A simplified multiplayer blackjack webgame written in ES6 using AngularJS and Express.
Made as an exercise in rapid prototyping, WebSockets, and using the (M)EAN stack to create a functional MVP in hours.
(currently best played on desktop or tablet)
This project was generated with the Angular Full-Stack Generator version 3.2.0.
- Git
- Node.js and npm Node ^4.2.3, npm ^2.14.7
- Bower (
npm install --global bower
) - Ruby and then
gem install sass
- Grunt (
npm install --global grunt-cli
- Run
npm install
to install server dependencies. - Run
bower install
to install front-end dependencies. - Run
grunt serve
to start the development server. It should automatically open the client in your browser when ready.
Run grunt build
for building and grunt serve
for preview.
Running npm test
will run the unit tests with karma.
- 1 table
- 1 dealer with 1 standard deck
- up to 7 players
- if the table is full, new players are put in a wait queue
- a new game is started as soon as there is at least 1 player connected
- losses and wins are counted (no betting)
- players can either hit or stick (no splitting)
I've opted to use a Yeoman generator to quickly scaffold a MEAN app: generator-angular-fullstack
Client-side is a simple Angular app and consists of just 1 view with a controller, a service for tracking the game state, and a service for the socket connections.
Server-side is an Express app. The game state is kept in memory with the Game module and is expressed using a simple model:
For every new client connected, there is a player.socket.js handler that deals with joining and other actions.
The dealer.socket.js handler checks the game state every X ms and changes the game & player states accordingly (see above).
High prio
- Timer for actions (otherwise players can join and block the game)
- Customized dealer / end of game feedback per player
- Show timers realtime
- Show value of current hand
- Show stats: player and dealer scores
- Cards: responsive layout (not good in mobile)
- Better UI (flash changes to model)
- Card colors
- Show people in wait queue
Low prio
- Option to split cards
- Betting
- Multiple tables
- Card animations
- Store games and scores in a MongoDB database