
-            let id = &**id;
-            if let Some(entry) = module_factories.remove(id) {
-                if entry.hash != *hash {
-                    modified.insert(id, HmrUpdateEntry::new(entry, chunk_path));
-                }
-            } else {
-                deleted.insert(id);
-            }
-        }
-        // Remaining entries are added
-        for (id, entry) in module_factories {
-            added.insert(id, HmrUpdateEntry::new(entry, chunk_path));
-        }
-        let update = if added.is_empty() && modified.is_empty() && deleted.is_empty() {
-            Update::None
-        } else {
-            let chunk_update = EcmascriptChunkUpdate {
-                added,
-                modified,
-                deleted,
-            };
-            Update::Partial(PartialUpdate {
-                to: to_version.into(),
-                instruction: JsonValueVc::cell(serde_json::to_value(&chunk_update)?),
-            })
-        };
-        Ok(update.into())
-    }
-impl GenerateSourceMap for EcmascriptChunkContent {
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    fn generate_source_map(self_vc: EcmascriptChunkContentVc) -> SourceMapVc {
-        self_vc.code().generate_source_map()
-    }
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    async fn by_section(&self, section: &str) -> Result<OptionSourceMapVc> {
-        // Weirdly, the ContentSource will have already URL decoded the ModuleId, and we
-        // can't reparse that via serde.
-        if let Ok(id) = ModuleId::parse(section) {
-            for entry in self.module_factories.iter() {
-                if id == *entry.id() {
-                    let sm = entry.code_vc.generate_source_map();
-                    return Ok(OptionSourceMapVc::cell(Some(sm)));
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        Ok(OptionSourceMapVc::cell(None))
-    }
-struct HmrUpdateEntry<'a> {
-    code: &'a Rope,
-    url: String,
-    map: Option<String>,
-impl<'a> HmrUpdateEntry<'a> {
-    fn new(entry: &'a EcmascriptChunkContentEntry, chunk_path: &str) -> Self {
-        /// serde_qs can't serialize a lone enum when it's [serde::untagged].
-        #[derive(Serialize)]
-        struct Id<'a> {
-            id: &'a ModuleId,
-        }
-        let id = serde_qs::to_string(&Id { id: &entry.id }).unwrap();
-        HmrUpdateEntry {
-            code: entry.source_code(),
-            url: format!("/{}?{}", chunk_path, &id),
-            map: entry
-                .code
-                .has_source_map()
-                .then(|| format!("/__turbopack_sourcemap__/{}.map?{}", chunk_path, &id)),
-        }
-    }
-#[turbo_tasks::value(serialization = "none")]
-struct EcmascriptChunkVersion {
-    module_factories_hashes: IndexMap<ModuleIdReadRef, u64>,
-impl Version for EcmascriptChunkVersion {
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    async fn id(&self) -> Result<StringVc> {
-        let sorted_hashes = {
-            let mut versions: Vec<_> = self.module_factories_hashes.values().copied().collect();
-            versions.sort();
-            versions
-        };
-        let mut hasher = Xxh3Hash64Hasher::new();
-        for hash in sorted_hashes {
-            hasher.write_value(hash);
-        }
-        let hash = hasher.finish();
-        let hex_hash = encode_hex(hash);
-        Ok(StringVc::cell(hex_hash))
-    }
 impl Chunk for EcmascriptChunk {}
@@ -1000,13 +312,19 @@ impl Asset for EcmascriptChunk {
         // evalute only contributes to the hashed info
         if let Some(evaluate) = this.evaluate {
             let evaluate = evaluate.content(this.context, self_vc).await?;
-            let chunks_server_paths = evaluate.chunks_server_paths.await?;
-            hasher.write_usize(chunks_server_paths.len());
-            for path in chunks_server_paths.iter() {
+            let ecma_chunks_server_paths = &evaluate.ecma_chunks_server_paths;
+            hasher.write_usize(ecma_chunks_server_paths.len());
+            for path in ecma_chunks_server_paths.iter() {
                 need_hash = true;
-            let entry_modules_ids = evaluate.entry_modules_ids.await?;
+            let other_chunks_server_paths = &evaluate.other_chunks_server_paths;
+            hasher.write_usize(other_chunks_server_paths.len());
+            for path in other_chunks_server_paths.iter() {
+                hasher.write_ref(path);
+                need_hash = true;
+            }
+            let entry_modules_ids = &evaluate.entry_modules_ids;
             for id in entry_modules_ids.iter() {
@@ -1148,166 +466,3 @@ impl GenerateSourceMap for EcmascriptChunk {
-struct EcmascriptChunkContentEvaluate {
-    chunks_server_paths: StringsVc,
-    entry_modules_ids: ModuleIdsVc,
-pub struct EcmascriptChunkContext {
