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Remote Entity

A remote entity can send commands to a controllable device.

ℹ️ Supported in remote-core / Core Simulator from version 0.43.0.


Name R W Description
send_cmd Default feature of a remote entity. Always present, even if not specified.
on_off Remote has on and off commands.
toggle Power toggle support. If there's no native support, the remote will use the current state of the remote to send the corresponding on or off command.
  • R: readable
    • ✅ Feature has a readable attribute to retrieve the current or available values.
    • ❌ Feature value(s) cannot be read.
  • W: writeable
    • ✅ Feature has one or multiple commands to trigger an action or set a value.
    • ❌ No corresponding command(s), only the current value(s) of the feature can be read.


Entity attributes are controlled by features. Multiple features can act on the same attribute. See Events on how to notify the remote about an updated attribute. The attributes have to be listed as properties under attributes with their current value.

Attribute Features Type Values Description
state on_off enum States State of the controlled device, it's either on or off.
toggle Toggle inverts the current state. If the driver doesn't provide the toggle feature, the remote uses the current value and calls on or off.


The remote entity provides the following entity state values:

Value Description
ON The controlled device is on.
OFF The controlled device is off.

See common entity states.

Device classes



Optional features of the remote entity.

Name Type Values Default Description
simple_commands array string(20) [] Optional list of supported commands. If not provided, the integration driver has to document the available commands for the user.
button_mapping array DeviceButtonMapping [] Optional command mapping for the physical buttons.
user_interface object UserInterface {} Optional user interface definition for the supported commands.

If the available commands are known by the integration driver, they should be made available in the simple_commands option. This allows the Remote Two configuration in the web-configurator to show all supported commands to the user. Otherwise, the user has to know the command names and has to enter them manually for each command.

If button_mapping or user_interface options are not provided, an automatic mapping is attempted based on the command names in simple_commands. The mapping logic is similar to the infrared codesets in the internal IR-remotes. See Command name patterns below on how commands should be named.

The automatic button and user interface creation is only done once at the initial entity configuration. From that point on the user can independently modify the UI and button mapping. Only changes in the simple_commands list will be applied to the configured entities in Remote Two, if the available entities are reloaded from the integration driver.

Simple commands

A simple command is fully defined by its name and doesn't have any further arguments or related attributes. It's comparable to the simple commands in the media-player entity, with fewer naming restrictions.


  • A command name may not include whitespace characters.
  • The maximum length of a command name is 20 characters.
  • A command name may not be any of the defined cmd_id commands: on, off, toggle, send_cmd, send_cmd_sequence.
  • Commands cannot have any further parameters. For example, it's not possible to have a switch_channel command with the channel number as parameter.

Command naming recommendations:

  • Command names should be short and follow naming patterns.
  • Uppercase naming is preferred.
  • Dedicated power on/off or toggle commands should not be added. Use the on_off and toggle features with the defined on, off and toggle commands.

Command Name Patterns

Even though command names can be freely defined, it's highly recommended to follow a naming pattern and use the recommended names for common commands. This allows better integration into Remote Two, like default UI mappings and grouping of similar commands.


See media-player entity commands for further commands.

Prefixes for other common functions:

  • INPUT_: source inputs, e.g. INPUT_AUX1, INPUT_TV, INPUT_RADIO
  • APP_: applications, e.g. APP_MY_TV_STREAMING, APP_INTERNET
  • MODE_: mode changing functions, e.g. MODE_16/9, MODE_SURROUND, MODE_FOOTBALL
  • MENU_: additional menus, e.g. MENU_SMART_HOME, MENU_QUICK
  • DIGIT_: additional input digits besides the pre-defined numpad digits, e.g. DIGIT_10, DIGIT_10+
  • ZONE_: multi-room functions, e.g. ZONE_A, ZONE_MULTIROOM

Button mapping

A default button mapping can be provided in options.button_mapping.

The DeviceButtonMapping object is defined in the Integration-API and is based on the same definition in the Core-API.

