Update Notes for upcoming releases
Option to run from a particular stage in stereo (preprocessing, correlation, refinement, filter and triangulation) (added for triplet currently)
Allow for controlling camera weight by the user during bundle_adjust/ adjust weight based on initial reprojection error (in progress)
Extend logic of reading UTM zones from even unprojected Point Clouds (added)
Virtual GCP support in bundle adjustment (in progress)
Cross-track (multi-view triplet,mono support)
- Bundle adjustment (in progress)
- Stereo processing (done)
- DEM mosaicking (done)
- orthorectification (done)
Ability to run processing for scenes within a bounding box
- Support added in skysat_overlap.py to write out overlapping pairs which are only intersect a bounding box (done)
- This overlap list can be ingested by subsequent updated orthorectification and stereo processing and DEM processing programs (done)
- Bundle adjustment (in progress)
Update to newer versions of GDAL (>3.0 vs the previous release 2.4) and Proj (previous release is 4)
Update of wrapper scripts to implement the above changes (in progress)
Utility functions
- NED Euler angles (yaw-pitch-roll) from ECEF rotation matrix (supplied by ASP)
- Update newer frame_index.csv provided by Planet for videos and L1A triplet all frames to something which ASP understands
- Find and match ip across image pairs without camera models info