Geant4 11.3-beta-01 Release Notes --------------------------------- 28 June 2024 Migration Notes & Main New Features ----------------------------------- o Fixed spurious compilation warnings on gcc when LTO settings are enabled. o First full implementation of sub-event parallelism, with creation and processing of sub-events in workers, and merging of results back into events on the main thread. o Added protection in G4VPrimaryGenerator::SetParticlePosition() to avoid and warn for attempts to place vertex position outside or on surface of the world volume. o Extended diagnostics and output from material scanner. o First implementation of parallel initialisation of geometry optimisation. o New revised and optimised implementation of G4GenericTrap shape. o Improved/optimised implementation of GetCubicVolume() in Boolean solids. o Added new classes for automatic field construction from parameters. o Optimised step limitation algorithm in G4UrbanMscModel. o G4eeToTwoGammaModel: fixed precision lost in sampling of final state for very high energies. o New class G4EmDataRegistry, to keep EM data tables. o New G4OrePowellAtRestModel class, Orel & Powell orto positronium decay model AtRest and G4SimpleoPsAtRestModel, a simple orto para positronium chooser. o New classes for multiple-ionisation in Geant4-DNA. o In G4EmDNAPhysics, define default maximum kinetic energy 600 MeV instead of 300 MeV in order to have standard ionisation and multiple scattering always defined for DNA physics configurations o Added three new variants of 'Shielding' physics list in G4PhysListFactory. o Introduced neutron treatment of the Unresolved Resonance Region (URR) via Probability Table (PT); relevant for precise simulations of nuclear reactor criticality and shielding applications. o First implementation of NuDEX nuclear de-excitation hadronic model. o Updates to cross-section classes to rationalise initialisation of data in MT mode. o Simplified computation of cross-section maximum for discrete processes in G4EmUtility. o New class G4XTRGaussRadModel, providing improved account on the origin of XTR photons. o Restored OpenGL as default backend for Qt6. Fixed open issues when using Qt6 with supported drivers. o Improved identification of scene tree models in visualisation. Now suppressing the scene tree if the number of touchables exceeds 10000 (equivalent to about 20 MB) o Removed configuration/setup of no longer supported TiMemory profiling. o Build option with VecGeom requires VecGeom-1.2.8 or higher. o Requires CLHEP- for external CLHEP installation. o New versions of datasets: G4PARTICLEXS-4.1, G4EMLOW-8.6. o New optional datasets: G4NUDEXLIB-1.0, G4URRPT-1.0. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technical Notes --------------- o Tested platforms: + Linux, gcc-11.3.1. Tested on 64 bit architectures (Intel or AMD) with Alma Linux 9 (based on RedHat Linux Enterprise 9). Versions of Geant4 have also been compiled successfully on other Linux distributions, Ubuntu, Debian, Suse or other RedHat systems. + MacOS 14.5, Apple LLVM/clang-15 (Intel or Apple Silicon). + Windows/11 with Visual C++ 14.40 (Visual Studio 2022) o More verified configurations: + Linux, with gcc-9.4/10.3/11.3/12.1/13.2/14.1, clang-14/15/16/17. + Linux, with Intel-icx 2024.1. + MacOS 12.7/13.6, with Apple LLVM/clang-14/15. + Windows/10 with Visual C++ 14.36 (Visual Studio 2022) o External dependencies + CLHEP-, suggested for external installation of the CLHEP library. + VecGeom-1.2.8 or later, for optional use of VecGeom geometry primitives. + PTL-2.3.3, for external installation of the PTL tasking library. o New datasets: + G4PARTICLEXS-4.1, G4EMLOW-8.6, G4NUDEXLIB-1.0, G4URRPT-1.0. Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation: for further information about using Geant4. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- List of features and fixes included in this Beta release since 11.2.p02: o Configuration: ------------- + CMake: o Added compiler flags for GCC only to help detect/debug LTO-related problems when building with CMAKE_INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION. o Provide CMake function to assist in linking unit tests to final libraries given required source code modules. o Removed configuration/setup of no longer supported TiMemory profiling. o Introduced new "FullRelWithDebInfo" build mode, "-O3 -g", so maximum optimisation with debugging symbols. o Simplifications to Geant4Config.cmake: removed