Example of entity.options object:

  "simple_commands": [
  "button_mapping": [
      "button": "POWER",
      "short_press": {
        "cmd_id": "remote.toggle"
      "button": "RED",
      "short_press": {
        "cmd_id": "remote.send_cmd",
        "params": {
          "command": "VOLUME_DOWN",
          "repeat": 10
      "button": "DPAD_UP",
      "short_press": {
        "cmd_id": "CURSOR_UP"
      "button": "DPAD_MIDDLE",
      "short_press": {
        "cmd_id": "CURSOR_ENTER"
      "long_press": {
        "cmd_id": "MENU"
      "button": "DPAD_DOWN",
      "short_press": {
        "cmd_id": "CURSOR_DOWN"
      "button": "BLUE",
      "short_press": {
        "cmd_id": "remote.send_cmd_sequence",
        "params": {
          "delay": 200

See Commands about entity commands and their short vs fully qualified syntax. For example on and off vs remote.on and

Button identifiers for Remote Two:

  • BACK
  • HOME

A detailed button mapping can be retrieved with the Core-API: GET /api/cfg/device/button_layout.

User interface

A default user interface can be provided in options.user_interface.

The UserInterface object is defined in the Integration-API and is based on the Core-API ActivityUserInterface definition.

UI page example


entity.options object:

  "simple_commands": [
  "user_interface": {
    "pages": [
        "page_id": "media",
        "name": "Media",
        "grid": { "width": 4, "height": 6 },
        "items": [
            "type": "text",
            "text": "Recordings",
            "command": {
              "cmd_id": "MY_RECORDINGS"
            "location": { "x": 0, "y": 2 },
            "size": { "width": 2, "height": 1 }
            "type": "text",
            "text": "Apps",
            "command": {
              "cmd_id": "MY_APPS"
            "location": { "x": 2, "y": 2 },
            "size": { "width": 2, "height": 1 }
            "type": "icon",
            "icon": "uc:bw",
            "command": {
              "cmd_id": "REVERSE"
            "location": { "x": 0, "y": 5 }
            "type": "icon",
            "icon": "uc:play",
            "command": {
              "cmd_id": "PLAY"
            "location": { "x": 1, "y": 5 }
            "type": "icon",
            "icon": "uc:pause",
            "command": {
              "cmd_id": "PAUSE"
            "location": { "x": 2, "y": 5 }
            "type": "icon",
            "icon": "uc:ff",
            "command": {
              "cmd_id": "FORWARD"
            "location": { "x": 3, "y": 5 }
            "type": "icon",
            "icon": "uc:rec",
            "command": {
              "cmd_id": "RECORD"
            "location": { "x": 2, "y": 4 }

Screen grid sizes for Remote Two:

  • Minimal size: 1 x 1
  • Maximum size: 8 x 12
  • Default: 4 x 6

The screen layout grid definition can be retrieved with the Core-API: GET /api/cfg/device/screen_layout.

Integration API


The integration driver has to implement a handler for the entity_command WebSocket message to process the following command requests in msg_data.cmd_id. See Command examples and Integration-API for the full message structure.

cmd_id Parameters Type Description
on - Send the on-command to the controlled device.
off - Send the off-command.
toggle - Toggle the power state of the controlled device, either from on -> off or from off -> on.
send_cmd command String(20) A single command.
repeat Number Optional: how many times the command shall be repeated. Defaults to 1 if not specified.
delay Number Optional: delay in milliseconds between repeated commands.
hold Number Optional: time in milliseconds before a command is released. Defaults to 0 if not specified.
send_cmd_sequence sequence String array Command list. Same defaults are used as for the send_cmd command.
repeat Number Optional: how many times each command shall be repeated.
delay Number Optional: delay in milliseconds between commands.
hold Number Optional: time in milliseconds before each command is released.
  • The command and sequence parameters will either contain a simple command (if specified in entity options) or a freetext command. It is up to the integration driver to verify and validate commands.
  • A command name may not include whitespace characters.
  • The maximum length of a command name is 20 characters.
  • A command name may not be any of the defined cmd_id commands: on, off, toggle, send_cmd, send_cmd_sequence
  • If no delay parameter is included, the integration driver has to choose an appropriate delay based on the command and controlled device.

