AngularJS Material Theme custom CSS loader for webpack
Adds your AngularJS Material theme custom CSS into your webpack Javascript Bundle.
ng-md-theme-loader does not minify or process your CSS at all, and instead uses standard loaders such as sass-loader. This gives you enough flexibility to pick and choose your loaders.
npm install ng-md-theme-loader --save-dev
Documentation: ng-material's theme implementation
ng-md-theme-loader creates a JS module that registers custom CSS template with $mdThemingProvider e.g.
generates the javascript:
angular.module('ngMaterial').run(['$mdThemingProvider', function(c) { c.registerStyles('content of the ?.theme.css file') }]);
By default ng-md-theme-loader adds a run method to the global 'ngMaterial' module which should be explicitly required by your app for using Angular Material.
You can override this by setting the module
parameter, e.g.
generates the javascript:
angular.module('myApp').run(['$mdThemingProvider', function(c) { c.registerStyles('content of the ?.theme.css file') }]);
NOTE: specified module should be preliminary defined in your application
parameter is interpolated using
Webpack's standard interpolation rules.
This module relies on angular being available on window
object. However, in cases angular is connected from node_modules
via require('angular')
, option to force this module to get the angular should be used:
generates the javascript:
var angular = require('angular');
angular.module('ngMaterial').run(['$mdThemingProvider', function(c) { c.registerStyles('content of the ?.theme.css file') }]);
It's recommended to adjust your webpack.config
so ng-md-theme-loader
is applied automatically on all files ending with e.g. .theme.css
. For Webpack 1 this would be something like:
module.exports = {
module: {
loaders: [
test: /\.theme\.css$/,
loader: 'ng-md-theme'
test: /\.theme\.scss$/,
loader: 'ng-md-theme!sass'
// other loaders...
For Webpack 2 this would be something like:
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.theme\.css$/,
use: [
{ loader: 'ng-md-theme-loader'},
test: /\.theme\.scss$/,
use: [
{ loader: 'ng-md-theme-loader'},
{ loader: 'sass-loader' }
// other loaders...
Make sure you already have sass-loader
installed. Then you only need to write: require('file.theme.css')