one lua library to work with srcache, can server stale response, and using "lua-resty-lock" only allow one request to populate a new cache.
- if the cache is missing, skip the srcache_fetch, and make single request to populate a new cache, the other request with same cache_key, just wait update cache success.
- always set the redis expires to (real expires time + stale time), so can find the stale data from reids.
- if get stale data from redis, just send stale data to client(using ngx.eof(), the client can close this connection.)
- and then make subrequest to populate a new cache (using lua-resty-lock, so only one request send to backend server).
git clone --branch feature-srcache --recursive
cd lua-resty-cache && sudo make install
upstream www {
upstream redis {
keepalive 1024;
lua_shared_dict srcache_locks 1m;
location /api {
set $cache_lock srcache_locks;
set $cache_ttl /redisttl;
set $cache_persist /redispersist;
set $cache_key "$http_user_agent|$uri";
set $cache_stale 100;
set $cache_lock_exptime 30;
set $cache_backend_lock_timeout 0.01;
set $cache_lock_timeout 3;
set $cache_lock_timeout_wait 0.06;
set $cache_skip_fetch "X-Skip-Fetch";
set_escape_uri $escaped_key $cache_key;
rewrite_by_lua_file /usr/local/openresty/lualib/resty/cache.lua;
if ($http_x_skip_fetch != TRUE){ srcache_fetch GET /redis $cache_key;}
srcache_store PUT /redis2 key=$escaped_key&exptime=105;
add_header X-Cache $srcache_fetch_status;
add_header X-Store $srcache_store_status;
#echo hello world;
proxy_pass http://www;
location = /redisttl {
set_unescape_uri $key $arg_key;
set_md5 $key;
redis2_query ttl $key;
redis2_pass redis;
location = /redispersist {
set_unescape_uri $key $arg_key;
set_md5 $key;
redis2_query persist $key;
redis2_pass redis;
location = /redis {
set_md5 $redis_key $args;
redis_pass redis;
location = /redis2 {
set_unescape_uri $exptime $arg_exptime;
set_unescape_uri $key $arg_key;
set_md5 $key;
redis2_query set $key $echo_request_body;
redis2_query expire $key $exptime;
redis2_pass redis;