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945 lines (706 loc) · 65.1 KB

File metadata and controls

945 lines (706 loc) · 65.1 KB




Available Operations


Get the build logs of a deployment by deployment ID and build ID. It can work as an infinite stream of logs or as a JSON endpoint depending on the input parameters.

Example Usage

import { Vercel } from "@vercel/sdk";

const vercel = new Vercel({
  bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>",

async function run() {
  await vercel.deployments.getDeploymentEvents({
    idOrUrl: "dpl_5WJWYSyB7BpgTj3EuwF37WMRBXBtPQ2iTMJHJBJyRfd",
    follow: 1,
    limit: 100,
    name: "bld_cotnkcr76",
    since: 1540095775941,
    until: 1540106318643,
    statusCode: "5xx",
    delimiter: 1,
    builds: 1,
    teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l",
    slug: "my-team-url-slug",



Standalone function

The standalone function version of this method:

import { VercelCore } from "@vercel/sdk/core.js";
import { deploymentsGetDeploymentEvents } from "@vercel/sdk/funcs/deploymentsGetDeploymentEvents.js";

// Use `VercelCore` for best tree-shaking performance.
// You can create one instance of it to use across an application.
const vercel = new VercelCore({
  bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>",

async function run() {
  const res = await deploymentsGetDeploymentEvents(vercel, {
    idOrUrl: "dpl_5WJWYSyB7BpgTj3EuwF37WMRBXBtPQ2iTMJHJBJyRfd",
    follow: 1,
    limit: 100,
    name: "bld_cotnkcr76",
    since: 1540095775941,
    until: 1540106318643,
    statusCode: "5xx",
    delimiter: 1,
    builds: 1,
    teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l",
    slug: "my-team-url-slug",

  if (!res.ok) {
    throw res.error;

  const { value: result } = res;




Parameter Type Required Description
request models.GetDeploymentEventsRequest ✔️ The request object to use for the request.
options RequestOptions Used to set various options for making HTTP requests.
options.fetchOptions RequestInit Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All Request options, except method and body, are allowed.
options.retries RetryConfig Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions.




Error Type Status Code Content Type
models.VercelBadRequestError 400 application/json
models.VercelForbiddenError 401 application/json
models.SDKError 4XX, 5XX */*


Updates the deployment integration action for the specified integration installation

Example Usage

import { Vercel } from "@vercel/sdk";

const vercel = new Vercel({
  bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>",

async function run() {
  await vercel.deployments.updateIntegrationDeploymentAction({
    deploymentId: "<id>",
    integrationConfigurationId: "<id>",
    resourceId: "<id>",
    action: "<value>",



Standalone function

The standalone function version of this method:

import { VercelCore } from "@vercel/sdk/core.js";
import { deploymentsUpdateIntegrationDeploymentAction } from "@vercel/sdk/funcs/deploymentsUpdateIntegrationDeploymentAction.js";

// Use `VercelCore` for best tree-shaking performance.
// You can create one instance of it to use across an application.
const vercel = new VercelCore({
  bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>",

async function run() {
  const res = await deploymentsUpdateIntegrationDeploymentAction(vercel, {
    deploymentId: "<id>",
    integrationConfigurationId: "<id>",
    resourceId: "<id>",
    action: "<value>",

  if (!res.ok) {
    throw res.error;

  const { value: result } = res;




Parameter Type Required Description
request models.UpdateIntegrationDeploymentActionRequest ✔️ The request object to use for the request.
options RequestOptions Used to set various options for making HTTP requests.
options.fetchOptions RequestInit Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All Request options, except method and body, are allowed.
options.retries RetryConfig Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions.




Error Type Status Code Content Type
models.VercelBadRequestError 400 application/json
models.VercelForbiddenError 401 application/json
models.SDKError 4XX, 5XX */*


Retrieves information for a deployment either by supplying its ID (id property) or Hostname (url property). Additional details will be included when the authenticated user or team is an owner of the deployment.

Example Usage

import { Vercel } from "@vercel/sdk";

const vercel = new Vercel({
  bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>",

async function run() {
  const result = await vercel.deployments.getDeployment({
    idOrUrl: "dpl_89qyp1cskzkLrVicDaZoDbjyHuDJ",
    withGitRepoInfo: "true",
    teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l",
    slug: "my-team-url-slug",

  // Handle the result


Standalone function

The standalone function version of this method:

import { VercelCore } from "@vercel/sdk/core.js";
import { deploymentsGetDeployment } from "@vercel/sdk/funcs/deploymentsGetDeployment.js";

// Use `VercelCore` for best tree-shaking performance.
// You can create one instance of it to use across an application.
const vercel = new VercelCore({
  bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>",

async function run() {
  const res = await deploymentsGetDeployment(vercel, {
    idOrUrl: "dpl_89qyp1cskzkLrVicDaZoDbjyHuDJ",
    withGitRepoInfo: "true",
    teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l",
    slug: "my-team-url-slug",

  if (!res.ok) {
    throw res.error;

  const { value: result } = res;

  // Handle the result



Parameter Type Required Description
request models.GetDeploymentRequest ✔️ The request object to use for the request.
options RequestOptions Used to set various options for making HTTP requests.
options.fetchOptions RequestInit Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All Request options, except method and body, are allowed.
options.retries RetryConfig Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions.




