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DATRO Consortium: Hotspotβnβ GUI/Dashboard


The Hotspotβnβ Graphical User Interface (GUI), also known as the 'Dashboard', is kept in our monorepo, which permits it to be both accessible as an online demo and the source of the GUI for the Hotspotβnβ Software itself.


a) Currently a straightforward collection of html static pages (re-do in React when possible/feasible)

b) the file structure comprises of a "Top Level Directory". The Sphinx Document Folder name begins with the categoryID.

c) this method keeps the depth of the file structure to 2. Which the custom autobuild scripts depend on (see _blue-build-source

The File Structure

Top Level Directory we call "TLD"
--depth 1 contains the sphinx document source-code directories (also containing compile scripts and compiled html & pdf)

TLD directories are labeled subsidiaryID
followed by a dash (-) and then categoryID.

--depth 1 directories are labeled subcategoryID
followed by a dash (-) and then documentID.

e.g. TopLevelDirectory-category/subcategoryID-documentID
e.g. TopLevelDirectory-category/subcategoryID_subcategory2ID-documentID

This allows us to replace this deep file path:

| web                                           (   TLD   )  
| ├── investor-relations                        (--depth 1)       
| │   ├── agreements                            (--depth 2)  
| |       ├── contractual                       (--depth 3)  
| │       |── google-patent-purchase            (--depth 4)  

and start using this newer more compact method:

| web-investor_relations                        (   TLD   )   
| ├── agreements_contractual-google_patents     (--depth 1)   

becomes this: web-investor_relations/agreements_contractual-google_patent_purchase

This is intentional in order to keep the depth of the Files Library low.
The low depth of the Files Library is also important for the custom scripts to function.

| datro   
| ├──         'agreements - google_patents'   
| ├──         'agreements - google_loon'    
| ├── 'investor_relations - company_structure'   
| ├── 'investor_relations - financial_report_annual'  
| ├──     'administration - business_plan_5yrs'  
| ├──     'administration - whitepaper'  
| ├──     'administration - elevator_pitch'  
| ├──              'legal - privacy_policy'  
| ├──              'legal - terms_of_service'  
| ├──            'defence - op_tech_saxon'  
| ├──            'defence - op_schindlers_ark'  
| ├──            'defence - op_sun_su'  
| datro-hotspotbnb  
| ├──          'technical - whitepaper'  
| ├──          'technical - user_guide'  
| ├──          'technical - development_guide'  
| ├──          'slideshow - product_intro'  
| datro-wave  
| ├──          'technical - whitepaper'  
| ├──          'technical - user_guide'  
| ├──          'technical - development_guide'  
| ├──          'slideshow - product_intro'  
| datro-dao_society                
| ├──          'technical - whitepaper'  
| ├──          'technical - user_guide'  
| ├──          'technical - development_guide'  
| ├──          'slideshow - product_intro'  
| datro-monorepo                
| ├──          'technical - whitepaper'  
| ├──          'technical - user_guide'  
| ├──          'technical - development_guide'  
| ├──          'slideshow - product_intro'  
| datro-cacher
| ├──          'technical - whitepaper'  
| ├──          'technical - user_guide'  
| ├──          'technical - development_guide'  
| ├──          'slideshow - product_intro'  
| datro-togo_usb
| ├──          'technical - whitepaper'  
| ├──          'technical - user_guide'  
| ├──          'technical - development_guide'  
| ├──          'slideshow - product_intro'  

How it Works

Within each "Top Level" Directory are sphinx document folders, which contains two sub directories:

  • the source (.RST text files)
  • the build (HTML directory & Latex(PDF) directory)

As explained above, these sphinx document folders are entitled according to their category, sub-category and their title.
See the example below:

- management  

	- planning-projects-network-listing-leasing  

		- latest  
                         - source  
                         - build  

                    - 0-1-0  
                         - source  
                         - build  

	- planning-projects-network-status  

		- latest  
                         - source  
		     - build  


To collaborate on the Files Library you will need to read and install the following:

- sphinx-common




If you have Windows, you'll need to use the Linux command-line Windows "Sub-System"
Understanding Git is crucial e.g. Pull, Push, etc. (Git Desktop GUI for Windows Users)

Other Dependencies

apt install texlive-latex-base texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-fonts-extra texlive-latex-extra  

pip3 install -U sphinx (updates sphinx so that extension 'sphinx.ext.autosectionlabel' works).  

pip3 install hieroglyph  

sudo apt install latexmk  

sudo apt-get install xdg-utils  

To open index.html & *.pdf from commandline use xdg-open e.g. xdg-open build/html/index.html or xdg-open build/latex/business-plan.pdf

Getting Started

New Document

In the case of a creating a completely new document, you can run the 'sphinx-quickstart' command.
After this quickstart wizard is completed, an and script file should be copied in from the '_source-file' directory, remembering to remove the '-master' from the title and giving the file write permission 'chmod +x'

Alternatively you can just copy/clone an existing sphinx document directory.
Remember in both cases to following the file structure, as explained at the top of this page.

