This is a mini webserv kust to test out the basics of the HTTP protocol and the basics of web server in C++. Read the docs on notion
This project is an introduction to the HTTP protocol and the basics of web server. It's a simple web server that handles multiple clients at the same time. It's built with C++ (std=c++98) and it's based on the RFC 7230-7235.
./webserv [config_file]
The config file is a JSON file that contains the configuration of the server. It's composed of 3 parts:
- server: contains the configuration of the server
- location: contains the configuration of the location
- error_page: contains the configuration of the error pages
The server part contains the following fields:
- host: the host of the server
- port: the port of the server
- server_name: the name of the server
- client_max_body_size: the maximum size of the body of a request
- error_page: the path of the error page
- root: the root path of the server
- index: the index page of the server
- autoindex: the autoindex of the server (on/off)
The location part contains the following fields:
- path: the path of the location
- root: the root path of the location
- index: the index page of the location
- autoindex: the autoindex of the location (on/off)
- methods: the methods allowed in the location
- cgi: the path of the cgi script
- cgi_extension: the extension of the cgi script
- upload: the path of the upload directory
- upload_extension: the extension of the upload files
The error page part contains the following fields:
- 400: the path of the 400 error page
- 401: the path of the 401 error page
- 403: the path of the 403 error page
- 404: the path of the 404 error page
- 405: the path of the 405 error page
- 413: the path of the 413 error page
- 500: the path of the 500 error page
- 501: the path of the 501 error page
The server handles the following methods:
The server handles the following cgi scripts:
- php
- python
- shell
The server handles multiple cgi scripts at the same time.
The server handles multiple clients at the same time using the select system call.
The server handles the following errors:
- 400: Bad Request
- 401: Unauthorized
- 403: Forbidden
- 404: Not Found
- 405: Method Not Allowed
- 413: Payload Too Large
- 500: Internal Server Error
- 501: Not Implemented
The server handles the autoindex of the server and the location.
The server handles the upload of files in the server and the location.
The server handles the cookies.
./webserv config.json
curl -v -X GET http://localhost:8080/
curl -v -X GET http://localhost:8080/index.html
curl -v -X GET http://localhost:8080/index.php
curl -v -X GET http://localhost:8080/
curl -v -X GET http://localhost:8080/
curl -v -X GET http://localhost:8080/index.cgi
curl -v -X GET http://localhost:8080/index
curl -v -X GET http://localhost:8080/index.html?param1=value1¶m2=value2