Error Type Status Code Content Type
models.VercelBadRequestError 400 application/json
models.VercelNotFoundError 404 application/json
models.SDKError 4XX, 5XX */*


Create a new deployment with all the required and intended data. If the deployment is not a git deployment, all files must be provided with the request, either referenced or inlined. Additionally, a deployment id can be specified to redeploy a previous deployment.

Example Usage

import { Vercel } from "@vercel/sdk";

const vercel = new Vercel({
  bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>",

async function run() {
  const result = await vercel.deployments.createDeployment({
    teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l",
    slug: "my-team-url-slug",
    requestBody: {
      deploymentId: "dpl_2qn7PZrx89yxY34vEZPD31Y9XVj6",
      files: [
          file: "folder/file.js",
          file: "folder/file.js",
      gitMetadata: {
        remoteUrl: "",
        commitAuthorName: "kyliau",
        commitMessage: "add method to measure Interaction to Next Paint (INP) (#36490)",
        commitRef: "main",
        commitSha: "dc36199b2234c6586ebe05ec94078a895c707e29",
        dirty: true,
      gitSource: {
        ref: "main",
        repoId: 123456789,
        sha: "a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j0k1l2m3n4o5p6q7r8s9t0",
        type: "github",
      meta: {
        "foo": "bar",
      name: "my-instant-deployment",
      project: "my-deployment-project",
      projectSettings: {
        buildCommand: "next build",
        installCommand: "pnpm install",
      target: "production",

  // Handle the result


Standalone function

The standalone function version of this method:

import { VercelCore } from "@vercel/sdk/core.js";
import { deploymentsCreateDeployment } from "@vercel/sdk/funcs/deploymentsCreateDeployment.js";

// Use `VercelCore` for best tree-shaking performance.
// You can create one instance of it to use across an application.
const vercel = new VercelCore({
  bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>",

async function run() {
  const res = await deploymentsCreateDeployment(vercel, {
    teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l",
    slug: "my-team-url-slug",
    requestBody: {
      deploymentId: "dpl_2qn7PZrx89yxY34vEZPD31Y9XVj6",
      files: [
          file: "folder/file.js",
          file: "folder/file.js",
      gitMetadata: {
        remoteUrl: "",
        commitAuthorName: "kyliau",
        commitMessage: "add method to measure Interaction to Next Paint (INP) (#36490)",
        commitRef: "main",
        commitSha: "dc36199b2234c6586ebe05ec94078a895c707e29",
        dirty: true,
      gitSource: {
        ref: "main",
        repoId: 123456789,
        sha: "a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j0k1l2m3n4o5p6q7r8s9t0",
        type: "github",
      meta: {
        "foo": "bar",
      name: "my-instant-deployment",
      project: "my-deployment-project",
      projectSettings: {
        buildCommand: "next build",
        installCommand: "pnpm install",
      target: "production",

  if (!res.ok) {
    throw res.error;

  const { value: result } = res;

  // Handle the result



Parameter Type Required Description
request models.CreateDeploymentRequest ✔️ The request object to use for the request.
options RequestOptions Used to set various options for making HTTP requests.
options.fetchOptions RequestInit Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All Request options, except method and body, are allowed.
options.retries RetryConfig Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions.




Error Type Status Code Content Type
models.VercelBadRequestError 400 application/json
models.VercelForbiddenError 401 application/json
models.VercelNotFoundError 404 application/json
models.SDKError 4XX, 5XX */*


This endpoint allows you to cancel a deployment which is currently building, by supplying its id in the URL.

Example Usage

import { Vercel } from "@vercel/sdk";

const vercel = new Vercel({
  bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>",

async function run() {
  const result = await vercel.deployments.cancelDeployment({
    id: "dpl_5WJWYSyB7BpgTj3EuwF37WMRBXBtPQ2iTMJHJBJyRfd",
    teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l",
    slug: "my-team-url-slug",

  // Handle the result


Standalone function

The standalone function version of this method:

import { VercelCore } from "@vercel/sdk/core.js";
import { deploymentsCancelDeployment } from "@vercel/sdk/funcs/deploymentsCancelDeployment.js";

// Use `VercelCore` for best tree-shaking performance.
// You can create one instance of it to use across an application.
const vercel = new VercelCore({
  bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>",

async function run() {
  const res = await deploymentsCancelDeployment(vercel, {
    id: "dpl_5WJWYSyB7BpgTj3EuwF37WMRBXBtPQ2iTMJHJBJyRfd",
    teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l",
    slug: "my-team-url-slug",

  if (!res.ok) {
    throw res.error;

  const { value: result } = res;

  // Handle the result



Parameter Type Required Description
request models.CancelDeploymentRequest ✔️ The request object to use for the request.
options RequestOptions Used to set various options for making HTTP requests.
options.fetchOptions RequestInit Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All Request options, except method and body, are allowed.
options.retries RetryConfig Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions.




