import { DraftType, Finalities, Patches, ProxyDraft, Options, Operation, } from './interface'; import { dataTypes, PROXY_DRAFT } from './constant'; import { mapHandler, mapHandlerKeys } from './map'; import { setHandler, setHandlerKeys } from './set'; import { internal } from './internal'; import { deepFreeze, ensureShallowCopy, getDescriptor, getProxyDraft, getType, getValue, has, isEqual, isDraftable, latest, markChanged, peek, get, set, revokeProxy, finalizeSetValue, markFinalization, finalizePatches, } from './utils'; import { checkReadable } from './unsafe'; import { generatePatches } from './patch'; const draftsCache = new WeakSet<object>(); const proxyHandler: ProxyHandler<ProxyDraft> = { get(target: ProxyDraft, key: string | number | symbol, receiver: any) { const copy = target.copy?.[key]; // Improve draft reading performance by caching the draft copy. if (copy && draftsCache.has(copy)) { return copy; } if (key === PROXY_DRAFT) return target; let markResult: any; if (target.options.mark) { // handle `Uncaught TypeError: Method get Map.prototype.size called on incompatible receiver #<Map>` // or `Uncaught TypeError: Method get Set.prototype.size called on incompatible receiver #<Set>` const value = key === 'size' && (target.original instanceof Map || target.original instanceof Set) ? Reflect.get(target.original, key) : Reflect.get(target.original, key, receiver); markResult = target.options.mark(value, dataTypes); if (markResult === dataTypes.mutable) { if (target.options.strict) { checkReadable(value, target.options, true); } return value; } } const source = latest(target); if (source instanceof Map && mapHandlerKeys.includes(key as any)) { if (key === 'size') { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(mapHandler, 'size')!.get!.call( target.proxy ); } const handle = mapHandler[key as keyof typeof mapHandler] as Function; if (handle) { return handle.bind(target.proxy); } } if (source instanceof Set && setHandlerKeys.includes(key as any)) { if (key === 'size') { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(setHandler, 'size')!.get!.call( target.proxy ); } const handle = setHandler[key as keyof typeof setHandler] as Function; if (handle) { return handle.bind(target.proxy); } } if (!has(source, key)) { const desc = getDescriptor(source, key); return desc ? `value` in desc ? desc.value : // !case: support for getter desc.get?.call(target.proxy) : undefined; } const value = source[key]; if (target.options.strict) { checkReadable(value, target.options); } if (target.finalized || !isDraftable(value, target.options)) { return value; } // Ensure that the assigned values are not drafted if (value === peek(target.original, key)) { ensureShallowCopy(target); target.copy![key] = createDraft({ original: target.original[key], parentDraft: target, key: target.type === DraftType.Array ? Number(key) : key, finalities: target.finalities, options: target.options, }); // !case: support for custom shallow copy function if (typeof markResult === 'function') { const subProxyDraft = getProxyDraft(target.copy![key])!; ensureShallowCopy(subProxyDraft); // Trigger a custom shallow copy to update to a new copy markChanged(subProxyDraft); return subProxyDraft.copy; } return target.copy![key]; } return value; }, set(target: ProxyDraft, key: string | number | symbol, value: any) { if (target.type === DraftType.Set || target.type === DraftType.Map) { throw new Error( `Map/Set draft does not support any property assignment.` ); } let _key: number; if ( target.type === DraftType.Array && key !== 'length' && !( Number.isInteger((_key = Number(key))) && _key >= 0 && (key === 0 || _key === 0 || String(_key) === String(key)) ) ) { throw new Error( `Only supports setting array indices and the 'length' property.` ); } const desc = getDescriptor(latest(target), key); if (desc?.set) { // !case: cover the case of setter, value); return true; } const current = peek(latest(target), key); const currentProxyDraft = getProxyDraft(current); if (currentProxyDraft && isEqual(currentProxyDraft.original, value)) { // !case: ignore the case of assigning the original draftable value to a draft target.copy![key] = value; target.assignedMap = target.assignedMap ?? new Map(); target.assignedMap.set(key, false); return true; } // !case: handle new props with value 'undefined' if ( isEqual(value, current) && (value !