-    context: ChunkingContextVc,
-impl EcmascriptChunkContextVc {
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    pub fn of(context: ChunkingContextVc) -> EcmascriptChunkContextVc {
-        EcmascriptChunkContextVc::cell(EcmascriptChunkContext { context })
-    }
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    pub async fn chunk_item_id(self, chunk_item: EcmascriptChunkItemVc) -> Result<ModuleIdVc> {
-        let layer = &*self.await?.context.layer().await?;
-        let mut s = chunk_item.to_string().await?.clone_value();
-        if !layer.is_empty() {
-            if s.ends_with(')') {
-                s.pop();
-                write!(s, ", {layer})")?;
-            } else {
-                write!(s, " ({layer})")?;
-            }
-        }
-        Ok(ModuleId::String(s).cell())
-    }
-pub enum EcmascriptExports {
-    EsmExports(EsmExportsVc),
-    CommonJs,
-    Value,
-    None,
-pub trait EcmascriptChunkPlaceable: ChunkableAsset + Asset {
-    fn as_chunk_item(&self, context: ChunkingContextVc) -> EcmascriptChunkItemVc;
-    fn get_exports(&self) -> EcmascriptExportsVc;
-pub struct EcmascriptChunkPlaceables(Vec<EcmascriptChunkPlaceableVc>);
-impl EcmascriptChunkPlaceablesVc {
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    pub fn empty() -> Self {
-        Self::cell(Vec::new())
-    }
-pub struct EcmascriptChunkItemContent {
-    pub inner_code: Rope,
-    pub source_map: Option<ParseResultSourceMapVc>,
-    pub options: EcmascriptChunkItemOptions,
-    pub placeholder_for_future_extensions: (),
-#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Default, Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, TraceRawVcs)]
-pub struct EcmascriptChunkItemOptions {
-    pub module: bool,
-    pub exports: bool,
-    pub this: bool,
-    pub placeholder_for_future_extensions: (),
-pub trait EcmascriptChunkItem: ChunkItem + ValueToString {
-    fn related_path(&self) -> FileSystemPathVc;
-    fn content(&self) -> EcmascriptChunkItemContentVc;
-    fn chunking_context(&self) -> ChunkingContextVc;
-    fn id(&self) -> ModuleIdVc {
-        EcmascriptChunkContextVc::of(self.chunking_context()).chunk_item_id(*self)
-    }
-impl FromChunkableAsset for EcmascriptChunkItemVc {
-    async fn from_asset(context: ChunkingContextVc, asset: AssetVc) -> Result<Option<Self>> {
-        if let Some(placeable) = EcmascriptChunkPlaceableVc::resolve_from(asset).await? {
-            return Ok(Some(placeable.as_chunk_item(context)));
-        }
-        Ok(None)
-    }
-    async fn from_async_asset(
-        context: ChunkingContextVc,
-        asset: ChunkableAssetVc,
-    ) -> Result<Option<Self>> {
-        let chunk = ManifestChunkAssetVc::new(asset, context);
-        Ok(Some(ManifestLoaderItemVc::new(context, chunk).into()))
-    }
-pub struct EcmascriptChunkItemsChunk(Vec<EcmascriptChunkItemVc>);
-pub struct EcmascriptChunkItems(Vec<EcmascriptChunkItemsChunkVc>);
-impl EcmascriptChunkItems {
-    pub fn make_chunks(list: &[EcmascriptChunkItemVc]) -> Vec<EcmascriptChunkItemsChunkVc> {
-        let size = list.len().div_ceil(100);
-        let chunk_items = list
-            .chunks(size)
-            .map(|chunk| EcmascriptChunkItemsChunkVc::cell(chunk.to_vec()))
-            .collect();
-        chunk_items
-    }
-impl EcmascriptChunkItemsChunkVc {
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    async fn to_entry_snapshot(self) -> Result<EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotVc> {
-        let list = self.await?;
-        Ok(EcmascriptChunkContentEntries(
-            list.iter()
-                .map(|chunk_item| EcmascriptChunkContentEntryVc::new(*chunk_item))
-                .collect(),
-        )
-        .cell()
-        .snapshot())
-    }
-impl EcmascriptChunkItemsVc {
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    async fn to_entry_snapshot(self) -> Result<EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotVc> {
-        let list = self.await?;
-        Ok(EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshot::Nested(
-            list.iter()
-                .map(|chunk| chunk.to_entry_snapshot())
-                .try_join()
-                .await?,
-        )
-        .cell())
-    }
-    #[turbo_tasks::function]
-    async fn to_set(self) -> Result<EcmascriptChunkItemsSetVc> {
-        let mut set = IndexSet::new();
-        for chunk in self.await?.iter().copied().try_join().await? {
-            set.extend(chunk.iter().copied())
-        }
-        Ok(EcmascriptChunkItemsSetVc::cell(set))
-    }
-pub struct EcmascriptChunkItemsSet(IndexSet<EcmascriptChunkItemVc>);
diff --git a/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/module_factory.rs b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/module_factory.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..8fb82390491aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/module_factory.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+use std::io::Write;