obsolete and never run "whole archive" linking of G4physics_lists; replaced TOOLSSG visualisation driver variables that are just synonyms for more fundamental config options (e.g. GEANT4_USE_QT) with the underlying variable. o Added optional install of new NuDEXLib and URRPT datasets. o Updated to datasets: G4PARTICLEXS-4.1, G4EMLOW-8.6, G4NUDEXLIB-1.0, G4URRPT-1.0. o Event: ----- + Initial implementation of creation and processing of sub-events. + Added protection in G4VPrimaryGenerator::SetParticlePosition() to avoid and warn for attempts to place vertex position outside or on surface of the world volume. + G4PrimaryTransformer: adding sanity check of 4-momentum. + Added UI command to switch on/off the vertex position check (default: on). + Updated "/gun/position" UI command guidance in G4ParticleGunMessenger. Removed unnecessary setting of gun position to (0, 0, 0). + Removed use of no longer supported TiMemory. o Geometry: -------- + divisions: o Applied trivial clang-tidy fixes to classes, i.e. use of default constructor/destructor. + magneticfield: o Added new classes for automatic field construction from parameters: G4FieldBuilder[Messenger], G4FieldParameters[Messenger] and G4FieldSetup. o Applied trivial clang-tidy fixes to classes, i.e. use of default constructor/destructor, auto and using statements. o Minor cleanup in QSS classes. + management: o Added new capability to run voxel optimisation in threads in MT mode. Parallelises only over volumes. The user can call the method RequestParallelOptimisation(optimise, verbose) from G4GeometryManager to turn it on/off. Set 'verbose=true' to obtain statistics on the volumes with biggest contribution to memory size and CPU time for voxelisation. New method BuildOptimisationsParallel() can be called by G4WorkerRunManager to initialise. New method ReportVoxelInfo() to write out for verification. Checked with simple and complex/large geometries. o Added new methods GetNumOfConstituents() and IsFaceted() to G4VSolid. o Applied trivial clang-tidy fixes to classes, i.e. use of default constructor/destructor. + navigation: o G4TransportationManager now notifies G4FieldManager about the global field via its new function SetGlobalFieldManager(). This provides the ability to access/revise the global field manager directly from G4FieldManager without dependency on the navigation module. o Applied trivial clang-tidy fixes to classes, i.e. use of 'override' and removal of 'virtual' keywords; use of default constructor/destructor. + solids/Boolean: o In G4BooleanSolid, propagate parameter to all constituents in SetCubVolStatistics() and SetCubVolEpsilon(). o In G4UnionSolid and G4SubtractionSolid, limit calculations with construction of temporary G4IntersectionSolid by 10 constituents for GetCubicVolume(). o Implemented new methods GetNumOfConstituents() and IsFaceted(). o Added extra method to process solid and not perform external operations via G4Polyhedron. Successive Boolean mesh operations with floating point are invariably going to be unstable. Providing a method which takes a solid and returns the G4Polyhedron allows the external processor to use significantly more precise types and strategies to avoid ambiguity and then finally convert to double at the very last step. + solids/CSG: o Implemented new methods GetNumOfConstituents() and IsFaceted(). o Applied trivial clang-tidy fixes to G4CSGSolid, i.e. use of 'override'. + solids/specific: o Completely revised and optimised implementation of G4GenericTrap. Addressing problem report #2547. o Implemented new methods GetNumOfConstituents() and IsFaceted(). o Applied trivial clang-tidy fixes to classes, i.e. use of 'override' and 'default' keywords. + volumes: o Applied trivial clang-tidy fixes to G4AssemblyStore, i.e. removed unnecessary 'if' check for null pointer in Clean() method. o Global: ------ + G4StateManager, G4VStateDependent: added notifying methods when an event or a run is deleted to avoid a state-dependent class from accessing to an obsolete event/run object. + G4PhysicsModelCatalog: added ID for the NuDEX nuclear de-excitation model; removed unnecessary ID (24110) for internal conversion. + G4PhysicsTable: avoid crash in printout for the case when a vector in the table is not yet created (useful for debugging). + Removed use of no longer supported TiMemory. + Changed date for release 11.3-beta. o Graphics Representations: ------------------------ + G4SceneTreeItem: added G4String field 'FurtherInfo' and access functions. + G4Colour: clarify usage; added GetColor (US spelling); added G4Exception. + G4VVisManager: added EventReadyForVis(), used by G4SubEvtRunManager. o Intercoms: --------- + Unify range checking implementation in G4UIparameter/command; pure refactor to remove code duplication and complexity of user-facing classes. + Removed use of no longer supported TiMemory. o Interfaces: ---------- + Improved identification of scene tree models: use full description, including embedded blanks. + In G4UIQt, now all models are treated alike. Load tooltip with "further information", if any; inform user if scene tree is suppressed because of too many touchable. Fixed crash and bad rendering behaviour when using QOpenGLWidget with Qt6. + Removed use of no longer supported TiMemory. o Physics Lists: ------------- + Constructors: o electromagnetic: - G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI: return back ATIMA model for ionisation and fluctuations of ions in order to make comparisons with other models. - G4EmStandardPhysics_option3: return back step limit type to 'fUseDistanceToBoundary' and the default RangeFactor from 0.03 to 0.04. This will allow to restore more accurate distributions for several medical benchmark tests. - G4EmStandardPhysics_option3, G4EmStandardPhysics_option4, G4EmLivermorePhysics, G4EmLivermorePhysics, G4EmDNAPhysics: use fAllisonPositronium type of model for sampling of positron annihilation at rest (as in release 11.2). - G4EmStandardPhysics_option4: use alternative model for positron annihilation on fly with 3-gamma annihilation channel enabled. - G4GammaGeneralProcess: updated according to change in EM data tables. - G4EmDNAPhysics: define default maximum kinetic energy 600 MeV instead of 300 MeV in order to have standard ionisation and multiple scattering always defined for DNA physics configurations. This allows to avoid situations when low-energy ions pass through DNA regions without interaction. - G4EmDNAPhysics, G4EmDNAPhysicsActivator, G4EmDNAPhysics_option2, G4EmDNAPhysics_option4, G4EmDNAPhysics_option6 and G4EmDNAPhysics_option8: changed upper limit for DNA physics of Helium ions from 300 MeV to 400 MeV. - G4EmDNABuilder: added nuclear stopping process for G4GenericIon below 1 MeV/u. - Use EmParameters to control chemistry models in G4EmDNAChemistry_option3. o factory: - Minor code cleanup in G4PhysicsConstructorRegistry source. o constructors/hadron_inelastic - G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_BERT_HP: use alternative NUDEX model of gamma de-excitation. o Electromagnetic Processes: ------------------------- + DNA: o Optimised IRT-syn at 1 ps for high LET applications. o G4DNARuddIonisationExtendedModel: updated model to not use autolock but rather upload data in the class constructor once in all threads; use effective charge approach for all ions with Z > 2 (in order to have more correct computation of stopping power and ranges); precompute internal variables before sampling; optimised algorithm of sampling (at 10 MeV it becomes ~10 times faster); updated initialisation to allow be called from the general model; removed unused parameters. o G4GeneralIonIonisationModel, G4DNAIonChargeIncreaseModel and G4DNAIonChargeDecreaseModel: new classes implementing general models for ions heavier than Helium. o G4DNAChargeDecrease, G4DNAChargeIncrease: removed obsolete definition of min/max model energy inside processes class; some code clean-up. o G4DNAElectronHoleRecombination: changed branch condition in FindReactant() to select only H2O+ ions involved in electron-hole recombination. o G4DNAWaterDissociationDisplacer: added dissociative decay channels for multiple-ionised water ions. o G4DNAMultipleIonisationManager: new class focusing on generation of multiple-ionised water ions and calculation of scale parameter to compute cross-section of each multiple-ionisation process. o G4DNADoubleIonisation, G4DNATripleIonisation and G4DNAQuadrupleIonisation: new process classes for multiple-ionisation. o G4DNADoubleIonisationModel, G4DNATripleIonisationModel and G4DNAQuadrupleIonisationModel: new model classes related to multiple-ionisation. o G4DNAELSEPAElasticModel: modified to be compatible with density scaling. o Debug invalid KDTree node. o Deleted DelayLists at the end of chemistry stage. o Delete unused enum, as now adopting EmParameters to control chemistry models in G4EmDNAChemistry_option3. o Cleaned G4Scheduler and cleanup in CMake scripts. + Low Energy: o G4MicroElecLOPhononModel: minor code cleanup. + Standard: o New G4OrePowellAtRestModel class, Orel & Powell orto positronium decay model AtRest and G4SimpleoPsAtRestModel, simple orto para positronium chooser. o G4IonICRU73Data: fix for the case when target material has an element with Z>92; improved debug printouts. In the Lindhard-Sorensen model to compute dEdx the first try is to take it from ICRU73 or ICRU90 data, if this class returns zero, then dEdx is computed from G4GenericIon and effective charge. Addressing problem report #2586. o G4eeToTwoGammaModel: fixed precision lost in sampling of final state for the very high energy (ATLAS report). o G4UrbanMscModel: optimised DistanceToBoundary step limitation algorithm currently used only in Opt3 EM physics. o G4SimplePositronAtRestModel, G4AllisonAtRestModel: new classes to sample positron annihilation. o G4eplusTo2GammaOKVIModel: removed sampling at rest. o G4eplusAnnihilation: added selection of AtRest model; implemented ApplyCuts() for AtRest; implemented choice of positron annihilation model at rest. Use more const class members; changed model ID definition for produced tracks. + Utils: o G4EmParameters: increased low-limit on 'maxKinEnergy' parameter from 10 MeV to 600 MeV in order to have standard ionisation and multiple scattering always defined for DNA physics configurations. Added protection to fix segmentation fault when data is unavailable. o G4EmParameters, G4EmParametersMessenger: added enumerator and a new flag G4PositronAtRestModel, which allows selection and configuration of the model of positron annihilation at rest. Added orto positronium fraction flag. o G4LowEnergyEmProcessSubType: added 'fLowEnergyTripleIonisation' and 'fLowEnergyQuadrupleIonisation' for implementing multiple-ionisation processes in Geant4-DNA. o G4VPositronAtRestModel: new virtual interface. o G4EmDataRegistry: new class to keep EM data tables. o G4VEmProcess: extended info printout for e+ annihilation at rest. o G4VEmProcess, G4VEnergyLossProcess: improved identification of model ID for atomic de-excitation (fluorescence, Auger e-, PIXE). o G4EmParameters, G4EmLowEParameters, G4EmLowEParametersMessenger: added DNA chemistry time step model. o G4EmDataHandler: extended functionality. o G4LossTableManager: identify master thread using std method. o G4LossTableBUilder: more accurate use of static members and methods. o G4VEmModel, G4VEmProcess, G4VEnergyLossProcess, G4EmTableUtil: updated according to change in the data. o G4VMscModel: moved initialisation of tables for model to G4EmTableUtil. o G4EmBiasingManager: minor cosmetic change. + Xrays: o G4XTRGaussRadModel: new class providing improved account on the origin of XTR photons. o Hadronic Processes: ------------------ + cross_sections o G4NeutronCapture: lowest energy limit is set to 10^-5 eV; below this energy no computations are done, to avoid numerical problems. Improved comments to the code. o G4NeutronInelastic: implemented 1/v cross-section dependence below low-energy limit of the cross-section vector, if the cross-section does not start from null. o Moved G4IsotopeList header to 'util' module. o G4HadronXSDataTable: make class a singleton for registration and destruction of static objects with cross-section data; data are deleted only at the end of run. o G4BGGNucleonElasticXS, G4BGGNucleonInelasticXS, G4BGGPionElasticXS, G4BGGPionInelasticXS, G4ComponentBarNucleonNucleusXsc, G4HadronNucleonXsc, G4UPiNuclearCrossSection and G4CrossSectionDataSetRegistry: code clean-up; removed 'isMaster' checks, removed mutex locks, removed unused variables and applied code formatting. o G4BGGNucleonElasticXS, G4BGGNucleonInelasticXS, G4NeutronInelasticXS, G4ComponentBarNucleonNucleusXsc, G4ComponentGGNuclNuclXsc, G4PiData and G4NucleonNuclearCrossSection: general clean-up of proton and neutron cross-sections; removed unused methods, removed not needed mutex locks, improved printouts, cross-sections outside data tables are equal to low or high edge of the table (not zero). o In G4NeutronInelasticXS::SelectIsotope(), fixed compilation warnings for implicit type conversions detected with macOS/XCode. o G4ComponentGGNuclNuclXsc: removed debug printout, added check of G4VERBOSE. o G4BGGPionElasticXS, G4BGGNucleonInelasticXS, G4BGGNucleonElasticXS: added check of G4VERBOSE compilation flag. + management o G4HadronicProcessStore: fixed handling of rare processes, printout, cross-section maximum search, and