Player character I designed from scratch. -small animations -HP -movement left and right plus jumping -ability to shoot in any direction -ability to slow time and jump on top of projectiles -ability to use energy shield and reflect incoming projectiles
Enemies -shoot at player -react to projectile hits by moving -will have different enemy types in the future
Levels -created from tiles that have self-made textures (GIMP and Artflow) -are built based on a color-coded image -in fact every graphical asset(not including brushed aluminium texture for slow-firing weapon) is self-drawn.
Menus -different game menus such as a main menu and a pause menu -menus scale with window size
Music -composed with Apples brilliant GarageBand
How to run:
Double click one of the run files inside the project directory.
If this does not work
- Open command terminal
- Give command java -jar /your/path/Updated2DShooterPlatformer/target/scala-2.12/updated2dshooterplatformer-assembly-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar