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PDR Landing Page Service

This directory provides the pdr-lps software product, an Angular application providing HTML landing page views of datasets in the PDR.

This software is built on the Angular framework using Angular CLI and Angular Universal (the latter providing server-side rendering) and implemented primarily in Typescript. It is currently built on Angular 6.


  • node version 8.9.4 or higher. (10.9 is recommended). This provides the npm build tool.

All other required modules can be installed automatically via the npm tool (by typing npm install in this directory.

You may be interested these related links:

Building the app from scratch

Downloading this repository

# clone the repo
git clone

# change directory to repo
cd angular

(Note that the oar-metadata submodule is not needed for building and running the Angular code.)

Building the application

The npm tool is used to build, test, and run the Angular application.
To install the Typescript compiler and all required Javascript modules, type:

npm install

This only needs to be done once, unless dependencies (recorded in the package.json file) change.

To build the application, type

npm run build:ssr

Running the tests

To run the unit tests and the integration tests (also refered to as e2e tests), type, respectively:

npm test
npm e2e

Note: e2e tests are currently disabled.

Editor's Note: add info about running/debugging tests interactively.

Running the service

Editor's note: Need some instruction on configuring the service.

This application can run with browser-only operation (i.e. without server-side rendering), via the following command:

npm serve

This will serve the application via a local web server; one can use a browser to interact with it by accessing URLs based at http://localhost:4000.

To run the application with server-side rendering type:

npm run serve:universal

This will run node as a web server, serving the application via URLs based at http://localhost:4200/.

Further information


  • bootstrap - The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
  • ng-bootstrap - Angular powered Bootstrap
  • font-awesome 5.x - Get vector icons and social logos on your website with Font Awesome, the web’s most popular icon set and toolkit.


Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive/pipe/service/class/module.