deletion at the end of run. + models/abla o Added array extension for super-heavy nuclei. o Added the dissipation parameter for heavy hypernuclei. o General code cleanup; removed unused data structures; consistently use G4 types; added pragma once for compilation. + models/cascade o Use G4UniformRand() instead of G4InuclSpecialFunctions::inuclRndm() wrapper (now removed from class G4InuclSpecialFunctions) in the code. o In G4CascadeFinalStateAlgorithm::GenerateCosTheta(), for 4-body and higher-body generation of cosTheta, use direct sampling of exp(1-cosTheta) instead of previously used rejection method on sinTheta*exp(-sinTheta). This removes the reflection about cosTheta=0 that caused a symmetric double bump in the Feynman-x distribution. + models/de_excitation o G4CameronGilbertPairingCorrections, G4CameronGilbertShellCorrections, G4NuclearLevelData, G4PairingCorrection: simplified computation of corrections; computations are now done in one place only, not spread among classes. o G4EvaporationChannel, G4EvaporationProbability: fixed usage of pairing corrections; agreement with test data is improved. o G4EvaporationChannel: fixed computation of minimal kinetic energy of a fragment for odd-even residual nucleus. o G4DeexPrecoParameters: moved definition of int and bool parameters to source; improved comments; added default width of nuclear level needed for selection of final excitation in a decay of an excited state. o G4PhotonEvaporation: use abs() in all computations for 'JP', as it can be negative due to parity. Addressing problem report #2587. o G4VEmissionProbability: renamed local variable to avoid possible shadowing. Use the new width parameter. o G4ExcitationHandler: improved debug printout. o G4ExcitationHandle, G4NeutronRadCapture: corrected model ID for IC electrons. o G4GEMChannelVI, G4GEMProbabilityVI: updated interfaces and simplified algorithm of computation of probability. o G4VCoulombBarrier, G4CoulombBarrier, G4GEMCoulombBarrier, G4FermiBreakUpUtil: code cleanup; removed unused headers and variables. + models/fission o G4FissLib: fixed compilation warning on gcc when LTO settings are enabled. + models/lepto_nuclear o Fixed Coverity warning on unused variable in neutrino models. + models/nudex o New alternative and more sophisticated nuclear de-excitation model (NuDEX) as far as the emission of gammas and internal conversion electrons are concerned. The model relies on the dataset G4NUDEXLIB-1.0, which is pointed by the environmental variable G4NUDEXLIBDATA. When NuDEX is not applicable - e.g. because the corresponding nucleus is not present in the dataset - the G4PhotonEvaporation class is utilised instead. Currently, the model will be used only for the neutron capture process, when ParticleHP is utilised; in the future it can be used more generally as one of the possible "evaporation" models. This, at the beginning, will only be possible for the physics list QGSP_BERT_HP. + models/particle_hp o Introduced neutron treatment of the Unresolved Resonance Region (URR) via Probability Table (PT); relevant for precise simulations of nuclear reactor criticality and shielding applications. Reading probability table files in compressed format from the new G4URRPT-1.0 dataset pointed by the G4URRPTDATA environment variable. + models/parton_string o G4ExcitedStringDecay: fixed minor memory leak suggested by Coverity. + models/radioactive_decay o Renamed G4RadioactiveDecay to G4VRadioactiveDecay and G4Radioactivation to G4RadioactiveDecay. The header for G4Radioactivation is preserved to provide backwards compatibility. + util o G4HadronicParameters: introduced Get/Set methods for flag controlling the NuDEX gamma de-excitation module. o Moved G4IsotopeList header with static data in this module, from 'cross_sections'. o Run: --- + First full implementation of of sub-event parallelism, adding the creation and processing of sub-events in workers, plus the merging of results back into events on the main thread. Some additional work may be needed to correctly retain a limited sample of events. No impact of the core changes needed to support sub event parallelism in any other mode (Seq, MT, Tasking) other than some counting issues with retained events. + Extended diagnostics and output from material scanner. + Added call in G4WorkerRunManager to use parallel initialisation of voxels. + In G4RunManager::ReinitializeGeometry(), added call to new function G4FieldBuilder::Reinitialize(). + G4PhysicsListHelper: added 'DNATripleIoni' and 'DNAQuadrupleIoni' for the implementation of multiple-ionisation processes in Geant4-DNA. + G4RunManager: added SetDefaultClassification() methods to enable setting the classification for tracks newly arriving to a stack. + Removed use of no longer supported TiMemory. + Fixed compilation warnings for implicit type conversions on macOS/XCode on G4MSSteppingAction. Use consistently G4 types. o Track & Tracking: ---------------- + Added optional copy of touchable when copy constructing a G4Track, to support sub-event parallelism. + Some code cleanup, providing more easy reading of class headers; expected tiny CPU speedup; identical results. + G4Track, G4Step, G4StepPoint: added keyword "inline" to all inline method declarations; improved comments. + G4Step: move methods to compute delta energy and momentum to inline removing G4Exception but improving comments to these methods; removed G4ThreadLocal variable. + G4VParticleChange: improved layout of variables. + G4ParticleChangeForGamma, G4ParticleChangeForLoss: reserve vector of secondaries. + Removed use of no longer supported TiMemory. o Visualization: ------------- + management: o Rationalisation, simplification and code tidying. o Updated visualisation manager to correctly merge/handle asynchronous event merging (also resolving long standing issues with post processing). Implemented 'EventReadyForVis', used by G4SubEvtRunManager; restructured EndOfEvent functions to accommodate this and avoid code duplication; this involved introducing: "Relinquishable", "EndOfEventKernel" and "EndOfEventCleanup". o Corrected the use of "KeepForPostProcessing/PostProcessingFinished". o G4VisExecutive: restored OpenGL as default backend for Qt6. o Improved identification of scene tree models: use full description, including embedded blanks. o G4VViewer: check validity of arguments in SceneTreeScene constructor. Pre-calculate quantities in SceneTreeScene constructor; pre-calculate the number of touchable; if more than 10000, suppress them in the scene tree and add some information about it to the model item so that it pops up as a tooltip in the GUI. More logical order of some functions. o G4VSceneHandler: specify the G4PhysicalVolumeModel for construction of scene tree. Simplified loop over models, added some printing. Print number of touchable by depth (if verbosity >= confirmations). Print problematic volumes (if verbosity >= confirmations). o Limit the number of scene tree items. For complex geometries, the scene tree can take up a lot of space, and, anyway, not easy to navigate. Now suppressing the scene tree if the number of touchable exceeds 10000 (equivalent to about 20 MB). o G4VisCommandsViewer: use GetSceneTree() rather than AccessSceneTree() when not necessary. o In G4VisExecutive, trap use of run-time visualisation driver choice, and (if using run-time choice) insist the UI session is instantiated *before* G4VisExecutive. Keep argc, argv and user-specified system, if specified, for delayed use. Moved informational (G4warn) from G4VisManager. o Delay determination of the run-time-chosen default driver. The run-time-chosen default driver is not actually used until the first use of "/vis/open" or "/vis/sceneHandler/create" without driver parameter, so we delay to this point. This catches the situation when the user instantiates the UI session *after* instantiating the vis manager. o G4VisManager: make GetDefaultGraphicsSystemName() virtual and non const. The code for choosing a default driver *has to be* in user space, i.e., in G4VisExecutive, so that it has access to use flags. Modified the informational (G4warn) in PrintAvailableGraphicsSystems() to give advice and point to further information to be given after "/vis/open". o G4VisCommandsTouchable: "/vis/touchable/dump" and "findPath" do not need a scene handler nor a viewer. Moved them to the beginning of G4VisCommandsTouchable::SetNewValue(), before the check on scene handler and viewer. This allows the user to "/vis/touchable/dump" even if he/she has not yet opened a viewer. + modeling: o G4PhysicalVolumeModel: added data field 'TotalTouchables' and access functions. o G4TextModel: use single quote (') to delineate actual text in description. + OpenGL: o In G4OpenGLQtViewer, fixed MT issue of possible dead-lock in case multiple OGLI or OGLS viewers are enabled and when issuing "/run/beamOn". Restored picking feature for Qt6 and implemented 2D draw text in DrawText(). o