Discord bot for the r/unixporn server
This bot was written with a very specific server in mind, don't expect it to be useful in your server.
Node.js v12 JS runtime
npm for libraries
Clone the repo and run npm install
in the root dir to install dependencies from package.json
Create a .env
file with the following variables.
TOKEN=bot token
MONGO=mongodb remote token
PREFIX=prefix for commands, ideally a single char, defaults to ! if unset
HOSTID=discord user id of host, for eval restriction
If you don't know where to find the values for configuration, this bot isn't for you.
Paths and triggers for new commands must be added to src/commands.js
Commands must adhere to the following standard:
* client = Discord bot object
* message = message that called the command
* args = array containing the message's content excluding the prefix and command
* Discord = discord.js library
exports.run = async (client, message, args, Discord) => {
//Code goes here
exports.meta = {
adminOnly: Boolean, //Whether or not the command is restricted to admin only.
name: String, //Name of command to appear on help section.
usage: String, //Usage example for command.
description: String //Description of command to appear on help section.
All messages must be sent as embeds.
This can be done via the TextChannel.embed()
message.channel.embed("Message body", { footer: "Optional footer" });
or by manually creating a Discord.MessageEmbed()
When creating embeds be sure to use Message.color
new Discord.MessageEmbed().setColor(message.color);
Fetching a user's display-name is handled by Message.authorName
message.channel.embed(`**${message.authorName}**, success!`);
Simple messages:
User, message
Reference to user input:
not found
Reference to role or channel:
User, check out #channel
User, @role added to list
Reference to role in context of user:
@role added to @user
User, set link to https://url.tld
Links in context of user:
Set link of @user to https://url.tld