Amiberry v5.7.3 (2024-06-19) Logfile Compiled against SDL2 v2.0.9, Linked against SDL2 v2.0.10 Allocated 16 MB for 24-bit area (0x20000000) and 640 MB for Z3 and RTG at fake address (0x30000000 - 0x58000020) Enumerating display devices.. Sorting devices and modes... 0: 1280x1024, 32-bit (60) 1 display modes. Desktop: W=1280 H=1024 B=32 HZ=60. CXVS=1280 CYVS=1024 Enumerating SDL2 playback devices... Detected 2 sound playback devices Sound playback device 0: bcm2835 HDMI 1, bcm2835 HDMI 1 Sound playback device 1: bcm2835 Headphones, bcm2835 Headphones Enumerating SDL2 recording devices... Detected 0 sound recording devices Enumeration end 0:SDL2: bcm2835 HDMI 1, bcm2835 HDMI 1 1:SDL2: bcm2835 Headphones, bcm2835 Headphones Enumerating recording devices: done clipboard_init Serial port enumeration.. MIDI: found devices: 2 MIDI: 0: 'ALSA', 'Midi Through Port-0' OUT MIDI: 1: 'ALSA', 'Midi Through Port-0' IN Controller #0: DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick GUID: 03000000790000000600000010010000 Controller 0 is mapped as "03000000790000000600000010010000,DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick,a:b2,b:b1,back:b8,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b10,lefttrigger:b6,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b11,righttrigger:b7,rightx:a3,righty:a4,start:b9,x:b3,y:b0,". Joystick name: 'DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick ', sanitized to: 'DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick ' Checking for Retroarch cfg file: '/opt/retropie/emulators/amiberry/controllers/DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick .cfg' Retroarch controller cfg file found, using that for mapping Controller Detection: input_enable_hotkey_btn : 7 Controller Detection: input_exit_emulator_btn : 6 Controller Detection: input_reset_btn : 0 Controller Detection: input_menu_toggle_btn : 2 Controller Detection: input_osk_toggle_btn : -1 Controller Detection: input_b_btn : 0 Controller Detection: input_a_btn : 1 Controller Detection: input_y_btn : 3 Controller Detection: input_x_btn : 2 Controller Detection: input_select_btn : 7 Controller Detection: input_menu_toggle_btn : 2 Controller Detection: input_start_btn : 6 Controller Detection: input_l3_btn : -1 Controller Detection: input_r3_btn : -1 Controller Detection: input_l_btn : 4 Controller Detection: input_r_btn : 5 Controller Detection: input_up_btn : -1 Controller Detection: input_down_btn : -1 Controller Detection: input_left_btn : -1 Controller Detection: input_right_btn : -1 Controller Detection: input_l_x_plus_axis : -1 Controller Detection: input_l_y_plus_axis : -1 Controller Detection: input_r_x_plus_axis : -1 Controller Detection: input_r_y_plus_axis : -1 Controller Detection: input_l2_axis : -1 Controller Detection: input_r2_axis : -1 Controller Detection: input_right_axis : 0 Controller Detection: input_down_axis : 1 Controller Detection: count_hats : -1 Controller Detection: invert left y axis: 0 Controller Detection: invert left x axis: 0 Controller Detection: invert right y axis: 0 Controller Detection: invert right x axis: 0 Controller init_kb_from_retroarch(0): Found Controller init_kb_from_retroarch(1): Not found DLOPEN: /opt/retropie/emulators/amiberry/plugins/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory DLOPEN: Failed to open /opt/retropie/emulators/amiberry/plugins/ KS ver = 34 (0x22) Stored port 0/0 d=0: added 200 0 Stored port 0/0 d=0: added 200 0 System mouse MOUSE0 Port0: ID 'mouse' matched Stored port 1/0 d=0: added 100 0 Stored port 1/0 d=0: added 100 0 DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick JOY0 Port1: ID 'joy0' matched Port2: NONE Port3: NONE WHDLoad... /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/amiga/Gremlins2_v1.2_0489.lha WHDBooter Launched internal savedatapath [/opt/retropie/emulators/amiberry/whdboot/save-data] SymLink Kickstart ROMs for Booter internal savedatapath [/opt/retropie/emulators/amiberry/whdboot/save-data] WHDBoot - using kickstarts from /opt/retropie/emulators/amiberry/whdboot/save-data/Kickstarts Making SymLink for Kickstart ROM: /opt/retropie/emulators/amiberry/whdboot/save-data/Kickstarts/kick33180.A500 [Ok] Making SymLink for Kickstart ROM: /opt/retropie/emulators/amiberry/whdboot/save-data/Kickstarts/kick34005.A500 [Ok] Making SymLink for Kickstart ROM: /opt/retropie/emulators/amiberry/whdboot/save-data/Kickstarts/kick37175.A500 [Ok] Making SymLink for Kickstart ROM: /opt/retropie/emulators/amiberry/whdboot/save-data/Kickstarts/kick39106.A1200 [Ok] Making SymLink for Kickstart ROM: /opt/retropie/emulators/amiberry/whdboot/save-data/Kickstarts/kick40063.A600 [Ok] Making SymLink for Kickstart ROM: /opt/retropie/emulators/amiberry/whdboot/save-data/Kickstarts/kick40068.A1200 [Ok] Making SymLink for Kickstart ROM: /opt/retropie/emulators/amiberry/whdboot/save-data/Kickstarts/kick40068.A4000 [Ok] WHDBooter - Host: A600 ROM available, will use it for non-AGA titles internal savedatapath [/opt/retropie/emulators/amiberry/whdboot/save-data] WHDBooter - Searching whdload_db.xml for Gremlins2_v1.2_0489 WHDBooter - Selected Slave: Gremlins2.Slave WHDBooter - Game H/W Settings: PRIMARY_CONTROL=JOYSTICK PORT0=JOY PORT1=JOY SCREEN_AUTOHEIGHT=TRUE SCREEN_CENTERH=SMART SCREEN_CENTERV=SMART WHDBooter - Game Custom Settings: joyport1_amiberry_custom_none_b=Joy2 Up joyport1_amiberry_custom_none_start=F1 WHDBooter - Created Startup-Sequence FAILAT 999 IF NOT EXISTS WHDLoad DH3:C/Assign C: DH3:C/ ADD ENDIF CD "Games:Gremlins2" WHDLoad SLAVE="Games:Gremlins2/Gremlins2.Slave" PRELOAD NOREQ NOWRITECACHE SAVEPATH=Saves:Savegames/ SAVEDIR="Gremlins2" WHDBooter - Saved Auto-Startup to /tmp/amiberry/s/startup-sequence WHDBooter - Host: A600 ROM selected WHDBooter - Host: setting up drives WHDBooter - Host: setting up controllers WHDBooter - Host: setting up game compatibility settings Invalid or no CPU value, A600 ROM available, using CPU: 68000 WHDBooter - Host: settings applied KS ver = 37 (0x25) Stored port 0/1 d=1: added 100 0 DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick JOY0 Port0: ID 'joy1' matched Stored port 1/0 d=1: added 100 0 DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick JOY0 Port1: ID 'joy0' matched Port2: NONE Port3: NONE Stored port 0/0 d=0: added 200 0 System mouse MOUSE0 Stored port 1/1 d=0: added 100 0 DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick JOY0 Autoconfig board list: Card 01: '' no autoconfig 00da0000 - 00daffff. Card 02: '' no autoconfig 00600000 - 00a7ffff. Card 03: 'UAE Boot ROM' no autoconfig 00f00000 - 00f0ffff. Card 04: 'Z2 Fast RAM' e0. MID 2011 (07db) PID 81 (51) SER 00000001 Z2 0x00200000 0x00200000 8192K RAM 0 Card 05: 'UAE FS ROM' d1. MID 2011 (07db) PID 82 (52) SER 00000003 Z2 0x00e90000 0x00e90000 64K ROM 0 END KS ver = 37 (0x25) Stored port 0/0 d=0: added 200 0 System mouse MOUSE0 Stored port 1/1 d=0: added 100 0 DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick JOY0 RTAREA located at 00F00000 mapped_malloc(): 0x00f00000 - 0x00f10000 (0x20f00000 - 0x20f10000) -> UAE Boot ROM (rtarea) TRAP_ENTRY = 00f021da mapped_malloc(): 0x00200000 - 0x00a00000 (0x20200000 - 0x20a00000) -> Fast memory (*) mapped_malloc(): 0x00f80000 - 0x01000000 (0x20f80000 - 0x21000000) -> Kickstart ROM (kick) mapped_malloc(): 0x00000000 - 0x00200000 (0x20000000 - 0x20200000) -> Chip memory (chip) ROM loader.. () Known ROM 'KS ROM v2.05 (A600HD)' loaded ROM loader end memory init end uae_start_thread "drawing" function at 0xd1401 arg (nil) No disk in drive 0. JIT: cache=0. b=1 w=1 l=1 fpu=0 nf=1 inline=1 hard=0 CPU cycleunit: 256 (0.500) 1872 CPU functions Getting Current Video Driver... Current Display mode: bpp 32 SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888 1280 x 1024 60Hz Creating Amiberry window... SDL2: Set window not to minimize on focus loss Mon 0 allocated draw temp buffer (1920*1280*32) = 0x715dd010 Buffer 0 size (752*288) Native Stored port 0/0 d=0: added 200 0 System mouse MOUSE0 Stored port 1/1 d=0: added 100 0 DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick JOY0 CPU cycleunit: 256 (0.500) Building CPU, 44274 opcodes (0 1 1) JIT: &countdown = 0x3f29d3c JIT: &build_comp = 0x628319 JIT popallspace: 0x70508000-0x70508800 CPU=68000, FPU=0, JIT=0. prefetch 24-bit clipboard: reset (00000000) memory init end uae_start_thread "filesys" function at 0xfd139 arg 0x3021258 uae_start_thread "filesys" function at 0xfd139 arg 0x302ca20 uae_start_thread "filesys" function at 0xfd139 arg 0x30381e8 uae_start_thread "filesys" function at 0xfd139 arg 0x30439b0 initparallel installing ahi_winuae Reset at 00000000. Chipset mask = 00000003 00000000 2048K/4 = 512K ID* F16 Kickstart ROM (64466C2A) =KS ROM v2.05 (A600HD) rev 37.300 (512k) [391304-01] 00200000 8704K/0 = 8704K -- F16 00A80000 1024K/2 = 512K ID* F32 Kickstart ROM (64466C2A) =KS ROM v2.05 (A600HD) rev 37.300 (512k) [391304-01] 00B80000 448K/0 = 448K -- F32 00BF0000 64K/0 = 64K -- CIA CIA 00C00000 1536K/0 = 1536K -- F16 00D80000 256K/0 = 256K -- C16 Gayle (low) 00DC0000 64K/0 = 64K -- C16 Battery backed up clock (none) 00DD0000 64K/0 = 64K -- C16 Gayle (low) 00DE0000 64K/0 = 64K -- C16 Gayle (high) 00DF0000 64K/0 = 64K -- C16 Custom chipset 00E00000 512K/1 = 512K ID* F16 Kickstart ROM (64466C2A) =KS ROM v2.05 (A600HD) rev 37.300 (512k) [391304-01] 00E80000 64K/0 = 64K -- F16 Autoconfig Z2 00E90000 448K/0 = 448K -- F16 00F00000 64K/1 = 64K --* F16 UAE Boot ROM 00F10000 448K/0 = 448K -- F16 00F80000 512K/1 = 512K ID* F16 Kickstart ROM (64466C2A) =KS ROM v2.05 (A600HD) rev 37.300 (512k) [391304-01] PAL mode V=50.0804Hz H=15625.0879Hz (227x312+0) IDX=10 (PAL) D=0 RTG=0/0 Buffer 0 size (752*287) Native RTGFREQ: 312*50.0804 = 15625.0879 / 50.1 = 312 Autoconfig board list: Card 01: '' no autoconfig 00da0000 - 00daffff. Card 02: '' no autoconfig 00600000 - 00a7ffff. Card 03: 'UAE Boot ROM' no autoconfig 00f00000 - 00f0ffff. Card 04: 'Z2 Fast RAM' e0. MID 2011 (07db) PID 81 (51) SER 00000001 Z2 0x00200000 0x00200000 8192K RAM 0 Card 05: 'UAE FS ROM' d1. MID 2011 (07db) PID 82 (52) SER 00000003 Z2 0x00e90000 0x00e90000 64K ROM 0 END uae_start_thread "ide" function at 0x126da1 arg 0x325f804 Card 0: skipping autoconfig (not autoconfig) Card 2: skipping autoconfig (not autoconfig) CPU cycleunit: 256 (0.500) hardreset, memory cleared SDL2: CH=2, FREQ=44100 'bcm2835 HDMI 1, bcm2835 HDMI 1' buffer 2048/2048 (pull) SNDRATE 312.0*227.0*50.080410=3546894.958099 rndseed = 6673c243 (1718862403) 1970-01-01 01:00:02 02-576 [1 000=000]: Display Size: 640x240 Offset: 58x18 02-576 [1 000=000]: First: 26 Last: 256 MinV: 0 MaxV: 0 Min: 26 02-615 [1 000=000]: Stored port 0/0 d=0: added 200 0 System mouse MOUSE0 02-615 [1 000=000]: Stored port 1/1 d=0: added 100 0 DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick JOY0 03-247 [33 211=001]: SERIAL: period=372, baud=9600, hsyncs=14, bits=8, PC=f8016e 04-048 [72 032=154]: Card 4: Z2 0x00200000 8192K RAM Fast memory 04-051 [72 077=256]: mapped_malloc(): 0x00e90000 - 0x00ea0000 (0x20e90000 - 0x20ea0000) -> Filesystem autoconfig (*) 04-051 [72 077=256]: Card 5: Z2 0x00e90000 64K ROM Filesystem autoconfig 04-051 [72 077=256]: Memory map after autoconfig: 04-849 [112 179=131]: filesystem: diagentry 00200098 configdev 00000c18 05-325 [136 000-000]: SNDRATE 313.0*227.0*49.920410=3546895.062012 05-325 [136 000-000]: PAL mode V=49.9204Hz H=15625.0879Hz (227x312+1) IDX=10 (PAL) D=0 RTG=0/0 05-608 [150 157-089]: Mounting uaehf.device:0 0 (0): 05-608 [150 157-089]: FS: mounted virtual unit DH0 (/tmp/amiberry/) 05-609 [150 019-125]: Mounting uaehf.device:0 1 (0): 05-610 [150 019-125]: FS: mounted virtual unit DH3 (/opt/retropie/configs/amiga/amiberry/whdboot/ 05-611 [150 082-161]: Mounting uaehf.device:0 2 (0): 05-611 [150 082-161]: FS: mounted virtual unit DH1 (/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/amiga/Gremlins2_v1.2_0489.lha) 05-612 [150 075-197]: Mounting uaehf.device:0 3 (0): 05-612 [150 075-197]: FS: mounted virtual unit DH2 (/opt/retropie/configs/amiga/amiberry/whdboot/save-data) 05-691 [154 024-151]: FS: DH0 (flags=00000002,E=0,ED=1,EF=0,native='/tmp/amiberry/') starting.. 05-929 [166 033-152]: FS: Games (flags=00000004,E=0,ED=0,EF=1,native='/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/amiga/Gremlins2_v1.2_0489.lha') starting.. 05-950 [167 123-188]: FS: Saves (flags=00000002,E=0,ED=1,EF=0,native='/opt/retropie/configs/amiga/amiberry/whdboot/save-data') starting.. 05-970 [168 060-202]: FS: DH3 (flags=00000004,E=0,ED=0,EF=1,native='/opt/retropie/configs/amiga/amiberry/whdboot/') starting.. 08-162 [278 000-000]: Display Size: 640x256 Offset: 74x18 08-162 [278 000-000]: First: 44 Last: 300 MinV: 43 MaxV: 313 Min: 26 12-606 [500 000-000]: Display Size: 640x200 Offset: 74x18 12-606 [500 000-000]: First: 44 Last: 244 MinV: 43 MaxV: 313 Min: 26 13-146 [527 000-000]: Display Size: 640x200 Offset: 74x46 13-146 [527 000-000]: First: 72 Last: 272 MinV: 26 MaxV: 313 Min: 26 48-420 [2144 000-000]: Stored port 0/0 d=0: added 200 0 System mouse MOUSE0 48-420 [2144 000-000]: Stored port 1/1 d=0: added 100 0 DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick JOY0 48-422 [2144 000-000]: Autoconfig board list: 48-422 [2144 000-000]: Card 01: '' no autoconfig 00da0000 - 00daffff. 48-422 [2144 000-000]: Card 02: '' no autoconfig 00600000 - 00a7ffff. 48-422 [2144 000-000]: Card 03: 'UAE Boot ROM' no autoconfig 00f00000 - 00f0ffff. 48-422 [2144 000-000]: Card 04: 'Z2 Fast RAM' 48-422 [2144 000-000]: e0. 48-422 [2144 000-000]: MID 2011 (07db) PID 81 (51) SER 00000001 48-422 [2144 000-000]: Z2 0x00200000 0x00200000 8192K RAM 0 48-422 [2144 000-000]: Card 05: 'UAE FS ROM' 48-422 [2144 000-000]: d1. 48-422 [2144 000-000]: MID 2011 (07db) PID 82 (52) SER 00000003 48-422 [2144 000-000]: Z2 0x00e90000 0x00e90000 64K ROM 0 48-423 [2144 000-000]: END 48-424 [2144 000-000]: Creating Amiberry GUI window... 48-803 [2144 000-000]: DLOPEN: /opt/retropie/emulators/amiberry/plugins/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 48-803 [2144 000-000]: DLOPEN: Failed to open /opt/retropie/emulators/amiberry/plugins/ 48-814 [2144 000-000]: Autoconfig board list: 48-814 [2144 000-000]: Card 01: '' no autoconfig 00da0000 - 00daffff. 48-814 [2144 000-000]: Card 02: '' no autoconfig 00600000 - 00a7ffff. 48-814 [2144 000-000]: Card 03: 'UAE Boot ROM' no autoconfig 00f00000 - 00f0ffff. 48-814 [2144 000-000]: Card 04: 'Z2 Fast RAM' 48-814 [2144 000-000]: e0. 48-814 [2144 000-000]: MID 2011 (07db) PID 81 (51) SER 00000001 48-814 [2144 000-000]: Z2 0x00200000 0x00200000 8192K RAM 0 48-814 [2144 000-000]: Card 05: 'UAE FS ROM' 48-814 [2144 000-000]: d1. 48-814 [2144 000-000]: MID 2011 (07db) PID 82 (52) SER 00000003 48-814 [2144 000-000]: Z2 0x00e90000 0x00e90000 64K ROM 0 48-814 [2144 000-000]: END 48-829 [2144 000-000]: Stored port 0/0 d=0: added 200 0 System mouse MOUSE0 48-829 [2144 000-000]: Stored port 1/1 d=0: added 100 0 DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick JOY0 1970-01-01 01:01:05 05-161 [2144 000-000]: Autoconfig board list: 05-161 [2144 000-000]: Card 01: '' no autoconfig 00da0000 - 00daffff. 