Error Type Status Code Content Type
models.VercelBadRequestError 400 application/json
models.VercelForbiddenError 401 application/json
models.VercelNotFoundError 404 application/json
models.SDKError 4XX, 5XX */*


Before you create a deployment you need to upload the required files for that deployment. To do it, you need to first upload each file to this endpoint. Once that's completed, you can create a new deployment with the uploaded files. The file content must be placed inside the body of the request. In the case of a successful response you'll receive a status code 200 with an empty body.

Example Usage

import { Vercel } from "@vercel/sdk";

const vercel = new Vercel({
  bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>",

async function run() {
  const result = await vercel.deployments.uploadFile({
    teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l",
    slug: "my-team-url-slug",

  // Handle the result


Standalone function

The standalone function version of this method:

import { VercelCore } from "@vercel/sdk/core.js";
import { deploymentsUploadFile } from "@vercel/sdk/funcs/deploymentsUploadFile.js";

// Use `VercelCore` for best tree-shaking performance.
// You can create one instance of it to use across an application.
const vercel = new VercelCore({
  bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>",

async function run() {
  const res = await deploymentsUploadFile(vercel, {
    teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l",
    slug: "my-team-url-slug",

  if (!res.ok) {
    throw res.error;

  const { value: result } = res;

  // Handle the result



Parameter Type Required Description
request models.UploadFileRequest ✔️ The request object to use for the request.
options RequestOptions Used to set various options for making HTTP requests.
options.fetchOptions RequestInit Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All Request options, except method and body, are allowed.
options.retries RetryConfig Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions.




Error Type Status Code Content Type
models.VercelBadRequestError 400 application/json
models.VercelForbiddenError 401 application/json
models.SDKError 4XX, 5XX */*


Allows to retrieve the file structure of the source code of a deployment by supplying the deployment unique identifier. If the deployment was created with the Vercel CLI or the API directly with the files key, it will have a file tree that can be retrievable.

Example Usage

import { Vercel } from "@vercel/sdk";

const vercel = new Vercel({
  bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>",

async function run() {
  const result = await vercel.deployments.listDeploymentFiles({
    id: "<id>",
    teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l",
    slug: "my-team-url-slug",

  // Handle the result


Standalone function

The standalone function version of this method:

import { VercelCore } from "@vercel/sdk/core.js";
import { deploymentsListDeploymentFiles } from "@vercel/sdk/funcs/deploymentsListDeploymentFiles.js";

// Use `VercelCore` for best tree-shaking performance.
// You can create one instance of it to use across an application.
const vercel = new VercelCore({
  bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>",

async function run() {
  const res = await deploymentsListDeploymentFiles(vercel, {
    id: "<id>",
    teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l",
    slug: "my-team-url-slug",

  if (!res.ok) {
    throw res.error;

  const { value: result } = res;

  // Handle the result



Parameter Type Required Description
request models.ListDeploymentFilesRequest ✔️ The request object to use for the request.
options RequestOptions Used to set various options for making HTTP requests.
options.fetchOptions RequestInit Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All Request options, except method and body, are allowed.
options.retries RetryConfig Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions.




Error Type Status Code Content Type
models.VercelBadRequestError 400 application/json
models.VercelForbiddenError 401 application/json
models.VercelNotFoundError 404 application/json
models.SDKError 4XX, 5XX */*


Allows to retrieve the content of a file by supplying the file identifier and the deployment unique identifier. The response body will contain a JSON response containing the contents of the file encoded as base64.

Example Usage

import { Vercel } from "@vercel/sdk";

const vercel = new Vercel({
  bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>",

async function run() {
  await vercel.deployments.getDeploymentFileContents({
    id: "<id>",
    fileId: "<id>",
    teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l",
    slug: "my-team-url-slug",



Standalone function

The standalone function version of this method:

import { VercelCore } from "@vercel/sdk/core.js";
import { deploymentsGetDeploymentFileContents } from "@vercel/sdk/funcs/deploymentsGetDeploymentFileContents.js";

// Use `VercelCore` for best tree-shaking performance.
// You can create one instance of it to use across an application.
const vercel = new VercelCore({
  bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>",

async function run() {
  const res = await deploymentsGetDeploymentFileContents(vercel, {
    id: "<id>",
    fileId: "<id>",
    teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l",
    slug: "my-team-url-slug",

  if (!res.ok) {
    throw res.error;

  const { value: result } = res;




Parameter Type Required Description
request models.GetDeploymentFileContentsRequest ✔️ The request object to use for the request.
options RequestOptions Used to set various options for making HTTP requests.
options.fetchOptions RequestInit Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All Request options, except method and body, are allowed.
options.retries RetryConfig Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions.




