provides a service for hosting sites that don't require any back end infrastructure, including completely static HTML sites. Once set up, a snapshot of a website is available for review at one of their subdomains.
You'll need access to Click on "Login with", then "Agree and Continue". Select "" when prompted to choose your sign-in method and proceed to log in.
Once authenticated, you should see a list of "Your Sites". Each site is linked to a GitHub repository that holds the static content for your website.
Since we need a repo for Pages to pull our content, the first step is to create a repository in GitHub. The repository can be empty until we copy files in to it. You can make it a private repository.
Go to and click the "+Add site" button. On a desktop screen, the button is in the top right corner of the page. This opens a new page titled "Make a new site." Under "Use your own GitHub repository" , paste the URL for your repository above and select "usa-gov" as the site's organization. Then press the "Add repository-based site" button. You may need to give Pages access to enable web hooks in your repository for it to deploy updates on a push.
Once configured, your site should be listed along with a link to "View repo" on GitHub. Click on your site's title, and then click on "Site Settings" in the left sidebar. Make sure that "Static HTML" is set under Advanced Settings > Site engine.
Somewhere on your file system outside of this project's checkout, you will need to clone your newly created repository.
Unless you're using a custom domain (not covered here), Pages will host your site in a subdirectory on one of their hostnames. If your repository is username/project-foo
the URL for your homepage would look like:
We need to know that URL to prepare the Tome export. Consider commiting a simple index.html
file to your repository, and pushing it. Pages should rebuild the site after a minute or two. Check the "Build History" for the site and click on "View Build" under actions to open your site's home page. Make a note of your hostname and delete your test index.html
Once you know your site's URI, export it with drush and Tome. Exported files will be saved in the html/
directory here.
drush tome:static --uri=""
Because we specified a path as part of the URI above, your sites files will be in html/site/username/project/foo
Note: For some reason, tome exports redirects as HTML files without the base path prepended. Unless you need redirects to work on your preview site, you can ignore them.
Some assets are not generated as part of the tome export. You'll need to copy these one time and commit them to the static repository:
After Tome finishes exporting your site, copy the exported files from html/site/username/project-foo
to your repository's root. You can do this manually, but I find rsync useful especially if you do this frequently. Adjust the paths to your Tome output and GitHub checkout directories to match your setup.
rsync -rn --delete --info=progress2 --exclude=.git/ \
--exclude=.idea/ --exclude=.gitignore --exclude=themes/custom/usagov/assets \
--exclude=core/ \
Tome doesn't adjust all the paths in CSS and HTML files to work in a subdirectory on Pages. You can use your editor's search-and-replace tools to update them.
- In .html files Change image source tags from
- In .html files and .css Change internal links from
- In .css files change URLs from
. - Change absolute links to the homepage from
to `href="/site/username/project-foo/"
If you have find
and sed
, you can make these changes in a shell script.
#### UPDATE tags with src=/ to work in subdirectory
find $STATIC_CHECKOUT -type f \( -name "*.html" -or -name "*.css" \) \
-exec bash -c 'sed -i "s|'"$FIND"'|'$REPLACE'|g" {}' \;
Once your paths are fixed, add and commit changes in the local repository. Then push them to GitHub. After a minute or two, the site will update with your changes.
The script below automates steps 5--7 above and has been tested in Ubuntu and under WSL. It assumes you can commit and push to the repository at the command line.
# don't include trailing slashes '/' in paths
function findAndReplace() {
find "$DIR" -type f \( -name "*.html" -or -name "*.css" \) \
-exec bash -c 'sed -i "s|'"$FIND"'|'"$REPLACE"'|g" {}' \;
function echoInfo () {
printf "\033[32;1m$1\033[0m"
function echoWarning() {
printf "\033[33;1m$1\033[0m"
# COPY English and Spanish pages
echoInfo "Copying Tome output to static checkout dir"
rsync -r --delete --info=progress2 --exclude=.git/ \
--exclude=.idea/ --exclude=.gitignore --exclude=themes/ \
--exclude=core/ \
#### UPDATE HTML to work in subdirectory
#echoInfo "Updating image src URLs with base dir for static site."
findAndReplace $STATIC_CHECKOUT 'src=\"/themes/custom/usagov/' 'src=\"'$PAGES_BASE'/themes/custom/usagov/'
findAndReplace $STATIC_CHECKOUT 'href=\"/themes/custom/usagov/' 'href=\"'$PAGES_BASE'/themes/custom/usagov/'
findAndReplace $STATIC_CHECKOUT 'url(/themes/custom/usagov/' 'url('$PAGES_BASE'/themes/custom/usagov/'
echoInfo "Updating links to homepage with base dir for static site."
findAndReplace $STATIC_CHECKOUT 'href=\"/\"' 'href=\"'$PAGES_BASE'\"'
echoWarning "Update"
read -p "Commit and push to GitHub & (y/n) " -n 1 -r
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
git add -A
git commit && git push
cd $PWD