cmx.js - a library for authoring xkcd-style comixes
Please visit for a live example.
Note: Source for this comix strip is in app/sample.html.
Read more about the markup on the wiki
Most of the files were generated by Yeoman. Actual cmx.js sources are located in app/lib.
git clone git://
cd cmx.js
npm install
bower install
cd cmx.js
grunt server
=> yeoman will open browser with editor and sample.html (http://localhost:3501)
- ruby+rake must be available
- repository checkout is expected at same directory level as cmx.js
- ask for push rights to darwin/ or just keep forked version and let me pull your changes
Initial setup:
git clone git://
git checkout gh-pages
cd ..
My workflow:
cd cmx.js
rake build
cd ../
git commit -m "published a new version!"
git push -u origin gh-pages
=> should reflect the changes in a few minutes
- Randall Munroe -
- Dan Foreman-Mackey - xkcd plot drawing
- Jeremy Ashkenas - coffescript, underscore.js
- Mike Bostock - d3.js
- Michael Ciuffo - humor-sans.ttf font
- Cloud9 guys - Ace Editor
- and many others making the web awesome