- General Bug Bounty Talks
- Recon and Automation
- Research and Exploitation
- Vulnerabilities Explained
- Mobile Hacking
- Miscellaneous
- How To Get Started In Bug Bounties by DC CyberSec
- Is it too late to start doing BUG BOUNTY in 2020? STOK
- DEF CON 23 - Jason Haddix - How to Shot Web: Web and mobile hacking in 2015
- Google Hacking (Dorking)
- The Truth About Recon
- The Bug Hunter's Methodology v4.0 - Recon Edition by @jhaddix #NahamCon2020! -It’s the Little Things - BSides Portland 2018 by @NahamSec
- Who, What, Where, When, Wordlist by @TomNomNom #NahamCon2020
- GitHub Recon and Sensitive Data Exposure
- Creating Wordlists for Hacking, Pentesting & Bug Bounty Hunting Using Seclists, Bigquery, and More!
- Hacking IIS (Recon) by infosec_au
- Knock knock, Who's There? Identifying Assets in the Cloud
- XSS on Google Search - Sanitizing HTML in The Client? - LiveOverflow
- DEF CON 27 Conference - By NahamSec - Owning The Clout Through Server Side Request Forgery
- Orange Tsai - Infiltrating Corporate Intranet Like NSA Preauth RCE - DEF CON 27 Conference
- Breaking Parser Logic: Take Your Path Normalization off and Pop 0days Out!
- You've Got Pwned: Exploiting E-Mail Systems by @securinti #NahamCon2020!
- Practical Attacks Using HTTP Request Smuggling by @defparam #NahamCon2020
- Subdomain Takeovers, beyond the basics for Pentesters and Bug Bounty Hunters
- albinowax - HTTP Desync Attacks: Smashing into the Cell Next Door - DEF CON 27 Conference
- Server-Side Template Injection: RCE For The Modern Web App
- A New Era of SSRF - Exploiting URL Parser in Trending Programming Languages!
- Finding DOMXSS with DevTools | Untrusted Types Chrome Extension
- Burp Suite tutorial: IDOR vulnerability automation using Autorize and AutoRepeater (bug bounty) - STÖK & Fisher
- AppSec EU 2017 Exploiting CORS Misconfigurations For Bitcoins And Bounties by James Kettle
- Getting Started with Android App Testing with Genymotion
- Exploiting Android deep links and exported components - Ekoparty Mobile Hacking Space Talk
- Android Hacking #VirSecCon2020
- Advanced Android Bug Bounty skills - Ben Actis
- Android Application Exploitation - Red Team Village
- Android App Reverse Engineering LIVE!
- Android App Penetration Testing 101
- Fun with Frida on Mobile