EEG signals recognition system using neural networks for Olimex EEG SMT. The neural network though is restricted to have only 3 layers (no more, no less).
Tested on Windows.
A simple example on how to use it (or type 'help' in a program):
collectdata - collects data from serial port and creates a dataset:
collectdata [profile] [dataset_name] [num_of_samples]
train - trains a model on chosen datasets:
train [profile] [model_name] [num_of_sets] [[dataset], [...], ...]
predict - reads data from serial port and predicts according to a model:
predict [profile] [model_name]
print_models - prints profiles models:
print_models [profile]
print_datasets - prints profiles datasets:
print_datasets [profile]
print_config - prints out a config file:
set_port - choosing serial port from which to read:
set_port [port]
set_rate - sets baud rate of a serial port:
set_rate [rate]
set_epochs - sets neural networks epochs number (while training)
set_epochs [n]
set_layer - sets neural networks [n]umber of neurons on a [l]ayer
set_layer [l] [n]
set_batchsize - sets neural networks batch size
set_batchsize [n]
Config file is divided into two groups:
- NeuralNetworkData:
- batch_size
- epochs
- hl1_neurons - number of neurons in first hidden layer
- hl2_neurons - number of neurons in second hidden layer
- hl3_neurons - number of neurons in third hidden layer
- inputs - number of inputs neural network exects (or just input neurons)
Note: number of inputs is decided by (number_of_channels_on_a_helmet * 10)
- SerialData:
- port
- baud_rate
- data_len - number of channels