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Running regression test using rt.sh
Minsuk Ji edited this page Oct 26, 2020
10 revisions
- Set of simple shell script files and input files
- Build + Run
- Run only (workaround)
- Supports Rocoto and ecFlow workflow managers
- ./rt.sh -f to run full regression tests
- ./rt.sh -c to create new baselines
- Regression test root directory: ufs-weather-model/tests
rt.sh calls:
- detect_machine.sh
- compile.sh
- run_test.sh which calls rt_utils.sh
- rt.sh uses following input files:
- rt.conf
- default_vars.sh
- <test-name>
- <run-setup-name>
- detect_machine.sh: detect and assign machine name, set account (nems is default)
- compile.sh: calls build.sh which in turn invokes CMake build
- run_test.sh: sets env variables, run directory, etc., prepares a canned case in the run directory, and calls rt_utils functions
- rt_utils.sh: contains utility functions, e.g.,
- submit_and_wait
- check_results
- rocoto_create_compile_task, rocoto_create_run_task, rocoto_run, rocoto_kill
- ecflow_create_compile_task, ecflow_create_run_task, ecflow_run, ecflow_kill
- rt.conf: specify compile and run cases
- COMPILE: specify build options
- RUN: specify <test-name> located in tests/
- Each row is processed sequentially
- Workflow managers: RUN depends on preceding COMPILE
- Two levels to set simulation parameters
- default_vars.sh sets default values
- <test-name> overrides default values, adds test-specific parameters, e.g.,
- SYEAR=2013, FHMAX=24, FDIAG=6, WLCLK=30
- Set environment variables that are passed onto various template files in parm/
- input.*.nml.IN
- nems.configure.*.IN
- model_configure.IN
- Specify configuration templates to use, e.g.,
- INPUT_NML=”input.mom6_ccpp.nml.IN”
- NEMS_CONFIGURE=”nems.configure.med_atm_ocn_ice_wav.IN”
- FV3_RUN=”cpld_fv3_mom6_cice_atm_flux_run.IN”
- Set up input data, grid data, etc. by copying files from baseline directory to run directory
- Baseline directory contains
- Subdirectories for input data (e.g., CICE_IC, MOM6_IC, FV3_input_data, MEDIATOR_ccpp)
- Subdirectories for previous run results (e.g., RT-Baselines_2d_warm_ccpp384)
- Make sure directories and files exist in RTPWD
- Baseline directory (RTPWD)
- Hera: /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/FV3-MOM6-CICE5/develop-YYYYMMDD
- Orion: /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/FV3-MOM6-CICE5/develop-YYYYMMDD
- Run directory root (RUNDIR_ROOT)
- Hera: /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/${USER}/S2S_RT/rt_$$
- Orion: /work/noaa/stmp/${USER}/stmp/${USER}/S2S_RT/rt_$$
- New baseline directory (NEW_BASELINE)
- Orion: /work/noaa/stmp/${USER}/stmp/${USER}/S2S_RT/REGRESSION_TEST_INTEL
- Triggered by COMPILE row in rt.conf with specified <MAKE_OPT>
- Build is done using CMakeLists.txt in ..
