Plastron command-line client
$ plastron --help
usage: plastron [-h] (-r REPO | -c CONFIG_FILE | -V) [-v] [-q]
[--on-behalf-of DELEGATED_USER]
Batch operation tool for Fedora 4.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r REPO, --repo REPO Path to repository configuration file.
Path to configuration file.
-V, --version Print version and exit.
-v, --verbose increase the verbosity of the status output
-q, --quiet decrease the verbosity of the status output
--on-behalf-of DELEGATED_USER
delegate repository operations to this username
$ plastron --version
All commands require you to specify a configuration file using either the
or -r|--repo
option before the command name. For example,
plastron -c path/to/repo.yml ping
$ plastron annotate --help
usage: plastron annotate [-h] [uris [uris ...]]
Annotate resources with the text content of their HTML files
positional arguments:
uris URIs of repository objects to process
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
$ plastron create -h
usage: plastron create [-h] [-D PREDICATE VALUE] [-O PREDICATE VALUE]
[-T TYPE] [--collection NAME] [--container PATH]
Create a resource in the repository
positional arguments:
path path to the new resource
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
an RDF data property to set on the newly created
resource; VALUE is treated as a Literal; repeatable
an RDF object property to set on the newly created
resource; VALUE is treated as a CURIE or URIRef;
-T TYPE, --rdf-type TYPE
RDF type to add to the newly created resource;
equivalent to "-O rdf:type TYPE"; TYPE is treated as a
CURIE or URIRef; repeatable
--collection NAME shortcut for "-T pcdm:collection -D dcterms:title
--container PATH parent container for the new resource; use this to
create a new resource with a repository-generated
See Delete Command
$ plastron echo --help
usage: plastron echo [-h] [-e ECHO_DELAY] -b BODY
Diagnostic command for echoing input to output. Primarily intended for testing
synchronous message processing.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e ECHO_DELAY, --echo-delay ECHO_DELAY
The amount of time to delay the reply, in seconds
-b BODY, --body BODY The text to echo back
$ plastron export --help
usage: plastron export [-h] -o OUTPUT_DEST [--key KEY] -f
[--uri-template URI_TEMPLATE] [-B]
[--binary-types BINARY_TYPES]
[uris [uris ...]]
Export resources from the repository as a BagIt bag
positional arguments:
uris URIs of repository objects to export
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT_DEST, --output-dest OUTPUT_DEST
Where to send the export. Can be a local filename or
--key KEY SSH private key file to use for SFTP connections
-f {text/turtle,turtle,ttl,text/csv,csv}, --format {text/turtle,turtle,ttl,text/csv,csv}
Format for exported metadata
--uri-template URI_TEMPLATE
Public URI template
-B, --export-binaries
Export binaries in addition to the metadata
--binary-types BINARY_TYPES
Include only binaries with a MIME type from this list
$ plastron extractocr --help
usage: plastron extractocr [-h] [--ignore IGNORE] [--no-transactions]
[--completed COMPLETED] [-f URIS_FILE]
[uris [uris ...]]
Create annotations from OCR data stored in the repository
positional arguments:
uris Repository URIs
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--ignore IGNORE, -i IGNORE
file listing items to ignore
--no-transactions, --no-txn
run the annotation process without using transactions
--completed COMPLETED
file recording the URIs of processed resources
File containing a list of URIs
$ plastron find --help
usage: plastron find [-h] [-R RECURSIVE] [-D PREDICATE VALUE]
[--match-all | --match-any]
[URI [URI ...]]
Find objects in the repository
positional arguments:
URI search at this URI in the repository
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
search additional objects found by traversing the
given predicate(s)
an RDF data property to match; VALUE is treated as a
Literal; repeatable
an RDF object property to match; VALUE is treated as a
CURIE or URIRef; repeatable
-T TYPE, --rdf-type TYPE
RDF type to match; equivalent to "-O rdf:type TYPE";
TYPE is treated as a CURIE or URIRef; repeatable
--match-all require all properties to match to include a resource
in the result list; this is the default behavior
--match-any require at least one property to match to include a
resource in the result list
$ plastron imgsize --help
usage: plastron imgsize [-h] [uris [uris ...]]
Add width and height to image resources
positional arguments:
uris URIs of repository objects to get image info
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
See Import Command
$ plastron list --help
usage: plastron list [-h] [-l] [uris [uris ...]]
List objects in the repository
positional arguments:
uris URIs of repository objects to list
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l, --long Display additional information besides the URI
$ plastron load --help
usage: plastron load [-h] -b BATCH [-d] [-n] [-l LIMIT] [-% PERCENT]
[--no-annotations] [--no-transactions] [--ignore IGNORE]
[--wait WAIT]
Load a batch into the repository
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --dry-run iterate over the batch without POSTing
-n, --no-binaries iterate without uploading binaries
-l LIMIT, --limit LIMIT
limit the load to a specified number of top-level
-% PERCENT, --percent PERCENT
load specified percentage of total items
--no-annotations iterate without loading annotations (e.g. OCR)
--no-transactions, --no-txn
run the load without using transactions
--ignore IGNORE, -i IGNORE
file listing items to ignore
--wait WAIT, -w WAIT wait n seconds between items
required arguments:
-b BATCH, --batch BATCH
path to batch configuration file
Option | Description |
The "main" file of the batch |
URI of the repository collection that the objects will be added to |
The handler to use |
Option | Description | Default |
The directory containing the batch configuration file | |
Where to find the data files for the batch; relative paths are relative to ROOT_DIR |
data |
Where to write the mapfile, skipfile, and other logging info; relative paths are relative to ROOT_DIR |
logs |
Where to store the record of completed items in this batch; relative paths are relative to LOG_DIR |
mapfile.csv |
Any additional options required by the handler |
Note: The plastron.load.*.log
files are currently written to the
repository log directory, not to batch log directory.
