import re import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import threading from queue import Queue import pyairview # Store the RSSI values in a global list rssi_values = [] plot_data_queue = Queue() # Fixed frequency range for the plot START_FREQ = 2399.0 # MHz END_FREQ = 2485.0 # MHz FREQ_STEP = 0.5 # MHz # Fixed RSSI range for the plot (adjust this if your data has a wider range) RSSI_MIN = -100 # dBm RSSI_MAX = -40 # dBm def parse_rssi_input(input_text): """ Extracts RSSI readings from the input text using regex. """ try: # Extract numbers inside square brackets after the "Received X RSSI level readings: " match ="Received \d+ RSSI level readings: \[(.*)\]", input_text) if match: rssi_data = # Convert the extracted string into a list of integers readings = list(map(int, rssi_data.split(","))) return readings else: print("No valid RSSI data found in the input.") return [] except Exception as e: print(f"Error parsing input: {e}") return [] def plot_rssi_spectrum(): """ Plots a spectrum analyzer style graph of RSSI values with frequency as the X-axis. This function continuously updates the plot from the queue. """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_title("RSSI Spectrum Analyzer") ax.set_xlabel("Frequency (MHz)") ax.set_ylabel("RSSI Level (dBm)") ax.grid(True) # Set the fixed limits for the frequency and RSSI axes ax.set_xlim(START_FREQ, END_FREQ) ax.set_ylim(RSSI_MIN, RSSI_MAX) while True: # Get new RSSI data from the queue if not plot_data_queue.empty(): rssi_values = plot_data_queue.get() # Calculate the number of points based on the frequency range num_points = len(rssi_values) frequencies = [START_FREQ + i * FREQ_STEP for i in range(num_points)] # Plot the RSSI values against the frequencies ax.cla() # Clear the axes ax.set_xlim(START_FREQ, END_FREQ) # Reset frequency limits ax.set_ylim(RSSI_MIN, RSSI_MAX) # Reset RSSI limits ax.plot(frequencies, rssi_values, marker='o', linestyle='-', color='b', alpha=0.7) ax.set_title("RSSI Spectrum Analyzer") ax.set_xlabel("Frequency (MHz)") ax.set_ylabel("RSSI Level (dBm)") ax.grid(True) plt.draw() plt.pause(0.1) # Pause to update the plot def scan_callback(rssi_list): """ Callback function to handle received RSSI data. This function is called each time RSSI values are received from the Airview device. """ print(f"Received {len(rssi_list)} RSSI level readings: {rssi_list}") # Put the new RSSI readings into the queue for plotting plot_data_queue.put(rssi_list) def start_scan(): """ Starts the RSSI scan and processes the results continuously. """ try: # Connect to the Airview device (assuming the device is connected and the port is correct) connected = pyairview.connect("/dev/ttyACM0") # Replace with the correct port if necessary if not connected: print("Failed to connect to the device.") return print("Starting RSSI scan...") # Start scanning pyairview.start_scan(callback=scan_callback) # Start the plot update thread plot_thread = threading.Thread(target=plot_rssi_spectrum, daemon=True) plot_thread.start() # Continuously update the plot with new RSSI data while pyairview.is_scanning(): time.sleep(0.5) # Delay between scan updates # Stop scanning after a certain period or when finished pyairview.stop_scan() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Scan interrupted by user.") except Exception as e: print(f"Error during scan: {e}") finally: # Ensure proper cleanup of the serial connection try: pyairview.disconnect() print("Disconnected from Airview device.") except Exception as e: print(f"Error during cleanup: {e}") # Keep the plot open after scan completion plt.ioff() # Turn off interactive mode # Keep the plot window open if __name__ == "__main__": start_scan()