Using commands for button mappings and UI elements

‼️ Attention: the cmd_id for button mapping and UI item commands is slightly different than the remote-entity Commands!

  • Core-API button mapping and UI item commands:
    • The cmd_id value is either a simple command or an entity command with the entity type prefix.
  • Integration-API entity commands:
    • The cmd_id value refers to the defined Commands without the entity type prefix.
    • A simple command will always be wrapped into the remote-entity command send_cmd.

When defining commands in button mappings or UI elements, either entity commands or simple commands can be used.

  • Entity commands are all the commands an entity defines (see cmd_id column in Commands above). Example:
  "cmd_id": "toggle"
  • If the integration driver provides the simple_commands option, the specified commands can be directly used in cmd_id. Example:
  "cmd_id": "PLAY"
  • Specified simple commands can also be used in the send_cmd entity command.
  • The command parameter of send_cmd allows any command name ("free-text") and it's up to the integration driver to validate the received commands.
    Example of a simple command used in send_cmd:
  "cmd_id": "send_cmd",
  "params": {
    "command": "PLAY"
  • If an entity command is used it's recommended to prefix it with the entity type to use the same naming convention as in the Core-API.
    • Using the fully qualified command name might make it easier in the integration driver to distinguish the commands.
    • A missing entity type prefix is automatically added when an available remote-entity is configured in Remote Two.
    • When working with the Core-API, for example reconfiguring a button mapping, the fully qualified command name is required.

Recommended fully-qualified entity command name:

  "cmd_id": "remote.send_cmd",
  "params": {
    "command": "PLAY"


The entity_change event must be emitted by the integration driver if the state or an attribute of the remote device changes.

The following attributes must be included:

Attribute Description
state New entity state.

Command examples

Remote-entity examples of received entity_command WebSocket messages in an integration driver.


  "kind": "req",
  "id": 124,
  "msg": "entity_command",
  "msg_data": {
    "entity_type": "remote",
    "entity_id": "remote-1",
    "cmd_id": "on"


  "kind": "req",
  "id": 124,
  "msg": "entity_command",
  "msg_data": {
    "entity_type": "remote",
    "entity_id": "remote-1",
    "cmd_id": "off"


  "kind": "req",
  "id": 124,
  "msg": "entity_command",
  "msg_data": {
    "entity_type": "remote",
    "entity_id": "remote-1",
    "cmd_id": "toggle"

send command

  "kind": "req",
  "id": 124,
  "msg": "entity_command",
  "msg_data": {
    "entity_type": "remote",
    "entity_id": "remote-1",
    "cmd_id": "send_cmd",
    "params": {
      "command": "DPAD_UP"

send long-press command

  "kind": "req",
  "id": 124,
  "msg": "entity_command",
  "msg_data": {
    "entity_type": "remote",
    "entity_id": "remote-1",
    "cmd_id": "send_cmd",
    "params": {
      "command": "CURSOR_ENTER",
      "hold": 800

send repeated command

  "kind": "req",
  "id": 124,
  "msg": "entity_command",
  "msg_data": {
    "entity_type": "remote",
    "entity_id": "remote-1",
    "cmd_id": "send_cmd",
    "params": {
      "command": "VOLUME_DOWN",
      "repeat": 5

send sequence

  "kind": "req",
  "id": 124,
  "msg": "entity_command",
  "msg_data": {
    "entity_type": "remote",
    "entity_id": "remote-1",
    "cmd_id": "send_cmd_sequence",
    "params": {
      "sequence": ["1", "2", "3", "ENTER"],
      "delay": 100

Event examples

device was turned on

  "kind": "event",
  "msg": "entity_change",
  "cat": "ENTITY",
  "msg_data": {
    "entity_type": "remote",
    "entity_id": "remote-1",
    "attributes": {
      "state": "on"

device was turned off

  "kind": "event",
  "msg": "entity_change",
  "cat": "ENTITY",
  "msg_data": {
    "entity_type": "remote",
    "entity_id": "remote-1",
    "attributes": {
      "state": "off"