In G4OpenGLImmediateQtViewer and G4OpenGLStoredQtViewer, removed usage of paintEvent() for Qt6, paintGL() should be sufficient. For updateQWidget, use update() to trigger a repaint. In Initialise() check validity of widget type, to avoid observed crash at startup on macOS; do the same on the ClearView(), SetView(). o Make headers of implementation detail classes private. + OpenInventor: o G4OpenInventorQtViewer: in Qt6, reparent G4OpenInventorQtExaminerViewer in its own QWidget, allowing to restore correct behaviour when opening multiple viewers. Properly handle viewer destruction. Have "addInTab" done in Initialise() method. Avoid to do an examiner viewer "move/resize" in Initialise() method, as causing strange widget rendering behaviour. o In G4OpenInventorQtExaminerViewer, allow with Qt6 to map a dialog in case being closed with the mouse. Have the title window reflecting the name of the viewer. In MT mode, fixed behaviour when issuing multiple "/run/beamOn" commands within multiple viewers. o Make headers of implementation detail classes private. + Qt3D o Added missing call to fpPhysicalVolumeObjects.clear() in G4Qt3DSceneHandler::EstablishG4Qt3DQEntities(). Fixes cases of crash when opening multiple viewers with "/vis/open Qt3D". o In G4Qt3DViewer destructor, call setRootEntity(nullptr) to disconnect the G4Qt3DSceneHandler::fpQt3DScene from a viewer. o In G4Qt3DSceneHandler destructor, clear the scene tree. + ToolsGS: o Replace TOOLSSG vis driver variables that are just synonyms for more fundamental config options (e.g. GEANT4_USE_QT) with the underlying variable. o Make Freetype a private dependency in CMake script. + Vtk: o In G4VtxQtViewer, fixed MT issue of possible dead-lock in case multiple Vtk viewers are enabled and when issuing "/run/beamOn". o Datasets: --------- + G4PARTICLEXS-4.1: o Updated data for all isotopes, for neutron, proton and light ion cross-sections. Fixed cross-sections for Argon, Promethium, Astatine, Radon, Francium. Fixed low-energy cross-section; low-energy limits of cross-sections per target are verified and updated based on neutron data. + G4EMLOW-8.6: o Added new data for multi-ionisation DNA processes. + G4NUDEXLIB-1.0: o New [optional] dataset required to enable the NuDEX hadronic model (E. Mendoza et al., NIMA 1047, 167894 (2023) j.nima.2022.167894). Including: data file with general parameters used by NuDEX; data tables to get internal conversion factors, obtained from BrICC; nuclear level schemes and densities downloaded from the RIPL-3 data library; files containing primary capture gamma rays, obtained from ENSDF; photon strength function parameters, obtained from RIPL-3 and from the IAEA Photon Strength Function Database; folder to change the default parameters for the decay of specific nuclei. + G4URRPT-1.0: o New [optional] Probability Table dataset, used for the treatment of low-energy neutrons in the Unresolved Resonance Region (URR), at temperature of 293.15 K, processed with both NJOY and CALENDF. As described in: M. Zmeskal et al., Comp.Phys. arXiv:2404.16389. o Examples: -------- + Updated reference outputs, macros, READMEs and scripts. + Updated URL for schema validation in all GDML files to valid short address. + Applied clang-format to basic and extended examples; addressed coding style warnings. + advanced/dsbandrepair o Use EmParameters to control chemistry time step model. + advanced/eFLASH_radiotherapy o Added FlashPhysicsListMessenger class to allow changing the physics list by macro commands (opt3, opt4, Penelope and Livermore). + basic/B3 o Looping over G4THitsMap via range for loop instead of iterators. + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm0 o DetectorConstruction: introduced Xenon gas. o Added new macro xenonGas.mac. + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm4 o PhysicsLists: fixed annoying warnings on decay table; removed obsolete methods. o Run: code cleanup; removed Tabs. + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm5 o TrackingAction: added protection against wrong argument of std::acos(), rarely happening for very high energy projectile particles. o Removed macro subcut.mac. + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm7 o RunAction: added protection to histogram binning for very low step limit. + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm12 o Added comments to dna.mac input macro. + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm15 o SteppingAction: code cleanup; removed