+use anyhow::Result;
+use turbopack_core::code_builder::{CodeBuilder, CodeVc};
+use super::item::EcmascriptChunkItemContentVc;
+use crate::utils::FormatIter;
+pub(super) async fn module_factory(content: EcmascriptChunkItemContentVc) -> Result<CodeVc> {
+    let content = content.await?;
+    let mut args = vec![
+        "r: __turbopack_require__",
+        "x: __turbopack_external_require__",
+        "i: __turbopack_import__",
+        "s: __turbopack_esm__",
+        "v: __turbopack_export_value__",
+        "c: __turbopack_cache__",
+        "l: __turbopack_load__",
+        "j: __turbopack_cjs__",
+        "p: process",
+        "g: global",
+        // HACK
+        "__dirname",
+    ];
+    if content.options.module {
+        args.push("m: module");
+    }
+    if content.options.exports {
+        args.push("e: exports");
+    }
+    let mut code = CodeBuilder::default();
+    let args = FormatIter(|| args.iter().copied().intersperse(", "));
+    if content.options.this {
+        write!(code, "(function({{ {} }}) {{ !function() {{\n\n", args,)?;
+    } else {
+        write!(code, "(({{ {} }}) => (() => {{\n\n", args,)?;
+    }
+    let source_map = content.source_map.map(|sm| sm.as_generate_source_map());
+    code.push_source(&content.inner_code, source_map);
+    if content.options.this {
+        code += "\n}.call(this) })";
+    } else {
+        code += "\n})())";
+    }
+    Ok(code.build().cell())
diff --git a/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/optimize.rs b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/optimize.rs
index 4bb5b67e2c6c2..a3e93bf9abc8a 100644
--- a/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/optimize.rs
+++ b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/optimize.rs
@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ use turbopack_core::chunk::{
     ChunkGroupVc, ChunkVc, ChunkingContextVc, ChunksVc,
-use super::{EcmascriptChunkPlaceablesVc, EcmascriptChunkVc};
-use crate::chunk::EcmascriptChunkEvaluate;
+use super::{evaluate::EcmascriptChunkEvaluate, EcmascriptChunkPlaceablesVc, EcmascriptChunkVc};
 pub struct EcmascriptChunkOptimizer(ChunkingContextVc);
diff --git a/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/placeable.rs b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/placeable.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..3233e25a2677a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/placeable.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+use anyhow::Result;
+use turbopack_core::{
+    asset::{Asset, AssetVc},
+    chunk::{ChunkableAsset, ChunkableAssetVc, ChunkingContextVc},
+use super::item::EcmascriptChunkItemVc;
+use crate::references::esm::EsmExportsVc;
+pub trait EcmascriptChunkPlaceable: ChunkableAsset + Asset {
+    fn as_chunk_item(&self, context: ChunkingContextVc) -> EcmascriptChunkItemVc;
+    fn get_exports(&self) -> EcmascriptExportsVc;
+pub struct EcmascriptChunkPlaceables(Vec<EcmascriptChunkPlaceableVc>);
+impl EcmascriptChunkPlaceablesVc {
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    pub fn empty() -> Self {
+        Self::cell(Vec::new())
+    }
+pub enum EcmascriptExports {
+    EsmExports(EsmExportsVc),
+    CommonJs,
+    Value,
+    None,
diff --git a/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/snapshot.rs b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/snapshot.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..b9336fa3c01a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/snapshot.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+use std::{fmt::Write, io::Write as _, slice::Iter};
+use anyhow::Result;
+use turbo_tasks::{primitives::StringVc, TryJoinIterExt, ValueToString};
+use turbo_tasks_hash::hash_xxh3_hash64;
+use turbopack_core::{
+    chunk::{ModuleId, ModuleIdReadRef},
+    code_builder::{Code, CodeBuilder, CodeReadRef, CodeVc},
+    issue::{code_gen::CodeGenerationIssue, IssueSeverity},
+use super::{item::EcmascriptChunkItemVc, module_factory::module_factory, EcmascriptChunkItem};
+pub(super) struct EcmascriptChunkContentEntries(pub(super) Vec<EcmascriptChunkContentEntryVc>);
+impl EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesVc {
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    pub async fn snapshot(self) -> Result<EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotVc> {
+        Ok(EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshot::List(
+            self.await?.iter().copied().try_join().await?,
+        )
+        .cell())
+    }
+/// This is a snapshot of a list of EcmascriptChunkContentEntry represented as
+/// tree of ReadRefs.