Error Type Status Code Content Type
models.VercelBadRequestError 400 application/json
models.VercelForbiddenError 401 application/json
models.VercelNotFoundError 404 application/json
models.SDKError 4XX, 5XX */*


List deployments under the authenticated user or team. If a deployment hasn't finished uploading (is incomplete), the url property will have a value of null.

Example Usage

import { Vercel } from "@vercel/sdk";

const vercel = new Vercel({
  bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>",

async function run() {
  const result = await vercel.deployments.getDeployments({
    app: "docs",
    from: 1612948664566,
    limit: 10,
    projectId: "QmXGTs7mvAMMC7WW5ebrM33qKG32QK3h4vmQMjmY",
    target: "production",
    to: 1612948664566,
    users: "kr1PsOIzqEL5Xg6M4VZcZosf,K4amb7K9dAt5R2vBJWF32bmY",
    since: 1540095775941,
    until: 1540095775951,
    state: "BUILDING,READY",
    teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l",
    slug: "my-team-url-slug",

  // Handle the result


Standalone function

The standalone function version of this method:

import { VercelCore } from "@vercel/sdk/core.js";
import { deploymentsGetDeployments } from "@vercel/sdk/funcs/deploymentsGetDeployments.js";

// Use `VercelCore` for best tree-shaking performance.
// You can create one instance of it to use across an application.
const vercel = new VercelCore({
  bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>",

async function run() {
  const res = await deploymentsGetDeployments(vercel, {
    app: "docs",
    from: 1612948664566,
    limit: 10,
    projectId: "QmXGTs7mvAMMC7WW5ebrM33qKG32QK3h4vmQMjmY",
    target: "production",
    to: 1612948664566,
    users: "kr1PsOIzqEL5Xg6M4VZcZosf,K4amb7K9dAt5R2vBJWF32bmY",
    since: 1540095775941,
    until: 1540095775951,
    state: "BUILDING,READY",
    teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l",
    slug: "my-team-url-slug",

  if (!res.ok) {
    throw res.error;

  const { value: result } = res;

  // Handle the result



Parameter Type Required Description
request models.GetDeploymentsRequest ✔️ The request object to use for the request.
options RequestOptions Used to set various options for making HTTP requests.
options.fetchOptions RequestInit Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All Request options, except method and body, are allowed.
options.retries RetryConfig Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions.




Error Type Status Code Content Type
models.VercelBadRequestError 400 application/json
models.VercelForbiddenError 401 application/json
models.VercelNotFoundError 404 application/json
models.SDKError 4XX, 5XX */*


This API allows you to delete a deployment, either by supplying its id in the URL or the url of the deployment as a query parameter. You can obtain the ID, for example, by listing all deployments.

Example Usage

import { Vercel } from "@vercel/sdk";

const vercel = new Vercel({
  bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>",

async function run() {
  const result = await vercel.deployments.deleteDeployment({
    id: "dpl_5WJWYSyB7BpgTj3EuwF37WMRBXBtPQ2iTMJHJBJyRfd",
    url: "",
    teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l",
    slug: "my-team-url-slug",

  // Handle the result


Standalone function

The standalone function version of this method:

import { VercelCore } from "@vercel/sdk/core.js";
import { deploymentsDeleteDeployment } from "@vercel/sdk/funcs/deploymentsDeleteDeployment.js";

// Use `VercelCore` for best tree-shaking performance.
// You can create one instance of it to use across an application.
const vercel = new VercelCore({
  bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>",

async function run() {
  const res = await deploymentsDeleteDeployment(vercel, {
    id: "dpl_5WJWYSyB7BpgTj3EuwF37WMRBXBtPQ2iTMJHJBJyRfd",
    url: "",
    teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l",
    slug: "my-team-url-slug",

  if (!res.ok) {
    throw res.error;

  const { value: result } = res;

  // Handle the result



Parameter Type Required Description
request models.DeleteDeploymentRequest ✔️ The request object to use for the request.
options RequestOptions Used to set various options for making HTTP requests.
options.fetchOptions RequestInit Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All Request options, except method and body, are allowed.
options.retries RetryConfig Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions.




Error Type Status Code Content Type
models.VercelBadRequestError 400 application/json
models.VercelForbiddenError 401 application/json
models.VercelNotFoundError 404 application/json
models.SDKError 4XX, 5XX */*