Fork of UE-4 SoundVisualization Engine plugin modified to work with media framework
This repository contains a fork of the Unreal Engine SoundVisualizations plugin which is an engine internal plugin. This version has been renamed to work as a non-engine plugin. In addition, it has been modified to capture sound samples from a MediaPlayer - the original plugin only worked with .wav files apparently.
The following Blueprint functions and classes are provided:
USpectrumAnalyzer *CreateSpectrumAnalyzer (UMediaPlayer *Player,
float WindowDurationInSeconds,
int SpectrumWidth,
int AmplitudeBuckets)
The USpectrumAnalyzer class in turn provides the following functions:
CalculateFrequencySpectrum(USpectrumAnalyzer *Target, int Channel, TArray<float> &OutSpectrum)
GetAmplitude(USpectrumAnalyzer *Target, int Channel, TArray<float> &OutAmplitudes)
The intention is that CreateSpectrumAnalyzer should be called in the BeginPlay event to create an instance and saved in a variable. Then in EventTick call the methods of USpectrumAnalyzer as necessary.