== undefined || has(target.original, key)) ) return true; ensureShallowCopy(target); markChanged(target); if (has(target.original, key) && isEqual(value, target.original[key])) { // !case: handle the case of assigning the original non-draftable value to a draft target.assignedMap!.delete(key); } else { target.assignedMap!.set(key, true); } target.copy![key] = value; markFinalization(target, key, value, generatePatches); return true; }, has(target: ProxyDraft, key: string | symbol) { return key in latest(target); }, ownKeys(target: ProxyDraft) { return Reflect.ownKeys(latest(target)); }, getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target: ProxyDraft, key: string | symbol) { const source = latest(target); const descriptor = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key); if (!descriptor) return descriptor; return { writable: true, configurable: target.type !== DraftType.Array || key !== 'length', enumerable: descriptor.enumerable, value: source[key], }; }, getPrototypeOf(target: ProxyDraft) { return Reflect.getPrototypeOf(target.original); }, setPrototypeOf() { throw new Error(`Cannot call 'setPrototypeOf()' on drafts`); }, defineProperty() { throw new Error(`Cannot call 'defineProperty()' on drafts`); }, deleteProperty(target: ProxyDraft, key: string | symbol) { if (target.type === DraftType.Array) { return proxyHandler.set!.call(this, target, key, undefined, target.proxy); } if (peek(target.original, key) !== undefined || key in target.original) { // !case: delete an existing key ensureShallowCopy(target); markChanged(target); target.assignedMap!.set(key, false); } else { target.assignedMap = target.assignedMap ?? new Map(); // The original non-existent key has been deleted target.assignedMap.delete(key); } if (target.copy) delete target.copy[key]; return true; }, }; export function createDraft<T extends object>(createDraftOptions: { original: T; parentDraft?: ProxyDraft | null; key?: string | number | symbol; finalities: Finalities; options: Options<any, any>; }): T { const { original, parentDraft, key, finalities, options } = createDraftOptions; const type = getType(original); const proxyDraft: ProxyDraft = { type, finalized: false, parent: parentDraft, original, copy: null, proxy: null, finalities, options, // Mapping of draft Set items to their corresponding draft values. setMap: type === DraftType.Set ? new Map((original as Set<any>).entries()) : undefined, }; // !case: undefined as a draft map key if (key || 'key' in createDraftOptions) { proxyDraft.key = key; } const { proxy, revoke } = Proxy.revocable<any>( type === DraftType.Array ? Object.assign([], proxyDraft) : proxyDraft, proxyHandler ); finalities.revoke.push(revoke); draftsCache.add(proxy); proxyDraft.proxy = proxy; if (parentDraft) { const target = parentDraft; target.finalities.draft.push((patches, inversePatches) => { const oldProxyDraft = getProxyDraft(proxy)!; // if target is a Set draft, `setMap` is the real Set copies proxy mapping. let copy = target.type === DraftType.Set ? target.setMap : target.copy; const draft = get(copy, key!); const proxyDraft = getProxyDraft(draft); if (proxyDraft) { // assign the updated value to the copy object let updatedValue = proxyDraft.original; if (proxyDraft.operated) { updatedValue = getValue(draft); } finalizeSetValue(proxyDraft); finalizePatches(proxyDraft, generatePatches, patches, inversePatches); if (__DEV__ && target.options.enableAutoFreeze) { target.options.updatedValues = target.options.updatedValues ?? new WeakMap(); target.options.updatedValues.set(updatedValue, proxyDraft.original); } // final update value set(copy, key!, updatedValue); } // !case: handle the deleted key oldProxyDraft.callbacks?.forEach((callback) => { callback(patches, inversePatches); }); }); } else { // !case: handle the root draft const target = getProxyDraft(proxy)!; target.finalities.draft.push((patches, inversePatches) => { finalizeSetValue(target); finalizePatches(target, generatePatches, patches, inversePatches); }); } return proxy; } internal.createDraft = createDraft; export function finalizeDraft<T>( result: T, returnedValue: [T] | [], patches?: Patches, inversePatches?: Patches, enableAutoFreeze?: boolean ) { const proxyDraft = getProxyDraft(result); const original = proxyDraft?.original ?? result; const hasReturnedValue = !!returnedValue.length; if (proxyDraft?.operated) { while (proxyDraft.finalities.draft.length > 0) { const finalize = proxyDraft.finalities.draft.pop()!; finalize(patches, inversePatches); } } const state = hasReturnedValue ? returnedValue[0] : proxyDraft ? proxyDraft.operated ? proxyDraft.copy : proxyDraft.original : result; if (proxyDraft) revokeProxy(proxyDraft); if (enableAutoFreeze) { deepFreeze(state, state, proxyDraft?.options.updatedValues); } return [ state, patches && hasReturnedValue ? [{ op: Operation.Replace, path: [], value: returnedValue[0] }] : patches, inversePatches && hasReturnedValue ? [{ op: Operation.Replace, path: [], value: original }] : inversePatches, ] as [T, Patches | undefined, Patches | undefined]; }