This extension provides a build task to interact with Mesos Marathon API.
This extension installs the following component:
- A build task to call Marathon Api in order to deploy docker application.
- Make sure your Marathon is exposed and can be reached over the network.
- Open the Services page in your Visual Studio Team Services Control Panel
- In the New Service Endpoint list, choose "Generic"
- Specify your Marathon URL, and optionnaly username and password (if you want to use a PAT instead of username/password, set the PAT as password).
- Edit the build or release you want to update
- Select the build task "MarathonDeploy" available in the "Deploy" category.
- Set the parameters :
- marathonEndpoint
- marathon identifier (If not set , this identifier is read from marathon.json file)
- jsonFilePath which contains deployment configuration
- Checkbox to fail the task when the application was previously scaled to 0
Credits : Alban Kimor, Alm Team, Cdiscount France.