New Version

Before a new version of a document can be produced, you must archive the current version.
If there are existing versions, you will see them as the titles of the sub-directories in the sphinx document directory e.g. 0-0-1, 0-0-2 etc
Obviously the current version you are archieving, will be labelled as the next in the sequence e.g. 0-0-3

  1. Create a folder entitled x-x-x (the version number).

  2. Copy the content of the 'latest' directory to it.

The content of the RST/PDF and HTML files should also indicate the version, so no adjustments to the archived content should be required.

  1. Go into the 'latest' directory and change the version number in the .py file (as well as making updates to the changelog, olderversions.csv and *.rst files)

  2. Once the 'latest' folder content (*.RST) is updated, run the script to produce the PDF and HTML

Formatting - Text

The RST files use reStructuredText, which requires the text to be in a specific format which must be learnt.
For consistancy each document in this Files Library will use a specific reStructuredText format, as explained below:

Each RST file should represent a Chapter of the document.
This is reflected by putting a line of stars above and below the Chapter Title.


Chapter Title


A Sub Title is reflected by underlining it with these characters ==========

A Sub Sub Title is reflected by underlining it with these characters -----
And possibly two stars (**) at the beginning and the end of the Sub-sub Title to make the text bold.

Formatting - Images

Another principle employed by this Files Library is to always use base64 image encoding and NOT links to images in the _static directory, as suggested by Sphinx. The benefit of this is a reduced amount of http requests.

All images should have their width set to 620.
Combined with the custom css changes in the build script, the images will appear perfectly centered on mobile and desktop and shouldn't overflow.

It's also best practice to number and title each image as follows .. Fig 1.0 - Image Title
The consistent method of doing this is as follows:

  • Fig 1.0 - Image Title

The first star creates a bullet point which is the best way to center align the text.
The Fig x.x is in bold (using the two stars are the beginning and end)
The Image Title is in italics (using the single star at the beginning and end)
If the text above the image overflows then forget bullet pointing the line.

Source Files (self-updating build script)

These source files work in conjuntion with the update-all process:

  • Update-all is our way of bulk rebuilding all the documents in this Files Library.
  • There's an in each sub-directory e.g. management, services, hardware etc
    This shell script triggers the in every sphinx document directory in the sub-directory
  • There's also an in the top level directory, which triggers all of the above 'update-all' shell scripts, a sub-directory at a time

The purpose of the script files contained in this directory are as follows: : gets the latest copy of the two * files (it only allow itself to be run twice an hour to reduce server traffic) : found in every sphinx document folder (entitled,it custom builds the rst files into PDF and HTML and updates the auto-rebuild : placed in every sphinx document folder (entitled Used by to update the file before running it.

File Locations

The directory structure and file locations are as follows:




	- company-records-legal-privacy-policy/  



  • does the following:

    • trigger the in the _blue-build-source directory. gets the latest *-master files (if not already run in the last 30 minutes).
    • copies the * files from the _blue-build-source directory to the sphinx document directory (removing the -master from the destination filename).
    • runs the latest, producing a PDF and HTML verison of its rst files
  • does the following:
    - rebuild the PDF and HTML
    - copies the file from the _blue-build-source directory to its own sphinx document directory
    - * when the latest is copied across the -master part of the filename is removed.

  • does the following:

    • checks it hasn't already been run in the last 30 minutes, if it has then it ceases to do anything.
    • if it hasn't been run in the last 30 minutes the latest * scripts are fetched and written over the local ones.

To learn more about the source files go into the _blue-build-source directory and view the dedicated

Quality Control

So you've modified the releasenotes and and checked the html and latex PDF locally.
And you're happy with your changes and have published to Github e.g. you've 'pulled' the latest, 'pushed' your changes and there's no conflicts showing, so you've 'committed' your work.
The repository administrator will review and hopefully accept the changes. Now the changes to the Files Library are live.
If required the administrator will also update the website, if not done automatically.

When you see the changes on the process is complete.

  • ensure you enter the date and version of your publication in the file
  • ensure you check the build.log after running the build for build errors e.g. formatting errors are common
  • ensure your build script is the latest (check the _blue-build-source) - the files only update a maximum of twice per hour and upon request of the
  • ensure there's no orphaned rst files e.g. the index.rst must index all the rst files in the source directory
  • ensure that you open the index.html and pdf locally and look at the output of the build before submitting to GitHub e.g. xdg-open build/html/index.html or xdg-open build/latex/business-plan.pdf
  • ensure you Git 'pull' & 'push' the latest Files Library, to make sure your local copy and working directory doesn't conflict with anothers contribution (if it does, rectify the conflic before proceeding)
  • ensure after Git 'commit' you monitor the administrators role to ensure you get feedback and/or approval in order the work be published.
  • ensure your contribution appears on by visiting it regularly and/or chasing it up with the administrator.

Any questions, queries and concerns please email [email protected]