cpack can generate native binary package for ubuntu and fedora, even MacOS and Windows. Windows NSIS packaging is one package generator for cpack, but it is yet tested. Installation by conda for windows would be a better choice for C++ and Python API users.
Inside the build folder, run make package
to generate *.deb or *.rpm.
's configuration (package meta info collection) is located at the bottom of the project toplevel CMakeLists.txt. For each target to install, call the corresponding cmake command install(target ...)
The generated packages is a all-in-one package include all (lib, bin, python module, headers).
For example, unzip the deb package file, all installed files are organized in subfolders 'bin/', 'lib/', 'include/'
- Binaries, executables
- Headers, by PUBLIC_HEADER DESTINATION include/Geom
- Library, shared libraries like
- Python interface module
If system-wide python3 (installed from official repository) is used, which can be confirmed by which python3
, this deb/rpm will have the correct python interface module installed.
Note: this fold structure does not work on windows
Headers are not a compiling target, but can be installed eather as files or attached to some compiling target as PUBLIC_HEADER properties.
set_target_properties(MyGeom PROPERTIES
PUBLIC_HEADER "${GEOM_HEADERS}") # must use quote, otherwise only the first one
install(TARGETS MyGeom
COMPONENT libraries
# can be renamed `RENAME` `PERMISSIONS`
it is not decided where to install the test data, therefore, unit test can only run in build folder.
test data, test files,
Unit test can be turned off by CMake option -DPPP_USE_TEST=OFF
python3 -c "import sys; print(sys.path)"
CMake can install all python stuff like utility scripts and extension
from distutils import sysconfig as sc
print(sc.get_python_lib(prefix='', plat_specific=True))"
should generate an all-in-one package (deb/rpm) including this python module. This python module installation route needs more testing for different platform.
is another choice to support more platforms, by make install should be installed to conda python' site, while it is not clear on Windows conda.
is Third-party platform independent installation directory.
Information returned by distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib(plat_specific=False,standard_lib=False)
is Third-party platform dependent installation directory.
Information returned by distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib(plat_specific=True,standard_lib=False)
The python interface module ppp
gives API similar with C++, e.g. class PipelineController
, via pybind11 wrapping C++ API. It is a not a pure Python module, but C-extension module must be compiled with a specific python version. It means different installer is needed for python 3.6 and python3.7, even if they link to the same c++ shared libraries (
Although cmake has generate python extension "ppp.*.so" on Linux, it targets only one python version detected by cmake. It should be possible to add cmake option to choose python versions, if multiple versions are installed. To specify the python version during cmake configuration.
Extra python interface module can be generated by
for another version of Python, after cmake has successfully compled the all C++ targets such as pppGeom
shared library.
It is driven by full_path_to_python bdist_wheel
(implemented yet tested).
Currently, there are 2 hardcoded paths in <../python/>
It is assumed, the binary building dir is the build
folder in the repository source dir, (see how the variable ppp_lib_dir
assigned in just as the compiling instruction shown in <> If a different building dir is used, manually change that variable.
Another assumption is occt_include_dir = "/usr/include/opencascade"
, change it if necessary.
when ppp
module is not built/installed,
will start an external process to run the command geomPipeline your_config.json
is pure python script, so geomPipeline your_config.json
works for any version of CPython; the drawback is that c++ class's python wrapping is not available.
It is expected some binary packages will be generated by CI system on the hosting web. Tutorial for manuall upload binary as release:
Github workflow CI should generate new binary packages on each git push, that is dev build with version 0.3-dev
git tag v0.3.0
or branch if necessary in the stable release stage.
cd build && cmake -DPPP_VERSION_NAME="0.3.0" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. && make -j4 && make package
run the unit test, then manually upload the packages to github Release.
Docker will be used to generate binary package for more platforms
if version increases, edit
in github workflow CI yml files- PACKAGE_VERSION in project CMakeLists.txt
- download link in
It is important to have a meaningful and precise package file name, which is fixed in the project's CMakeLists.txt,
The package file has the name pattern: parallel-preprocessor-<this_software_version>-dev_<OS name>-<OS version>.<package_suffix>
so later the generated package file can be located and uploaded to release endpoints by CI workflow.
If your OS is not supported, you need to compile it by yourself, there is documentation for installation dependency and build for all major platforms.
update source zip :
Official actions actions/upload-release-asset@v1
does not work for me, so I use "svenstaro/upload-release-action@v2"
First of all, I create release tag, then upload binary package manually (creating file endpoint url by this uploading), to reserve a asset url,
then run this action to update the package on each push.
# those release asset filename (is created manually before running this action)
- name: Upload binary package to release
uses: svenstaro/upload-release-action@v2
repo_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
file: ${{ github.workspace }}/build/${{ env.PROJECT_NAME }}-${{ env.PROJECT_VERSION }}_${{ matrix.os }}.deb
asset_name: ${{ env.PROJECT_NAME }}-${{ env.PROJECT_VERSION }}_${{ matrix.os }}.deb
tag: dev
overwrite: true
prerelease: true
if: always()
Error: Resource not accessible by integration
Only users in the admin group may have the write access to the repo ( e.g. upload packages to release points). Users sent PR will fail, leading to CI check failure.
fix issue#7 by disable uploading package except main branch
if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' # only upload package on main branch, not PR
Meanwhile developer working with a forked repo should have the write access to the release endpoint in the fork repo.
Conda package building also relies on install(target ...)
cmake command.
Compiling parallel-preprocessor on windows with dependencies installed by conda-forge, has been confirmed working. Upload to conda-forge is yet configured.
The conda recipe is based on cmake build system. This will install all components (c++ headers, shared-libraries, python interface) to conda's installation directory.
Compile and build in docker has been tested, Dockerfile for fedora, centos, ubuntu LTS are available in the sourse repository.
Centos7 has been tested to compile. Deployment on HPC without admin privilege is under-investigation. UKAEA HPC has centos 7.x OS. Singularity image can be a choice for user installation, to maximize the multi-threading or MPI performance.