Fixes broken link in async reading
Fixes broken link in async reading
Clarifies automated testing vs automated test suites.
Clarifies automated testing vs automated test suites.
feat: cookbooks for ides and test strengthening
feat: cookbooks for ides and test strengthening
Revert "adds cookbook as a separate site"
Revert "adds cookbook as a separate site"
adds cookbook as a separate site
adds cookbook as a separate site
adds cookbook as a separate site
adds cookbook as a separate site
adds cookbook as a separate site
adds cookbook as a separate site
Removes learning outcomes from introduction
Removes learning outcomes from introduction
Adds videos to testing chapter
Adds videos to testing chapter
Adds videos to construction chapter
Adds videos to construction chapter
Initial migration from pure markdown to Hugo.
Initial migration from pure markdown to Hugo.
adds introduction module
adds introduction module
adds license footer to content pages
adds license footer to content pages
fixes url for static images so they point to subdirectory
fixes url for static images so they point to subdirectory
updates directory location of hugo site in gh action workflow
updates directory location of hugo site in gh action workflow
customizes theme for course
customizes theme for course
updates directory location of hugo site in gh action workflow
updates directory location of hugo site in gh action workflow
updates directory location of hugo site in gh action workflow
updates directory location of hugo site in gh action workflow
updates directory location of hugo site in gh action workflow
updates directory location of hugo site in gh action workflow
updates directory location of hugo site in gh action workflow
updates directory location of hugo site in gh action workflow