Tabs. + extended/eventgenerator/exgps o Updated build script for CTests definitions. + extended/eventgenerator/pythia/py8decayer o Updated to Pythia8.3.10 for testing. o Added Py8DecayerEngine to override Pythia8 native engine with the default one from Geant4 (CLHEP), to properly run in the MT/Tasking mode. o Updated main() to use MT mode; some code cleanup. + extended/exoticphysics/phonon o Updated build script for CTests definitions. + extended/field/field01 + extended/field/field02 + extended/field/field03 o Replaced FieldSetup and FieldMessenger classes with usage of new field builder class G4FieldBuilder. o Moved setting field value (ThreeVector) from FieldSetup (now removed) in DetectorConstruction and its messenger and removed setting of Z-value only. + extended/hadronic/Hadr01 o Enable usage of the NUDEX library for QGSP_BERT_HP physics in main(). + extended/hadronic/Hadr03 o PrimaryGeneratorAction: added tiny shift of position of the particle gun from the world volume boundary; fixing a warning now detecting this. o PhysicsList: removed G4RadioactiveDecayPhysics. o Updated fusion.mac input macro. + extended/hadronic/Hadr05 o PrimaryGeneratorAction: added tiny shift of position of the particle gun from the world volume boundary; fixing a warning now detecting this. o RadioactiveDecayPhysics: added Triton. o Applied coding rules. + extended/hadronic/Hadr07 o RadioactiveDecayPhysics: added Triton. o Applied coding rules. + extended/hadronic/NeutronSource o PhysicsList: added G4HadronElasticPhysicsXS. o RadioactiveDecayPhysics: added Triton. o GammaNuclearPhysics, GammaNuclearPhysicsLEND: applied coding rules. + extended/medical/dna/chem6 o Use EmParameters to control chemistry models. + extended/medical/dna/dnadamage1 o Fixed compilation errors on macOS/clang with C++23 enabled. + extended/medical/dna/dnaphysics o PhysicsList: switched to DNA physics constructors i/o model activator. o Added new n-tuple to collect track information. o Added plotDeexcitation.C analysis and macro. o Updated comments in headers. + extended/medical/dna/mfp o Code cleanup. + extended/medical/dna/microdosimetry o Removed original content of the example; replaced by dnaphysics example. o Code simplification to demonstrate the usage of G4DNAPhysicsActivator. + extended/medical/dna/microprox + extended/medical/dna/microyz o Code cleanup. + extended/medical/dna/moleculardna o Updated /dnageom/interactionDirectRange to 2.0 angstrom. + extended/medical/dna/range + extended/medical/dna/slowing o Code cleanup. + extended/medical/dna/spower o SteppingAction: extended use for ions heavier than helium. o In input macro, added extra commands to show how to shoot ions heavier than helium. o Code cleanup. + extended/medical/dna/svalue + extended/medical/dna/wvalue o Code cleanup. + extended/medical/dna/UHDR o Updated bounce off condition based on: Karamitros M. et al.2020,arXiv:2006.14225 (2020). o Implemented PBC based on to calculate microdosimetry o Added a maximum dose (2 times of cut-off dose) to abort the event. o Fixed compilation errors on macOS/clang with C++23 enabled, for incomplete types of smart-pointers through defaulted destructors. + extended/medical/fanoCavity o Make PhysicsLists of the example coherent with physics_list library. Fixed annoying warnings on decay table. + extended/medical/fanoCavity2 o Make PhysicsLists of the example coherent with physics_list library. + extended/parallel o Removed obsolete TopC example. + extended/parallel/MPI o Updated build script for CTests definitions. + extended/parallel/ThreadsafeScorers o Removed use of no longer supported TiMemory. + extended/radioactivedecay/Activation o PhysicsList: added G4HadronElasticPhysicsXS. o RadioactiveDecayPhysics: added Triton. o GammaNuclearPhysics, GammaNuclearPhysicsLEND: applied coding rules. + extended/radioactivedecay/rdecay01 o PhysicsList: set 'MeanLifeThreshold' to 1 nanosecond. o Added time windowed biasing to macro. o In timeWindowBiased.mac and, removed "/process/had/rdm/BRbias". + extended/runAndEvent/RE07 o Fixed compilation warnings for potentially initialised local variable in EmStandardPhysicsTrackingManager::PostStepDoIt(). + extended/visualization/standalone o A smarter way of getting extent of geometry that ignores invisible volumes. Thus, if the world is marked invisible, it ignores it. o In DrawGeometryVisAction: use G4PhysicalVolumeModel to determine extent. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------