All programming exercise solutions you hand in must compile properly on the ZID-GPL server. The easiest way of ensuring this is by developing on ZID-GPL directly, either through a terminal or using an editor/IDE with support for remote development via SSH (such as Visual Studio Code).
Note that the default version of the GCC compiler present on ZID-GPL is extremely outdated.
You may load a newer version by calling module load gcc/9.2.0
It appears as there is a bug where man pages cannot be viewed after loading a module. This has been reported to ZID and be fixed (hopefully) soon. In the meantime please use the following command to work around this issue:
NOTE: You have to be inside the University network to be able to connect via SSH. See here for more information.
To log into ZID-GPL via SSH, use the following command on Linux/Mac OSX:
ssh -l <username>
On Windows, you can use Powershell (Windows 10) or a third-party SSH client such as PuTTY.