The review has been performed based on the contract code in the following repository:
commit: v1.1.1.pre-internal-audit
The audit focused on managing services with custom ERC20 tokens
contracts in this repo.
Flatten version of contracts. contracts
Several checks are obtained automatically. They are commented. Some issues found need to be fixed.
All automatic warnings are listed in the following file, concerns of which we address in more detail below:
- ignores return value by
: [x] fixed.
function create()
lines 100-105
for (uint256 i = 0; i < numAgents; ++i) {
// Copy actual bond values for each agent Id
bonds[i] = agentParams[i].bond;
// Wrap bonds with the BOND_WRAPPER value for the original ServiceRegistry contract
agentParams[i].bond = BOND_WRAPPER;
no zeros are allowed as we might incorrectly wrap zero bonds
[x] fixed
function update()
lines 149-156
for (uint256 i = 0; i < numAgents; ++i) {
// Copy actual bond values for each agent Id that has at least one slot in the updated service
if (agentParams[i].slots > 0) {
bonds[i] = agentParams[i].bond;
// Wrap bonds with the BOND_WRAPPER value for the original ServiceRegistry contract
agentParams[i].bond = BOND_WRAPPER;
not all zero bonds are allowed, as we don't want to wrap zero bonds, see above
[x] fixed
lines 299-337
// Get the operator allowance to this contract in specified tokens
uint256 allowance = IToken(token).allowance(operator, address(this));
if (allowance < totalBond) {
revert IncorrectRegistrationDepositValue(allowance, totalBond, serviceId);
totalBond += mapOperatorAndServiceIdOperatorBalances[operatorService]; // totalBond += x if apOperatorAndServiceIdOperatorBalances[operatorService] > 0
bool success = IToken(token).transferFrom(operator, address(this), totalBond);
checking allowance before calculating the final quantity
double check, please, logic
lines 325-326
totalBond += mapOperatorAndServiceIdOperatorBalances[operatorService];
mapOperatorAndServiceIdOperatorBalances[operatorService] = totalBond;
[x] fixed
version number
constructor(address _serviceRegistry, address _serviceRegistryTokenUtility) + operatorWhitelist in constructor
[x] fixed
It would be nice to add an additional user-assignable setting. Through the UI, you can select the most typical combination.
At the same time, allowing the user to install as he needs, including: id, [addr1, addr2, addr3], [true, true, true], false
setCheck = true equal setOperatorsCheck(true)
setCheck = false equal setOperatorsCheck(false)
function setOperatorsStatuses(uint256 serviceId, address[] memory operators, bool[] memory statuses, bool setCheck) external
[x] fixed
bool success = IToken(token).transfer(drainer, amount);
if (!success) {
revert TransferFailed(token, address(this), msg.sender, amount);
simple cure for
check balances[recipient] before/after transfer
low priority
[x] fixed
Below are tips on how to solve TODO
TODO Check for the token ERC20 formality
function isERC20(address token) public view returns (bool) {
bytes4 selector = bytes4(keccak256("balanceOf(address)"));
bool success;
bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSelector(selector, address(0));
if(token.code.length) {
assembly {
success := staticcall(
gas(), // gas remaining
token, // destination address
add(data, 32), // input buffer (starts after the first 32 bytes in the `data` array)
mload(data), // input length (loaded from the first 32 bytes in the `data` array)
0, // output buffer
0 // output length
// or Solidity without assembly
// (bool success, bytes memory data) = token.staticcall(abi.encodeWithSignature("balanceOf(address)", address(0)));
// Details:
return success;
[x] fixed
TODO Safe transferFrom
[x] fixed