- KLS-247 - Add hero_image and hero_video to article page for freeports work
- KLS-358 - Missing content on Investment Opportunity content editing panels
- KLS-411 - Upgraded Cryptography to 39.0.1
- Upgraded Django version to 3.2.18
- KLS-288 patch django v3.2.16
Fix for elastic apm failure in pipeline
- KLS-205 - Upgrade django and wagtail
- KLS-249 - Add ability to get related investment opportunities by investment_type
- KLS-27 - Add intro_video field to investment opportunity page
- KLS-118 - Upgrade oauthlib to secure version
- GLS-403 - Upgrade to Python version 3.9.13
- GLS-407 - Remove International EU exit form
- GLS-316 - Add functionality to store a hero CTA title and URL for the investment atlas landing page.
- GLS-301 - Fix select2 vulnerability
- GLS-193 - prevent invalid latitude/longitude in linked location coordinates
- GLS-190 - fix Django vulnerability
- NOTICKET - Boto upgrade
- GLS-45 - Remove unused and deprecated models
- GP2-3415 - Move Capital Invest form to Atlas
- GP2-3334 - Remove redundant models and pages
- GP2-3387 - Management command to purge admin users
- Updated AWS REGION in settings
- GP2-3740: Python 3.9 upgrade
- NOTICKET: Added GreatMedia to d-cms
- NOTICKET: Increase character limit in InvestmentOpportunityPage
- NOTICKET: Increase/remove character limit some field in AboutUKRegionPage
- NOTICKET: Amended case_study_text to Markdownfield for AboutUKRegionPage
- NOTICKET: Buildpack and Python upgrade
- NOTICKET: increase character limit for case study text in AboutUKRegionPage
- NOTICKET: increase character limit for investment type
- NOTICKET: Rename serializer to avoid name clash/redefinition
- NOTICKET: Increase length of case study text field on region page (255 to 500 chars)
- NOTICKET: Add help text to the streamfield text blocks that use a markdown HR as expander toggle
- NOTICKET: Added HeroSerializer for InvestmentOpportunityPageSerializer to align with other page
- NOTICKET: Increased character limit for regional summary intro field
- NOTICKET: Added more page type to be selected for regions/sectors pages as related page
- NOTICKET: Added markdown serializer for intro field of WhyInvestInTheUK page
- GP2-3302: Added related pages for sector/industries pages
- GP2-3301: Added related pages selection panel for Region listing page
- GP2-3374: Refactor WhyInvestInTheUK page /model
- GP2-3407: Rename HPO contact page as FDI
- GP2-3400: Update block spec for general Atlas content page to allow optional CTAs
- GP2-3394: Fix InternalOrExternalLinkBlock's url generation
- NOTICKET: add opportunity_summary to opp listing page results
- GP2-3398: Add AboutUKRegionPage.region_summary_section_strapline field
- GP2-3374: Refactor WhyInvestUK page
- GP2-3400: Backend for new How We Can Help page, via generic content page
- NOTICKET: Allowing article as a subpage of WhyInvestintheUK page
- NOTICKET: Update downpage content block on Sector page to support text+image block
- NOTICKET: Update serializer for Regions page to show hero thumbnails for regions
- GP2-3392: Refactor CMS to have specific hero and intro images for InvestmentOpportunityPage
- GP2-3374: Add new WhyInvestInTheUK page
- GP2-3393: Add mobile hero image to Investment Atlas landing page
- GP2-3216: Add images for each region in regions listings page
- NOTICKET: Small CMS-related snags from early feedback
- GP2-3215: Add InternationalInvestmentSectorPage and ...SubSectorPage to replace original ones
- GP2-3160: Amending Parent/SubPage so restructing content
- GP2-3287: Add Related Opportunities to the region-page's serializer
- GP2-3158: REVIST Refactor of InternationalHomepage on the CMS side -- had to make a simpler version after reverting previous branch, because migrations timed out
- GP2-3158: Refactor InternationalHomepage on the CMS side (Page, translations, serializer)
- GP2-3330: Extend InvestmentOpportunityForListPageSerializer to guarantee representation of PlanningStatus snippet
- GP2-3330: Extend PlanningStatus snippet model field to support a verbose description
- GP2-3306: Support reusable snippets in InvestmentOpportunityPage's main content streamfield
- GP2-3157: (Extension): Refactor the InvestmentOpportunity page in light of new designs
- NOTICKET: Fix failing PutObject call from Wagtail
- GP2-3157: Add new InvestmentAtlasLandingPage model to to CMS, incl serializer
- GP2-3153: Add new Opportunity detail page to CMS, incl serializer