- compile.sh is a simple wrapper to interface with rt.sh
- If you build exe file separately (i.e., w/o rt.sh), make a copy as ufs-s2s-model/tests/fv3_0.exe. Also,
- $ cp ../NEMS/src/conf/modules.nems modules.fcst_0
- If you want to reuse your exe, keep a copy with a different name
- ./rt.sh: display usage information
- ./rt.sh -c | -f | -l | -m | -k | -r | -e | -h
- -c: create baseline
- -f: use rt.conf
- -l: use instead of rt.conf
- -m: compare against new baseline results
- -k: keep run directory
- -r: use Rocoto workflow manager
- -e: use ecFlow workflow manager
- -h: display help (same as ./rt.sh)
- If you make code changes that are not expected to change simulation results, you can run full regression tests afterward to demonstrate your changes do not break anything
- Currently, there are 14 standard regression tests on Hera and Orion
- In ufs-s2s-model/tests/ directory, use any one of the following:
- $ ./rt.sh -f >output 2>&1 &
- $ ./rt.sh -f -e (use ecFlow)
- $ ./rt.sh -fr (use Rocoto)
- $ ./rt.sh -fek (use ecFlow, keep run directory for post-run diagnosis)
- Create a file, say my_test.conf, with a single COMPILE and a single RUN
- $ cp rt.conf my_test.conf
- $ vi my_test.conf
- $ ./rt.sh -l my_test.conf
- Or make a copy of original rt.conf file
- $ cp rt.conf rt.conf.orig
- $ vi rt.conf
- $ ./rt.sh -f
- Your code changes are expected to change simulation results (e.g., physics change), and thus cannot be compared against existing baseline results
- You still need RTPWD as it contains the simulation input data
- ./rt.sh -c -f OR ./rt.sh -c -l my_test.conf
- rt.sh will copy input data from RTPWD to NEW_BASELINE
- Simulation results will be copied from RUNDIR to NEW_BASELINE
- If warm start (i.e., requires mediator files generated by a cold run)
- Run the corresponding cold run -- this will generate NEW_BASELINE/MEDIATOR_*/
- Use a new directory for NEW_BASELINE
- Change RTPWD to old NEW_BASELINE directory, which contains input and MEDIATOR_*
- ./rt.sh -c
- Manually move your NEW_BASELINE to emc.nemspara
- You have generated new baseline
- You want to compare all your subsequent tests against the new baseline
- ./rt.sh -m -f OR ./rt.sh -m -l my_test.conf
- Internally, -m flag sets RTPWD=${NEW_BASELINE}
- Configuration files (select, or copy and modify):
- rt.conf
- tests/<test-name>
- tests/fv3_conf/
- ../parm/input.*.nml.IN
- ../parm/nems.configure.*.IN
- ../parm/model_configure.IN
- ../parm/ice_in_template
- ../parm/MOM_input_template
- ./rt.sh -c -l my_test.conf
- Will not compare with existing baselines
- If your case requires new input data not in RTPWD, set RTPWD to your local directory
- Remove COMPILE row in rt.conf
- $ cp ../NEMS/exe/NEMS.x fcst_0.exe
- $ cp ../NEMS/src/conf/modules.nems modules.fcst_0
- This module file needs to be identical to the one you used for build
- $ ./rt.sh -f
- This approach does not work with workflow managers because RUN depends on COMPILE
- Summary files
- Hera: RegressionTests_hera.intel.log, Compile_hera.intel.log
- Orion: RegressionTests_orion.intel.log, Compile_orion.intel.log
- MISSING file, MISSING baseline, OK, NOT OK...
- ./rt.sh >output 2>&1 &: output of rt.sh
- Log files in log_hera.intel/ and log_orion.intel/
- compile_*.log: output of compile.sh and GNUmakefile
- run_*.log: output of run_test.sh
- Run directory RUNDIR_ROOT/
- .log: output of rt_fv3.sh. If rocoto used, also contains err & out from sbatch job
- subdir: contains all files necessary for simulation, e.g., sbatch job_card
- QUEUE is set to batch in rt.sh
- Commit Queue
- WCOSS2/Acorn Library Install Status
- News
- Making code changes in the UFS weather model using the GitHub repository
- UFS weather model code commit tutorial recordings
- Building model
- Running regression tests
- Regression Test Policy for Weather Model Platforms and Compilers
- Running operational requirements tests
- Porting to a new machine
spack-stack - builds prerequisite software stack for the UFS WM, including NCEPLIBS and NCEPLIBS-external
- NCEPLIBS - builds bundled library dependencies
- NCEPLIBS-external - builds external library dependencies