Releases: uiwjs/react-color
Releases · uiwjs/react-color
npm i @uiw/[email protected]
- 💄 chore: update workflows config. 0bec80f
- 🎨 style(Colorful): Modify pointer styles. 2a21c69
- 🌟 feat(EditableInputRGBA): add new component. cdd8df4
- 📖 doc(Color): Update document. 8feec85
- 💄 chore: update workflows config. 6e2269f
- ⛑ test: Fix Cannot find module '@uiw/react-color-editable-input' 0d47b39
- 💄 chore(deps): update dependency @types/react to v17.0.14 1570772
- 🐝 refactor(Saturation): Optimize the code. 2737ff6
- 🎨 style(Colorful): Modify pointer position. 11b6fd4
- 💄 chore(deps): update dependency @types/react-dom to v17.0.9 f92517a
- 💄 chore(deps): update dependency husky to v7.0.1 26078be
- 🎨 style(Colorful): Modify border style. 18a7810
npm i @uiw/[email protected]
npm i @uiw/[email protected]
npm i @uiw/[email protected]
npm i @uiw/[email protected]
- ⛑ test(Sketch): add test case. 1f099a8
- 📖 doc(Compact): Update document. e0417ad
- 🌟 feat(EditableInput): add new component. bd5a8fa
- 🐞 fix(EditableInput): Fix the input value issue. a0f8675
- ⛑ test(EditableInput): add test case. ab8f20d
- ⛑ test(EditableInput): add test case. c9c4527
- 🌍 website(EditableInput): Add document. 379507f
- 🐞 fix(color-convert): fix hexToHsva hex4 errors. 3f82b27
- 🎨 style(EditableInput): Modify styles. 30416de
- 🌟 feat(Sketch): add editable input. b87400c
- 🐞 fix(Sketch): fix editable input issue. dccd6e8
- 📖 doc: Update 8e306ea
npm i @uiw/[email protected]
- 💄 chore(Alpha): add test case. 163c679
- ⛑ test(hue): add test case. de80bc1
- ⛑ test(ShadeSlider): add test case. 223b5cf
- 🌟 feat(Sketch): Enhanced onChange props. 84dc5ef
- 🌍 website: Update example. 2bc9520
- 💄 chore: update renovate.json bbfc600
- 🆎 type(Sketch): fix type errors. e248977
- 📄 teat(Convert/Slider): add test case. 0108839
npm i @uiw/[email protected]
- 🌟 feat(color-alpha): export BACKGROUND_IMG. 50a5b10
- 📄 webiste: update styles. 84cefa1
- ⛑ test: add test case. 820dd2a
- 📖 doc: update c6c0e72
- 🌟 feat(color-compact): add getContrastingColor props. c71c787
- ⛑ test(color-convert): add test case. f01cac1
- 🌟 feat(color-compact): add new component. 1fe32b0
- 🌟 feat: color add return content hex/hexa f7f0c13
- 🌟 feat(color-compact): Modify onChange handle. 0798245
- ⛑ test(drag-event-interactive): add test case. 6a5a2f7
npm i @uiw/[email protected]
- 💄 chore(deps): update dependency husky to v7 c867080
- 💄 chore: remove .husky/.gitignore f128ad6
- 📖 doc(color): update document. cc3b833
- 🐞 fix(color-convert): Fix hexToRgba/rgbaToHex errors. 8b83be5
- 🐞 fix(color-convert): The accuracy of the repair value. d6949b2
- 🎨 style: add className props. 85e685f
- 🌍 website: update public/index.html dd49e4e
- 🎨 style(color-sketch): Modify panel styles. 5b11d69
- 🌟 feat(color-convert): add rgbaToHexa/color b5522c6
- 📖 doc: update document. 7a8d6bb
- 🌟 feat(color-slider): add new component. d6607ec
- 💄 chore: update workflows config. ea9f230
npm i @uiw/[email protected]
- 🌍 website: view markdown document. cf4492e
- 📄 Add renovate.json 2dd86c7
- 💄 chore(deps): update dependency prettier to v2.3.2 39527c9
- 💄 chore(deps): update dependency @types/react to v17.0.13 52cf49f
- 📄 webiste: update example. 70cbeae
- 📖 doc(color): update document. 6d665d8
- 💄 chore: update workflows config. 86029bd
- 🌍 website: add favicon icon. 2d55709
- 📖 doc(color): update document. ccec7c8
- 📖 doc(color): update document. 5afdd03
- 📖 doc(color): update document. b4445ee
- 💄 chore: update workflows config. 9be861e