+/// A tree is used instead of a plain Vec to allow to reused cached parts of the
+/// list when it only a few elements have changed
+#[turbo_tasks::value(serialization = "none", shared)]
+pub(super) enum EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshot {
+    List(Vec<EcmascriptChunkContentEntryReadRef>),
+    Nested(Vec<EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotReadRef>),
+impl EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshot {
+    pub(super) fn iter(&self) -> EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotIterator {
+        match self {
+            EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshot::List(l) => {
+                EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotIterator::List(l.iter())
+            }
+            EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshot::Nested(n) => {
+                let mut it = n.iter();
+                if let Some(inner) = it.next() {
+                    EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotIterator::Nested(
+                        Box::new(inner.iter()),
+                        it,
+                    )
+                } else {
+                    EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotIterator::Empty
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshot {
+    type Item = &'a EcmascriptChunkContentEntryReadRef;
+    type IntoIter = EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotIterator<'a>;
+    fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
+        self.iter()
+    }
+pub(super) enum EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotIterator<'a> {
+    Empty,
+    List(Iter<'a, EcmascriptChunkContentEntryReadRef>),
+    Nested(
+        Box<EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotIterator<'a>>,
+        Iter<'a, EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotReadRef>,
+    ),
+impl<'a> Iterator for EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotIterator<'a> {
+    type Item = &'a EcmascriptChunkContentEntryReadRef;
+    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+        match self {
+            EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotIterator::Empty => None,
+            EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotIterator::List(i) => i.next(),
+            EcmascriptChunkContentEntriesSnapshotIterator::Nested(inner, i) => loop {
+                if let Some(r) = inner.next() {
+                    return Some(r);
+                }
+                if let Some(new) = i.next() {
+                    **inner = new.iter();
+                } else {
+                    return None;
+                }
+            },
+        }
+    }
+#[turbo_tasks::value(serialization = "none")]
+pub(super) struct EcmascriptChunkContentEntry {
+    pub chunk_item: EcmascriptChunkItemVc,
+    pub id: ModuleIdReadRef,
+    pub code: CodeReadRef,
+    pub code_vc: CodeVc,
+    pub hash: u64,
+impl EcmascriptChunkContentEntry {
+    pub fn id(&self) -> &ModuleId {
+        &self.id
+    }
+    pub fn code(&self) -> &Code {
+        &self.code
+    }
+impl EcmascriptChunkContentEntryVc {
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    pub async fn new(chunk_item: EcmascriptChunkItemVc) -> Result<Self> {
+        let content = chunk_item.content();
+        let factory = match module_factory(content).resolve().await {
+            Ok(factory) => factory,
+            Err(error) => {
+                let id = chunk_item.id().to_string().await;
+                let id = id.as_ref().map_or_else(|_| "unknown", |id| &**id);
+                let mut error_message =
+                    format!("An error occurred while generating the chunk item {}", id);
+                for err in error.chain() {
+                    write!(error_message, "\n  at {}", err)?;
+                }
+                let js_error_message = serde_json::to_string(&error_message)?;
+                let issue = CodeGenerationIssue {
+                    severity: IssueSeverity::Error.cell(),
+                    path: chunk_item.related_path(),
+                    title: StringVc::cell("Code generation for chunk item errored".to_string()),
+                    message: StringVc::cell(error_message),
+                }
+                .cell();
+                issue.as_issue().emit();
+                let mut code = CodeBuilder::default();
+                code += "(() => {{\n\n";
+                writeln!(code, "throw new Error({error});", error = &js_error_message)?;
+                code += "\n}})";
+                code.build().cell()
+            }
+        };
+        let id = chunk_item.id().await?;
+        let code = factory.await?;
+        let hash = hash_xxh3_hash64(code.source_code());
+        Ok(EcmascriptChunkContentEntry {
+            chunk_item,
+            id,
+            code,
+            code_vc: factory,
+            hash,
+        }
+        .cell())
+    }
diff --git a/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/update.rs b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/update.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..4f471c927f554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/update.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+use anyhow::Result;
+use indexmap::IndexMap;
+use turbopack_core::{chunk::ModuleIdReadRef, code_builder::CodeReadRef};
+use super::{content::EcmascriptChunkContentVc, version::EcmascriptChunkVersionVc};
+pub(super) struct EcmascriptChunkUpdate {
+    pub added: IndexMap<ModuleIdReadRef, (u64, CodeReadRef)>,
+    pub deleted: IndexMap<ModuleIdReadRef, u64>,
+    pub modified: IndexMap<ModuleIdReadRef, CodeReadRef>,
+pub(super) async fn update_ecmascript_chunk(
+    content: EcmascriptChunkContentVc,
+    from_version: EcmascriptChunkVersionVc,
+) -> Result<UpdateVc> {
+    let to_version = self_vc.version();
+    let from_version =
+        if let Some(from) = EcmascriptChunkVersionVc::resolve_from(from_version).await? {
+            from
+        } else {
+            return Ok(Update::Total(TotalUpdate {
+                to: to_version.into(),
+            })
+            .cell());
+        };
+    let to = to_version.await?;
+    let from = from_version.await?;
+    // When to and from point to the same value we can skip comparing them.