- GP2-3154: Add new Opportunity listing page to CMS, incl serializer
- NO-TICKET: urllib3 vulnerability alert fixup
- NO-TICKET: fixed InvestmentOpportunityForListPageSerializer when there is no planning_status
- NO-TICKET - wagtail upgrade to 2.11
- NO-TICKET - Bump Python runtime to 3.6.12
- GBAU-927 - Add robots.txt, disallowing everything
- GBAU-887 - Send MarketingArticlePages to ActivityStream so they appear in search results
- GAA-31 - Upgrading wagtail to 2.10
- no-ticket - migrate to codecov remove coveralls
- GAA-31 - Upgrading Wagtail to 2.9
- No ticket - Update of dependencies to fix security vulnerability
- No ticket - Stop using signal.alarm for bailing out of expensive code
- No ticket - Improve caching of markets endpoint
- No ticket - Upgrade django to fix security vulnerability
- No ticket - Upgraded dependencies to fix security vulnerability
- No ticket - Expedite non-success response during cache miss
- no ticket - Add APM support
- XOT-1341 - Make fields 3* optional fields
- CI-677 - Add CTA link field to Capital Investment homepage hero
- no ticket - Add cache supoort to draft pages
- No ticket - v3-cipipeline manifest.yml file fix
- no ticket - Handle non-serializable page requested via /api/pages//
- no ticket - Upgrade bleach to fix vulnerability
- no ticket - return only pks on /api/pages/
- no ticket - Add caching to /api/pages//
- CMS-1859 - Simplify caching system
- no ticket - Remove region support
- CI-658 - Make international home page featured link urls editable, refactor serializers
- No ticket - Add tests to find circular references in cache update subscriptions
- No ticket - Remove circular references in cache update subscriptions
- XOT-1275 - Add MADB link field to country guide
- No ticket - Fix error on opportunity page
- XOT-1285 madb content markdown field
- No ticket - Upgrade Django to fix security vulnerability
- No ticket - Fix markets page draft results bug
- No ticket - Refactor related opportunities serializer
- TT-2254 - Cleaned up obsolete settings
- XOT-1278 - Allow article pages under marketing pages folder
- TT-2248 - Facilitate .internal domain communication
- XOT-1279 - Speed up markets landing page
- No ticket - Update pillow to fix vulnerability
- CI-627 - Add ebook section to AboutDitServicesPage, remove translations for images
- No ticket - Roll back modeltranslation to fix issue with page copy
- No ticket - Delete unused field from serializer to prevent page returning too much data and causing an error
- XOT-1210 - Upgrade staff sso library to 1.0.0
- XOT-1232 - Country guides filtering API
- TT-1304 - Upgrade sentry client
- XOT-1249 - Fix redis connection, allowing cache population on save
- No ticket - Fix copy upstream
- No ticket - Add SOO homepage
- XOT-1177 - Upgrade Wagtail to 2.6.3
- XOT-1170 - Remove old fields from domestic homepage
- XOT-1183 - Fix missing translated child articles on how to setup page
- XOT-1107 - Serialize subheading and teaser of child pages of topic landing page
- XOT-1161 - Make fields optional on market guides
- no ticket - Fix sector counts on markets homepage
- No ticket - Improve db fixtures
- XOT-1144 - Market access database component
- XOT-1136 - Add Brexit chevron component to great.gov.uk homepage
- XOT-1141 - What's new component
- XOT-1139 - How DIT helps component
- XOT-1111 - Allow external link on hero CTA button
- XOT-1113 - CMS language cookie bug fix
- XOT-1045 - Add IndustryTags to keywords monitored by site-wide search function
- XOT-1107 - Fix bug where all descendants were serialized by ChildPagesSerializerHelper instead of only direct children
- no ticket - revert XOT-1074
- XOT-1107 - Add article pages to serializer for topic pages, only serialize necessary data
- XOT-1444 - add article video transcript component
- XOT-1108 - Filter markets by sector
- XOT-1074 - Add
to the children ofTopicLandingPage
- CI-508 - Allowing DIT services pages to be children of invest, capital invest and trade home pages
- CI-510 - Updated help panel to mirror front-end changes
- XOT-1124 - Add icon and pages count to industry tags
- CI-518 - Added new how dit help fields to International Home page
- CI-493 - Added how we help ctas to Invest, Expand and Trade home pages
- CI-522 - Added new fields for new expand home page
- No ticket - Add missing field to serializer
- CI-498 - Changed ebook pdf to a cta link
- XOT-1039 - Add campaign block to Great Domestic Homepage
- No ticket - Add database fixtures and update readme with usage instructions
