[UseCaseAttachState] Active and attached use case: [] for camera: 0 [DeferrableSurface] use count-1, useCount=0 closed=true androidx.camera.core.SurfaceRequest$2@17be939 [DeferrableSurface] Surface no longer in use[total_surfaces=2, used_surfaces=1](androidx.camera.core.SurfaceRequest$2@17be939} [DeferrableSurface] Surface terminated[total_surfaces=1, used_surfaces=1](androidx.camera.core.SurfaceRequest$2@17be939} [DeferrableSurface] use count-1, useCount=0 closed=true androidx.camera.core.impl.ImmediateSurface@7e353fb [DeferrableSurface] Surface no longer in use[total_surfaces=1, used_surfaces=0](androidx.camera.core.impl.ImmediateSurface@7e353fb} [DeferrableSurface] Surface terminated[total_surfaces=0, used_surfaces=0](androidx.camera.core.impl.ImmediateSurface@7e353fb} [SurfaceViewImpl] Safe to release surface. [CameraDevice-JV-0] Camera now idle [Camera2CameraImpl] {Camera@fb4b080[id=0]} CameraDevice.onClosed() [Camera2CameraImpl] {Camera@fb4b080[id=0]} Transitioning camera internal state: CLOSING --> INITIALIZED [CameraStateRegistry] Recalculating open cameras: [CameraStateRegistry] Camera State [CameraStateRegistry] ------------------------------------------------------------------- [CameraStateRegistry] Camera@4e505e[id=5] UNKNOWN [CameraStateRegistry] Camera@78a8ec8[id=3] UNKNOWN [CameraStateRegistry] Camera@59edc9d[id=4] UNKNOWN [CameraStateRegistry] Camera@fb4b080[id=0] CLOSED [CameraStateRegistry] Camera@c249fae[id=2] UNKNOWN [CameraStateRegistry] Camera@edf23f1[id=1] UNKNOWN [CameraStateRegistry] ------------------------------------------------------------------- [CameraStateRegistry] Open count: 0 (Max allowed: 1) [CameraStateMachine] New public camera state CameraState{type=CLOSED, error=null} from CLOSED and null [CameraStateMachine] Publishing new public camera state CameraState{type=CLOSED, error=null} [yname.mobileap] Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 1268(75KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 62% free, 3640KB/9784KB, paused 35us total 20.031ms [yname.mobileap] Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 891(85KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 62% free, 3645KB/9789KB, paused 33us total 20.825ms [yname.mobileap] Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 2775(340KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 62% free, 3643KB/9787KB, paused 30us total 16.758ms [yname.mobileap] Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 528(133KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 62% free, 3638KB/9782KB, paused 39us total 19.769ms [yname.mobileap] Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 514(71KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 62% free, 3641KB/9785KB, paused 31us total 18.082ms [yname.mobileap] Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 706(74KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 62% free, 3642KB/9786KB, paused 34us total 20.392ms [yname.mobileap] Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 720(75KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 62% free, 3642KB/9786KB, paused 31us total 18.122ms [yname.mobileap] Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 625(65KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 62% free, 3639KB/9783KB, paused 38us total 18.784ms [yname.mobileap] Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 648(81KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 62% free, 3642KB/9786KB, paused 31us total 18.910ms [yname.mobileap] Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 182(41KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 62% free, 3633KB/9777KB, paused 33us total 20.241ms [yname.mobileap] Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 861(75KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 62% free, 3642KB/9786KB, paused 41us total 20.370ms [yname.mobileap] Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 742(75KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 62% free, 3642KB/9786KB, paused 29us total 17.095ms