+    // This will happen since `cell_local` will not clone the value, but only make
+    // the local cell point to the same immutable value (Arc).
+    if from.ptr_eq(&to) {
+        return Ok(Update::None.cell());
+    }
+    let this = self_vc.await?;
+    let chunk_path = &this.chunk_path.await?.path;
+    // TODO(alexkirsz) This should probably be stored as a HashMap already.
+    let mut module_factories: IndexMap<_, _> = this
+        .module_factories
+        .iter()
+        .map(|entry| (entry.id(), entry))
+        .collect();
+    let mut added = IndexMap::new();
+    let mut modified = IndexMap::new();
+    let mut deleted = IndexSet::new();
+    for (id, hash) in &from.module_factories_hashes {
+        let id = &**id;
+        if let Some(entry) = module_factories.remove(id) {
+            if entry.hash != *hash {
+                modified.insert(id, HmrUpdateEntry::new(entry, chunk_path));
+            }
+        } else {
+            deleted.insert(id);
+        }
+    }
+    // Remaining entries are added
+    for (id, entry) in module_factories {
+        added.insert(id, HmrUpdateEntry::new(entry, chunk_path));
+    }
+    let update = if added.is_empty() && modified.is_empty() && deleted.is_empty() {
+        Update::None
+    } else {
+        let chunk_update = EcmascriptChunkUpdate {
+            added,
+            modified,
+            deleted,
+        };
+        Update::Partial(PartialUpdate {
+            to: to_version.into(),
+            instruction: JsonValueVc::cell(serde_json::to_value(&chunk_update)?),
+        })
+    };
+    Ok(update.into())
diff --git a/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/version.rs b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/version.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..7d09f4c07cc92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/chunk/version.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+use anyhow::Result;
+use indexmap::IndexMap;
+use turbo_tasks::primitives::StringVc;
+use turbo_tasks_hash::{encode_hex, Xxh3Hash64Hasher};
+use turbopack_core::{
+    chunk::ModuleIdReadRef,
+    version::{Version, VersionVc},
+#[turbo_tasks::value(shared, serialization = "none")]
+pub(super) struct EcmascriptChunkVersion {
+    pub(super) chunk_server_path: String,
+    pub(super) module_factories_hashes: IndexMap<ModuleIdReadRef, u64>,
+impl Version for EcmascriptChunkVersion {
+    #[turbo_tasks::function]
+    fn id(&self) -> StringVc {
+        let mut hasher = Xxh3Hash64Hasher::new();
+        let sorted_hashes = {
+            let mut hashes: Vec<_> = self
+                .module_factories_hashes
+                .values()
+                .map(|hash| *hash)
+                .collect();
+            hashes.sort();
+            hashes
+        };
+        for hash in sorted_hashes {
+            hasher.write_value(hash);
+        }
+        let hash = hasher.finish();
+        let hex_hash = encode_hex(hash);
+        StringVc::cell(hex_hash)
+    }
diff --git a/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/utils.rs b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/utils.rs
index 7a8a33acb3444..66e4386df4a62 100644
--- a/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/utils.rs
+++ b/crates/turbopack-ecmascript/src/utils.rs
@@ -72,6 +72,15 @@ where
+/// Converts a serializable value into a pretty-printed valid JavaScript
+/// expression.
+pub fn stringify_js_pretty<T>(s: &T) -> String
+    T: Serialize + ?Sized,
+    serde_json::to_string_pretty(s).unwrap()
 pub struct FormatIter<T: Iterator, F: Fn() -> T>(pub F);
 macro_rules! format_iter {