- CI-503 - Added fields to WhyChooseUkPage for ready to trade
- No ticket - Reinstate db template and add makefile commands to make setting up fresh database faster
- CMS-1732 - Add new fields to HPO detail page for image alt and video transcript
- XOT-1035 - Add hero image renditions for new responsive frontend component
- XOT-1020 - Added extra fields to article page type (domestic and international)
- CI-460 - Added updated fields to Capital invest contact form and success pages
- CI-475 - Added featured description to About DIT services page to be used on featured cards
- CI-476 - Allow invest regions pages to be added as related regions to About UK pages
- CI-477 - Why choose the UK page can add international article page as child
- XOT-1033 - Great domestic homepage
- CI-478 - Added breadcrumbs label to capital invest landing page
- CI-474 - Allowed pages to be moved to reflect new IA, changed Invest and About UK landing pages children pages
- CI-451 - Added new fields to International home page
- CI-479 - Added video to Why choose UK Page
- CI-480 - Added SEOOptimisationPanel to more pages
- No ticket - Improve speed of test execution
- XOT-1073 Add industry tags to Country Pages
- CI-486 - Added brexit banner field to
- CI-496 - Updated field on
to be markdown - CI-492 - Added
to region page - No ticket - Add migrations check to CircleCI
- XOT-1033 - Fix hero CTA link serializer
- No ticket - Fixed base sector page serializer being in serializer_mapping
- No ticket - Undone CI-496 changes, markdown field back to charfield
- no ticket - Management command that lists pages containing slug-base hyperlinking
- CMS-1832 - Update django
- CMS-1753 - Remove slug links from markdown fields
- CI-431 - Added
which will replaceCapitalInvestRegionPage
- CI-400 - Added related regions and text on About Uk pages for map
- XOT-1020 - Added extra fields to article page type (domestic and international)
- CMS-1716 - Remove obsolete code
- CMS-1830 - Move title field into translated admin panels to fix bug with untranslated tree_based_breadcrumbs
- No ticket - Make teaser field optional in international articles
- No ticket - Add featured industries to Invest home page
- CI-321 - About UK landing page
- CI-276 - Added
- CI-429 - Tree based breadcrumbs can now use
if available
- CI-426 - Added pdf document upload to why choose uk page for ebook section
- CMS-1774 - Use correct slug for Invest region landing page for tree based routing
- CMS-1596 - Use correct slugs for new FAS pages under great international for tree based routing. Hide "uses tree-based routing" checkbox from admin panels
- CMS-1664 (Follow-up) - Update admin panels on international invest homepage
- CMS-1664 (Follow-up) - Update fields on international invest homepage to match those in invest/models
- No ticket - Split up code in great domestic to make files smaller
- No ticket - Update db template after new migrations added
- CMS-1692 - More small tweaks to Invest HPO pages
- CI-323 - Added "About the UK" section pages - landing page and "why choose the UK" page
- CI-365 - Changed the "Contact Us" section on the services page in "About DIT" to have its body be markdown
- TT-1689 - Move tests in the tests folder
- CI-368 - Add ebooks promotional section on "why choose the UK" page
- CI-367 - Update
- CI-366 - Add CTA to UK benefits section of invest home page
- CI-383 - Populated About DIT landing page
- CI-325 - Removed prioritised checkbox from capital invest opportunity page as it is now being randomised
- CI-328 - Removed unused fields for capital invest opportunity page
- No-ticket - Fix models hierarchy
- CI-404 - Clean up new Invest International home page fields that are no longer used
- No ticket - Fix not being able to create invest region landing page under homepage
- CI-373 - Fix panels on why choose UK page
- XOT-932 - Add Country Guide pages to search
- CI-342 - CapitalInvestOpportunityPage gets all projects that have the same related sector as self so they can be randomised
- CI-344 - Similar projects title and related_page_one/teo/three CapitalInvestOpportunityPage` are no longer used, only removed from panels for now
- CMS-1648 - Added tree-based routing helpers
- XOT-922 - Added Marketing Article Page template
- CMS-1692 - Update HPO pages to work with tree based routing. Added hero thumbnail image rendition to use with card frontend component. Changed slug for contact pages.