05-161 [2144 000-000]: Card 02: '' no autoconfig 00600000 - 00a7ffff. 05-162 [2144 000-000]: Card 03: 'UAE Boot ROM' no autoconfig 00f00000 - 00f0ffff. 05-162 [2144 000-000]: Card 04: 'Z2 Fast RAM' 05-162 [2144 000-000]: e0. 05-162 [2144 000-000]: MID 2011 (07db) PID 81 (51) SER 00000001 05-162 [2144 000-000]: Z2 0x00200000 0x00200000 8192K RAM 0 05-162 [2144 000-000]: Card 05: 'UAE FS ROM' 05-162 [2144 000-000]: d1. 05-162 [2144 000-000]: MID 2011 (07db) PID 82 (52) SER 00000003 05-162 [2144 000-000]: Z2 0x00e90000 0x00e90000 64K ROM 0 05-162 [2144 000-000]: END 05-173 [2144 000-000]: KS ver = 37 (0x25) 05-194 [2144 000-000]: Stored port 0/0 d=0: added 200 0 System mouse MOUSE0 05-194 [2144 000-000]: Stored port 1/1 d=0: added 100 0 DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick JOY0 05-222 [2144 000-000]: Stored port 0/0 d=0: added 200 0 System mouse MOUSE0 05-222 [2144 000-000]: Stored port 1/1 d=0: added 100 0 DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick JOY0 05-243 [2144 000-000]: Stored port 0/0 d=0: added 200 0 System mouse MOUSE0 05-243 [2144 000-000]: Stored port 1/1 d=0: added 100 0 DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick JOY0 05-260 [2144 000-000]: SETSYSTIME 05-261 [2144 000-000]: SETSYSTIME 05-264 [2144 000-000]: --- New exception --- 05-264 [2144 000-000]: JIT not in use. 05-264 [2144 000-000]: Segmentation Fault 05-264 [2144 000-000]: info.si_signo = 11 05-264 [2144 000-000]: info.si_errno = 0 05-264 [2144 000-000]: info.si_code = -6 05-264 [2144 000-000]: info.si_addr = 0000176b 05-264 [2144 000-000]: r0 = 0x00000000 05-264 [2144 000-000]: r1 = 0x7e8ce1a4 05-264 [2144 000-000]: r2 = 0x00000000 05-264 [2144 000-000]: r3 = 0x00000008 05-264 [2144 000-000]: r4 = 0x76f3f968 05-264 [2144 000-000]: r5 = 0x0000000b 05-264 [2144 000-000]: r6 = 0x7e8ce1a4 05-264 [2144 000-000]: r7 = 0x000000af 05-264 [2144 000-000]: r8 = 0x03891418 05-264 [2144 000-000]: r9 = 0x000067f0 05-264 [2144 000-000]: r10 = 0x037d2418 05-264 [2144 000-000]: FP = 0x0328e0b8 05-264 [2144 000-000]: IP = 0x00000000 05-264 [2144 000-000]: SP = 0x7e8ce1a0 05-264 [2144 000-000]: LR = 0x00000000 05-264 [2144 000-000]: PC = 0x76d408ec 05-264 [2144 000-000]: CPSR = 0x00000010 05-264 [2144 000-000]: Fault Address = 0x72bd5b50 05-264 [2144 000-000]: Trap no = 0x0000000e 05-264 [2144 000-000]: Err Code = 0x80000007 05-264 [2144 000-000]: Old Mask = 0x00000000 05-264 [2144 000-000]: LR - 0x00000000: symbol not found 05-264 [2144 000-000]: Stack trace: 05-265 [2144 000-000]: 0x0024f728 <(null) + 0x0024f728> (./amiberry) 05-265 [2144 000-000]: 0x768991c0 <__default_rt_sa_restorer + 0x00000000> (/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ 05-265 [2144 000-000]: 01: 0x037d2418 <(null) + 0x037d2418> (./amiberry) 05-265 [2144 000-000]: IP out of range 05-265 [2144 000-000]: Stack trace (non-dedicated): 05-265 [2144 000-000]: ./amiberry() [0x24f7de] 05-265 [2144 000-000]: /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ [0x768991c0] 05-265 [2144 000-000]: End of stack trace. 05-265 [2144 000-000]: --- end exception ---