April 9th - Wilma Bainbridge
Wilma Bainbridge - Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago Department of Psychology
April 30th - Robert Munro
Robert Munro - Founder & CEO of Machine Learning Consulting
May 7th - Bogdan State
Bogdan State - Data Scientist at Facebook
May 14th - Heather Zheng
Heather Zheng - Neubauer Professor of Computer Science at the University of Chicago
May 21st - Molly Lewis
Molly Lewis - Research Scientist at Carnegie Mellon University in the Psychology and Social and Decision Sciences Departments
May 28th - Lynette Shaw
Molly Lewis - Assistant Professor of Complex Systems at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
For MACSS students
Run "python MyGitHubParticipation.py [username] [password]" to retrieve your github participate record. Do not include the brackets in your command.