- CMS-1664 - Update invest homepage model to use correct new url for tree based routing
- No ticket - Split up model and admin panel code in great international app to make files much shorter and easier to work with
- CI-304 - Gave opportunity page a related region page and a scale numerical value to use for filtering
- CI-267 - Added cta text and link for sector page for related opportunities section
- CMS-1727 - Move region pages from Invest to International
- CI-324 - Made
and sector and new sub-sector page inherit from this and opportunity listing page filters by sub sector - CI-322 - Added "About DIT" placeholder landing page
- CI-322 - Added "About DIT" services pages
- NOTICKET - Capital invest landing page image serializers use aspect ratio for card images
- CMS-1737 - Fix 500 on user approval
- NOTICKET - Upgrade Django to 2.2.3 to fix vulnerability alert
- CMS-1666 - Updated
page values in accordance with directory-constants 18.0.0 - Upgraded
to 20.0.0
- CMS-1678 - Fix SSO login bug by using a later version of django-staff-sso-client
- no ticket - Turn off Debug Toolbar locally by default, as it prevents some pages from being created (fix in Wagtail 2.6)
- no-ticket - Update
to fix django 2 incompatibility - CMS-1676 - Fix copy upstream
Implemented enhancements:
- XOT-763 - Serialize parent pages for use in breadcrumbs and GA360 page category/section
- CMS-1591 - Copy invest homepage and HPO pages in International app
- CMS-1604 - Added
(a less restrictive version ofExclusivePageMixin
) and used for page types in great_international - CI-165 - Redesign of capital invest pages, added help panels to show which fields are required to get section to show on capital invest pages
- CMS-1627 - Replace GreatInternationalApp with InternationalHomePage
- CMS-1627 - Replace ExportReadinessApp with HomePage
- CI-125 - Changed field types and max_length for some fields in the capital invest opportunity pages
- CI-216 - Add icon headings to cms with default text that was old hardcoded text on Opportunity pages
- CI-211 - Created basic opportunity listing page
- CMS-1624 - Copy FAS homepage and industry contact pages in International app
- CMS-1507 - Upgraded to Django 2.2 and Wagtail 2.5
- CI-217 - Fix Django security vulnerability by updating to new patch version.
- CMS-1670 - Fix issue with international root page ending up with incorrect ContentType after applying migrations from CMS-1627
- NOTICKET - Removed duplicate
on sector page
Implemented enhancements:
- CMS-1561 - (follow up) Don't output intro CTA dictionary when link and/or title are empty
- CMS-1561 - Removed CTA fields from accordions on country guide page. Added new CTAs to be displayed at the top of the page. Regenerated db template to speed up tests
- CMS-1419 - Added Wagtail registration view for SSO users, group info management UI, and updated user edit view to mark users as approved
- CMS-1421 - Integrate with GOV.UK Notify to send SSO user approval notifications
- CI-104 - Added capital invest landing, region, sector and opportunity pages.
- NOTICKET - Removed blanket debug logging to remove noise when using interactive shell tools
- CI-144 - Updated capital invest landing page to match more recent invision designs
- CI-148 - Updated capital invest pages to match more recent page designs
- CI-150 - Updated featured cards on Invest home page to be more flexible and all from cms
- CI-128 - Changed required fields to be nullable and added new fields for featured cards on Invest home page
- CI-152 - Changed
next steps
sections to becontact
section on capital invest pages - CI-153 - Removed the cards pdf buttons on Capital Invest Landing page, region cards are now only displayed with markdown text
- CMS-1638 - Prevent leaking user information on sql table dump
- CMS-1603 - Introduced separate base page classes for each app so that unique slug enforcement can be relaxed in great_international
- CMS-1556 - Fixed copy upstream not working for pages that have the same slug but exist under different apps
- CMS-1578 - Fixed issue with
middleware that caused anAttributeError
to be raised when a users was not authenticated - CMS-1423 - Updated SSO notifications to use the user's first name in the greeting, instead of the full name
- CMS-1419 - Fixed 'too_many_redirects' when logging in via SSO
- NOTICKET - Upgrade django-restframework to 3.9.4 to fix XSS vulnerability
- CMS-1589 - Upgrade django-staff-sso-client to version 0.3.0 to fix blank username field bug
- NOTICKET - Update guidance for
in README - CI-154 - Added section three to guide landing page for ISD/contact section
- CMS-1633 - Removed
override fromBasePage
so that child pages of differing types are deleted as intended
Implemented enhancements:
- CMS-1468 - Copied international EU Exit contact form models into great_international
- CMS-1417 - Integrate staff SSO
- CMS-1462 - Remove char limit from fields in
- CMS-1449 - Upgrade to wagtailmedia 0.3.0, for future Wagtail 2.4+ compat
- CMS-1396 - Improve
efficiency by fetching site and routing settings in the same query - CI-99 - Removed unused fields for the capital invest banner on the Invest landing page
- CI-101 - Added Investor Support Directory section to
- CMS-1397 - Updated custom url methods on
to support tree-based routing when enabled - CMS-1399 - Replaced unused
API endpoint with newlookup_by_path
API endpoint to support tree-based routing - CMS-1396 - Made 'uses_tree_based_routing' field editable in the CMS for all international page types
- CI-116 - Moved sections around in content panels, removed cta_text fields and added capital investment image on Invest Landing Page
- CMS-1248 - Removed JPEG compression overrides to improve image quality
- CMS-1446 - Prevent changing of a user's personal details when SSO is enforced for users
- NOTICKET - Optimised
by uisngspecific_class
to access class attribute values instead ofspecific
- NOTICKET - Optimised serializers by using page-type specific queries instead of
where possible
- Upgraded urllib3 to fix vulnerability
Implemented enhancements:
- Added
to enable maintenance mode
Implemented enhancements:
- Added
feature highlight
andfeature link
fields toInternationalHomePage