$ plastron ping --help
usage: plastron ping [-h]
Check connection to the repository
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
$ plastron reindex --help
usage: plastron reindex [-h] [-R RECURSIVE] [uris [uris ...]]
Reindex objects in the repository
positional arguments:
uris URIs of repository objects to reindex
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Reindex additional objects found by traversing the
given predicate(s)
$ plastron stub --help
usage: plastron stub [-h] --identifier-column IDENTIFIER_COLUMN
--binary-column BINARY_COLUMN
[--rename-binary-column RENAME_BINARY_COLUMN]
[--member-of MEMBER_OF] [--access ACCESS]
create stub resources with just an identifier and binary
positional arguments:
source_file name of the CSV file to create stubs from; use "-" to
read from STDIN
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--identifier-column IDENTIFIER_COLUMN
column in the source CSV file with a unique identifier
for each item
--binary-column BINARY_COLUMN
column in the source CSV file with the location of the
binary to load. Supports http: and https: (must begin
with "http:" or "https:"), and file resources
(relative or absolute file path). Relative file paths
are relative to where the command is run.
--rename-binary-column RENAME_BINARY_COLUMN
Renames the binary column in the CSV output to the
provided name.
--member-of MEMBER_OF
URI of the object that new items are PCDM members of
--access ACCESS URI or CURIE of the access class to apply to new items
--container CONTAINER_PATH
parent container for new items; defaults to the
RELPATH in the repo configuration file
-o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
destination for a copy of the source CSV file with the
binary-column value replaced with the newly created
repository URI for the binary; defaults to STDOUT if
not given
$ plastron update --help
usage: plastron update [-h] -u UPDATE_FILE [-R RECURSIVE] [-d]
[--no-transactions] [--validate] [-m MODEL]
[--completed COMPLETED] [-f FILE]
[uris [uris ...]]
Update objects in the repository
positional arguments:
uris URIs of repository objects to update
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u UPDATE_FILE, --update-file UPDATE_FILE
Path to SPARQL Update file to apply
Update additional objects found by traversing the
given predicate(s)
-d, --dry-run Simulate an update without modifying the repository
--no-transactions, --no-txn
run the update without using transactions
--validate validate before updating
-m MODEL, --model MODEL
The model class to use for validation (Item, Issue,
Poster, or Letter)
--completed COMPLETED
file recording the URIs of updated resources
-f FILE, --file FILE File containing a list of URIs to update
$ plastron verify -h
usage: plastron verify [-h] [-l LOG]
Verify item URI's are indexed in Solr and display URI's that aren't
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l LOG, --log LOG completed log file from an import job
Commands are implemented as a package in plastron.cli.commands.{cmd_name}
that contain, at a minimum, a function named configure_cli
and a class
named Command
The configure_cli
function takes an argparse subparsers object and
creates and configures a subparser to handle its specific command-line
The Command
class should inherit from plastron.cli.BaseCommand
, and must
have a __call__
method that takes an argparse.Namespace object, and
executes the actual command.
For a simple example, see the list
command, as implemented in
import logging
from argparse import Namespace
from plastron.cli.commands import BaseCommand
from plastron.models.pcdm import PCDMFile
from plastron.namespaces import ldp
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def configure_cli(subparsers):
parser = subparsers.add_parser(
description='List objects in the repository'
# long mode to print more than just the URIs (name modeled after ls -l)
'-l', '--long',
help='Display additional information besides the URI',
'uris', nargs='*',
help='URIs of repository objects to list'
class Command(BaseCommand):
def __call__(self, args: Namespace):
self.long = args.long
for uri in args.uris:
resource = self.context.repo[uri].read()
if resource.is_binary:
for child_resource in resource.walk(min_depth=1, max_depth=1,
if self.long:
description = child_resource.describe(PCDMFile)
title = str(description.title)
print(f'{child_resource.url} {title}')
The Command
class has a context
attribute that contains a
object. This context object provides the following
objects, configured using the current config file and arguments:
Attribute | Type |
endpoint |
plastron.client.Endpoint |
client |
plastron.client.Client |
repo |
plastron.repo.Repository |
broker | |
handle_client |
plastron.handles.HandleServiceClient |
Any RuntimeError
exceptions are caught by the plastron
script and
cause it to exit with a status code of 1. Any KeyboardInterrupt
exceptions (for instance, due to the user pressing Ctrl+C) are
also caught by the plastron
script and cause it to exit with a status
code of 2.