###### FROM THE WINDOWS EVENT LOG GENERAL TAB The description for Event ID 4769 from source Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer. If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event. The following information was included with the event: usernam1p@SUB.DOMAIN.COM SUB.DOMAIN.COM H123ABCDE8D1$ S-1-5-21-1299999921-444445543-839222333-111111 0x40810000 0x12 ::ffff: 59503 0x0 {41c6e520-0e7e-da76-f903-197f08880601} - m/AAAgBB0CC1DaEpr4FFfo+Gb+t61aBluBz+0h46cGM= A8BpCD/EFnvGHzImy0J5s0KKKK35nLmNfFAXk/qMV68= The locale specific resource for the desired message is not present ###### FROM THE WINDOWS EVENT LOG XML VIEW TAB - - 4634 0 0 12545 0 0x8020000000000000 113417695 Security H123HOSTA011Z.domain.com - S-1-5-21-0000000000-999999999-999999999-324630 D321HOSTA011Z$ SUB 0x4a33aaaa 3 - An account was logged off. Subject: Security ID: S-1-5-21-1229272821-999999999-999999999-7777777 Account Name: D321HOSTA011Z$ Account Domain: IN Logon ID: 0x3D14ABCD Logon Type: 3 This event is generated when a logon session is destroyed. It may be positively correlated with a logon event using the Logon ID value. Logon IDs are only unique between reboots on the same computer. Information Logoff Info Security Microsoft Windows security auditing. - Audit Success ###### FROM THE WINDOWS EVENT LOG FRIENDLY VIEW TAB - System - Provider [ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing [ Guid] {88888888-4444-4444-a5ba-3e3b4444c30d} EventID 4769 Version 1 Level 0 Task 14337 Opcode 0 Keywords 0x8020000000000000 - TimeCreated [ SystemTime] 2025-02-05T13:34:21.8241768Z EventRecordID 1227235589 Correlation - Execution [ ProcessID] 712 [ ThreadID] 10896 Channel Security Computer d321hosta011z.SUB.DOMAIN.COM Security - EventData TargetUserName usernam1p@SUB.DOMAIN.COM TargetDomainName SUB.DOMAIN.COM ServiceName H123ABCDE8D1$ ServiceSid S-1-5-21-1299999921-444445543-839222333-111111 TicketOptions 0x40810000 TicketEncryptionType 0x12 IpAddress ::ffff: IpPort 59503 Status 0x0 LogonGuid {66a6e520-6a6a-aa66-a666-666a06660601} TransmittedServices - RequestTicketHash m/AAAgBB0CC1DaEpr4FFfo+Gb+t61aBluBz+0h46cGM= ResponseTicketHash A8BpCD/EFnvGHzImy0J5s0KKKK35nLmNfFAXk/qMV68= - RenderingInfo [ Culture] en-US Message A Kerberos service ticket was requested. Account Information: Account Name: usernam1p@SUB.DOMAIN.COM Account Domain: SUB.DOMAIN.COM Logon GUID: {66a6e520-6a6a-aa66-a666-666a06660601} Service Information: Service Name: H123ABCDE8D1$ Service ID: S-1-5-21-1299999921-444445543-839222333-111111 Network Information: Client Address: ::ffff: Client Port: 59503 Additional Information: Ticket Options: 0x40810000 Ticket Encryption Type: 0x12 Failure Code: 0x0 Transited Services: - Ticket information Request ticket hash: m/AAAgBB0CC1DaEpr4FFfo+Gb+t61aBluBz+0h46cGM= Response ticket hash: A8BpCD/EFnvGHzImy0J5s0KKKK35nLmNfFAXk/qMV68= This event is generated every time access is requested to a resource such as a computer or a Windows service. The service name indicates the resource to which access was requested. This event can be correlated with Windows logon events by comparing the Logon GUID fields in each event. The logon event occurs on the machine that was accessed, which is often a different machine than the domain controller which issued the service ticket. Ticket options, encryption types, and failure codes are defined in RFC 4120. Level Information Task Kerberos Service Ticket Operations Opcode Info Channel Security Provider Microsoft Windows security auditing. - Keywords Keyword Audit Success